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Messages - VNA - BMW Wank

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 142
General / Re: POLL Will you take the Vax
« on: 11 November 2020, 07:21:42 pm »
Happy to remove the word propaganda for you if you do not like it, but it perfectly describes what was done and needed for the UK to take the virus seriously.Here is the definition of the word Propaganda
  Propaganda is communication that is used primarily to influence an audience and further an agenda, which may not be objective and may be presenting facts selectively to encourage a particular synthesis or perception, or using loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information that is presented.[1]

Covid19 is not an agenda, It is not perception, it is not a myth pushed on the back of loaded language in order to produce an emotive result.

50,000 deaths in the UK, 10,000’s with long term health issues.  What is it that you do not understand?

It is real.    This thread is an insult to everybody that has been touched by Covid19.  I mean honestly, I am lost for words.  It is sickening.

This is the very worst kind of politics.  If you want to peddle this kind of crap, there is facebook and twitter.  Though I have to say that you may find that shortly the anti-vax accounts start getting shut down on those platforms – at least I certainly hope so.  In the meantime, I’d ask you not to peddle this crap here.  Your thread is deeply insulting and some may find it distressing.  It is not something we need on a bike forum.

General / Re: POLL Will you take the Vax
« on: 11 November 2020, 07:09:51 pm »
 What you are doing is dangerous Fazersharp, and it is wrong.
The spread of this miss-information has the ability to cost lives.

A new report by the Centre for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) has lambasted social media companies for allowing the anti-vaccine movement to remain on their platforms. The report's authors noted that social media accounts held by so-called anti-vaxxers have increased their following by at least 7·8 million people since 2019. “The decision to continue hosting known misinformation content and actors left online anti-vaxxers ready to pounce on the opportunity presented by coronavirus”, stated the report. The CCDH warned that the growing anti-vaccine movement could undermine the roll-out of any future vaccine against COVID-19.


General / Re: POLL Will you take the Vax
« on: 11 November 2020, 06:38:33 pm »
Not cancelling, but one post and the reply quoting it have been removed.
Please keep this civil and on topic.
Yes, I noticed my perfectly civil post was deleted.

This is a political thread.  It is conspiracy theory nonsense.  Fazersharp complains that the government has spread propaganda in order to scare the population.

Is it propaganda that almost 50,000 people have died so far during this pandemic?  Is it propaganda that our country had to be placed in lockdown in order to protect our health services from collapse and in turn prevent many more 10,000’s Covid deaths?  Is it propaganda that 10,000’s of people are suffering long term effects post Covid?  Is it propaganda that many are struggling, and indeed a fair number have died patiently waiting for routine treatement that our NHS stuggles to provide becuase it is dealing with the pandemic.

I also take great exception to Covid19 and this alleged propaganda being compared to climate change and “"climate denier”.  Man made climate change is a fact.  Covid19 is a fact.  This thread is an insult to us all.

The idea of people being forced to take allegedly dangerous vaccines and/or excluded from society if they choose not to are nasty and downright dangerous fake news conspiracy stories.

Such dangerous and clearly political, and the very worst sort of politics, should not be entertained on foc u.

I will message this to you Grahamn, so that if you choose to delet my post a record of it will remain.
This thread should be locked or deleted.

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 07 November 2020, 05:35:59 pm »

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 07 November 2020, 01:21:36 pm »
I see the same  few individuals are at it again, calm down or face a temp ban.
You have been warned.

Oooooo.  Don’t tell me the moderators are gonna start banning each other. :lol
The election is over,  Trump has lost and Biden is President Elect, so having called it spot on #444, I’m out.  Supposed to be no politics on foc-u. 

Stay safe.


General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 07 November 2020, 11:15:21 am »

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 07 November 2020, 10:42:46 am »
Just a reminder of where we were,
Quote from Fazersharp;
In what way is Trump a racist
Quote from VNA;
The National Exit Poll figure is 87% Black people voted for Biden.

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 06 November 2020, 08:58:20 pm »
And just to be clear I think they are both asshats and I do truly feel sorry for the American people that these two were their only options..... what a sorry state to be in 😔
Yeah I think I was American I definately vote for Biden (in this 2020 election).  Then I dunno what I would do, throw up, or just go and get drunk.  The USA is pretty fucked up. 

But the UK is catching up fast.

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 06 November 2020, 08:56:28 pm »
Quote from: VNA - BMW Wank on Today at 08:00:15 PM<blockquote>Quote<blockquote>In what way is Trump a racist </blockquote>Perhaps you should ask African Americans.

89% of African American voters voted for Biden.

</blockquote>Where did you get that stat from because all I have been hearing is that more bame voted for Trump this time than they did last time - and especially black women. Baring in mind that all UK MSM is anti Trump I doubt it is likely that they would be pedling Trump lies.

I do aplogise Fazersharp.  The figure I quoted was for Florida.
The National Exit Poll figure is 87% Black people voted for Biden. :lol

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 06 November 2020, 08:00:15 pm »
In what way is Trump a racist
Perhaps you should ask African Americans.

89% of African American voters voted for Biden.

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 06 November 2020, 04:56:44 pm »
How amazing is that, a US Presidential address pulled by US networks becuase the President was spreading miss-information.

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 06 November 2020, 04:14:14 pm »
The Pentagon have put a no-fly zone in place around Joe Biden's house.

The US military now consider Joe Biden to be President Elect. 

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 06 November 2020, 03:38:30 pm »
 Wow.  Trump is now, I understand, the first President in history to have had a live presidential address to the nation pulled by major US TV networks.  Even Trump supporting Fox News pulled his address :eek .
Several US TV networks late on Thursday halted live coverage of US President Donald Trump’s first public appearance since election night after concluding that the president was spreading disinformation.

Only CNN carried on with the address but a chyron displayed under him said,
“Without any evidence, Trump says he’s being cheated.”

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 06 November 2020, 03:24:16 pm »
Quote from: VNA - BMW Wank on Today at 11:19:50 AM
        There was legal challenges and all sorts of other shenanigans going on.
    There was never a legal challange to the result of the referendum.  That is a lie.
Quote from: YamFazFan on Today at 11:42:18 AM
    'High court rejects challenge to annul referendum result...' :D
Feel free to apologise for calling me a liar :)
A case brought my ex-pats that was refused as having no merit.  Is this the best you can do?

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 06 November 2020, 11:19:50 am »
There was legal challenges and all sorts of other shenanigans going on.
There was never a legal challange to the result of the referendum.  That is a lie.

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 06 November 2020, 11:09:49 am »
But then so were all the attempts to overturn/reverse the result of the EU referendum here and I don't recall you complaining about that :rolleyes .
I don’t really see the comparison between an election and a referendum.  But just a wee reminder, only two out of the four countries in this union of ours voted to leave the EU.  In Scotland we voted by almost 2/3rds to REMAIN.  BREXIT was sold on the basis that we would remain in the single market and that it would be the easiest deal history.  I am still at a loss as to what the supposed advantage of BREXIT is.  And indeed, all the political commentators across the world are stating that Biden will now turn to Angela Merkle as his partner across the pond and not the UK.  The UK is greatly diminished by both BREXIT and its current government. 

And don’t forget that the Tories tried to call on ancient laws in the UK in order that they could bypass parliament and push BREXIT through BREXIT without parliamentary scrutiny.  That YamFazFan was undemocratic and indeed was ruled illegal.  BREXIT always was and always will be about the Tory party.

And BREXIT isn’t over.  BREXIT will bring Great Britain to a close.  The Scottish Elections are due in May 2021.  Support of Scottish independence is now running at nearly 60% .  Happy days. 8)

But back on topic.  Trump is a loser.  Trump you are fired. 

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 05 November 2020, 08:17:53 pm »
Again , this is how it should be done.

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 05 November 2020, 08:06:56 pm »
Bet there's one or two on here that deep down will be missing him in that sense too
Who?  Missing who?

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 05 November 2020, 07:15:39 pm »

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 05 November 2020, 06:36:27 pm »
 I imagine that in due course the current White House Staffers will be drawing straws to see who gets to tell the boss, in no uncertain terms, that it is over, finished, nada, you lost, you will no longer be president.  No doubt, whoever it is will be told by The Donald that they are fired…….

“No Sir Mr President, you need to listen to me, you are the one who has been fired.”  :lol :lol :lol

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 05 November 2020, 06:17:10 pm »
Worth watching 4 or 5 minutes of this..........

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 05 November 2020, 06:02:47 pm »
Dont start with your boring cartoons that you lift off your Twitter feed.
You gotta laugth.  What a comedy.

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 05 November 2020, 05:59:18 pm »
 Trump has presented to evidence of election fraud - just allegations.
Trump is the fraud.


General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 05 November 2020, 03:37:35 pm »

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 05 November 2020, 01:17:19 pm »
No it's not. It's Biden - 243  Trump - 214.

Talk about fake news
It's all about litigation now cos Trump can't accept he is a loser.
Trump is finished. 

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