Date: 03-06-24  Time: 14:02 pm

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General / WOW!!!
« on: 09 August 2020, 10:19:26 am »
Bikers saves little girl

Reminds me of how I used to ride as a courier. Also, not just the UK where everyone wants to be in the outside lane???

[edit - had to correct the malformed link - bkd]

« on: 14 May 2020, 10:24:23 am »
I just took the two FREE car practical tests and passed but with 47 + 45/50 !!!
As ever I would argue some of their answers particularly the one about turning left ahead. I answered "No white lines" on the basis that Johnny racer may be approaching in the centre of the road as he rounds the bend ????
I'm sure some of you can better my scores????

« on: 20 April 2020, 10:51:06 am »
Stuck in the house (high risk group) and unable to get someone in I have a small question.
Noticed lately that my boiler seems to be randomly firing up. Just hear the pump start up and run for abot 5 seconds.

Hopefully not a big problem as the boiler is fairly new?
Any ideas???

General / The Good Old Days
« on: 07 May 2019, 11:13:18 am »
Took a drive to Box Hill yesterday. I used to enjoy blatting down there on my Fazer, before they changed the dual carriageway to single AND put in average speed cameras  !!!!
Back in the day I would see maybe 5 or 6 other Fazers there and have a chat. Nowadays its all new look bikes most of which are alien to me.  Did see an old red Fazer at Leith Hill later though. If it was you  :thumbup

« on: 16 January 2019, 10:46:52 am »
I am sure that, like me, you are totally fed up with hearing about the dreaded B word and all the in fighting. Personally I am fast losing faith and interest in Politics ever since the fat cats voted themselves an 11% pay rise while us "Plebs" were limited to less than 1%, if lucky, and they have had another one since.My view is fast becoming "Why bother to vote, they take no notice"

« on: 05 January 2019, 11:16:58 am »
Just wondering where my old Fazer is now. Sold her to a fellow Foccer and still have fond memories.
Blue FZ6  reg. WU03 EKC  ????????

For Sale & Wanted / WATER FILTERS
« on: 28 November 2018, 10:58:51 am »
Bit off topic I know but worth a try.
I used to rep for a water filter company and found some samples in my garage. New, boxed and unused.1. Double under counter domestic filter with all fixtures and sink top tap.2. Industrial Nitrate filter, maybe suitable for aquariums or home brew????
Retailed at around £200 each, any offer considered.

If interested please message me and I can provide pics etc.

General / Must be getting old.......don't ban me. !!!
« on: 12 October 2018, 10:06:46 am »
Not sure if its nostalgia, boy's toys, aversion to walking uphill or just novelty value................but I really fancy one of these.

« on: 19 June 2018, 09:49:26 am »
I found my old waterproofs in the back of a cupboard and will never wear them again as I sold the bike.
They are quilted inside for warmth and in reasonable used condition, size L, blue and grey. Dungaree and jacket two piece.Would suit despatch rider or maybe off road mudder?
Any offers???
Please email me I live just South of London.

« on: 16 June 2018, 09:35:19 am »
I seem to remember some foccer on here saying that he got a good deal on a hotel and parking at Gatwick?
As I have an early flight my cunning plan is to arrive the night before, have a few leisurely beers, stay the night and then leave my car at the Hotel for the week.
Any recommendations?

« on: 02 June 2018, 09:22:40 am »
Well after selling my beloved Fazer some years back I have now replaced it with this penis extension..... :D

« on: 03 April 2018, 12:05:24 pm »
As per usual my car insurers sent me a risible renewal premium.
Paid £161 last year and they wanted £221 to renew, including a £10 renewal fee?

So, a quick search on USWITCH and found a premiun of around £165. Then checked on TOPCASHBACK and Aviva had a good offer. Clicked through and their quote was £149 but they gave me a discount for "returning" to them and I paid just £129.62, saving £92 !!!

Then this morning good old Topcashback emailed to say I was due £60 cashback so my cage premium ends up at just £69.62 for the year.


Can anyone beat that?

« on: 01 April 2018, 09:48:52 am »
Needed to top up the fuel tank on the buggy I drive (Painshill Park) so fetched the jerry can but could not open the latch. Gave it all my huff 'n puff with no movement. Asked two colleagues and both equally stumped.
The manager appeared and watched for a while before saying "If you remove the locking pin, it will be easier"

DOH !!!!
Because of the cap design it looked like the pin was part of the hinge.   :rolleyes    :'( [/size]

« on: 28 February 2018, 11:17:09 am »
Why is it in this country that as soon as there is a few millimetres of snow there is a sudden rash of accidents, especially on motorways.??

Back when I learnt to drive cars did not have power steering or anti-skid brakes and I drove literally by the seat of my pants. I could feel a skid or loss of traction and dealt with it.

How about compulsory retests for all drivers causing accidents in the snow??

General / Bit of a longshot.....
« on: 05 February 2018, 11:18:32 am »
I never met my paternal grand father, family arguments etc., but lately have been trying to locate his grave. I know he died in Hammersmith in 1960 but so far have been unable to trace his resting place.

Any Foccers here trudged a similar path ????

General / Oh dear !!
« on: 10 January 2018, 10:59:46 am »
Young girl at my local was moaning about her car breaking down on the M25. She said she thought it was "pulling a bit to the left"
A passing motorist flagged her down and her nearside tyre was deflated and completely split in two and must have been running on the rim.

I blame power steering and all the other modern comforts which isolate drivers from all the "feel" of todays cars.

Maybe its just another reason why you guys still love biking.

General / Where is she now??
« on: 30 December 2017, 11:37:29 am »
Every time I log on here I wonder what happened to my one and only Fazer 600 that I sold to another Foccer, WU03 EKC.

Any sightings?

General / SAD NEWS
« on: 17 December 2017, 12:21:29 pm »
I came home from a week abroad to this news. He was a regular at my local and a nice guy. I hope I don't know the biker as well.

We are appealing for witnesses after a collision took place on the A244 Esher Road in Hersham earlier this evening (8 December).Just after 5.30pm a motorcyclist travelling west-bound was in collision with a pedestrian. Sadly the pedestrian, a man in his 60’s died at the scene. His next of kin have been informed.The motorcyclist, a man in his 30’s, suffered serious injuries and was taken to hospital by ambulance.

Not sure exactly what happened but apparently he had been to the races at Sandown Park and stepped out in front of the filtering biker. I suspect it was his fault but still an awful thing to happen.

Take care out there guys.

General / The things friends do
« on: 11 October 2017, 10:58:58 am »
Just back from a few days on a friend's boat. He has no sailing or motor boat experience but bought himself a 32ft. Princess so asked me to help him bring it down the Thames from Wargrave to Weybridge. He amazed me daily with his absolute lack of practical ability or common sense but there was one incident which had us both collapsed in laughter.

We moored up at Windsor and I put on a centre line to hold the boat in while I then tied off fore and aft. When I was satisfied that the boat was secure I untied the centre line from the bank. Enter the friend who had been "busy" checking his phone and, in an effort to help, picked up the loose centre line and I watched incredulously as he very carefully tied it off to the stern cleat on his boat. Effectively mooring his boat to itself!!!!!

He then stood back, beaming proudly at me with his contribution to safely securing his craft to the bank, and between bouts of hysterical laughter it took me a while to explain to him the stupidity of what he had done.

There were numerous other incidents but it made me wonder, what have your friends done?

« on: 16 September 2017, 09:46:59 am »
Been with Talktalk for a while now as it was FREE for the first year! Lately though my speed seems to be decreasing and a test yesterday showed 2.6mb download and 0.6 mb upload ??

Wasted half an hour on the phone to their technical department, Indian branch. He tried to fob me off with blaming my laptop, then blamed the router but expected me to pay for a replacement which was supplied as part of the contract.

I have tried rebooting and positioning the router closer to my laptop with no improvement.

Should I expect better speeds? I seem to remember they advertised "Up to 17mbps" when they sold it to me.

General / Things I learnt with my first car
« on: 06 September 2017, 10:09:53 am »
Hi foccers.  I was thinking recently how strange it is that some motorists make the same mistakes every day and never learn to improve.
So, I started a list of mistakes I corrected 50 years ago.

It pays dividends to clean your wing mirrors BEFORE setting off.
It is unnecessary to brake before every bend, gap, tree, oncoming vehicle and does nothing except confuse the guy behind you.
NEVER have anything loose on the floor that can roll under the brake pedal ( brown pants moment!!!)
Indicators go one way for left and the other way for right. This never changes.
Indicators are, as they imply, an indication of intended movement so never use them too early or leave them on after a turn.
If you pull on the indicator stalk when using, IT FLASHES THE HEADLIGHTS, so don't be surprised when an oncoming motorist says thankyou and turns in your path!!!
The gear shift is ALWAYS where you left it so there is no need to look down at it before every shift.
Your car is a lot faster with the handbrake OFF.
You DO need to know what is behind you ( saved me many a speeding ticket)
ALWAYS check your mirrors before turning or opening the door. Cyclists will be very happy to re-educate you on this point.
On modern cars the position of the filler cap is indicated on the fuel gauge.
White lines are there for a reason and inform you of upcoming road hazards if you take a few minutes to learn the code.
While I am on the code, read and understand The Highway Code. It contains years of hard learned wisdom.
In slow moving traffic, if you need to keep braking, you are too close to the vehicle in front.
Generally speaking, if you need to brake while going uphill, you are doing it wrong.
Generally speaking, if you need to brake excessively while going downhill, you are in the wrong gear.
Expect the unexpected.
Watch the traffic ahead for any changes in speed or position.
Watch oncoming traffic. Are they going to overtake? Is there a hazard (cyclist) which requires them to pull out etc?
Dip your headlights for oncoming traffic at night and turn your bloody rear fog light off when visibility improves.
Be PROACTIVE rather than reactive.

I am sure you will add to or even dispute some of these but I am proud of the fact that in 50 years of motoring I have never caused nor been involved in a serious accident.

General / Do I expect too much ????
« on: 01 August 2017, 01:29:22 pm »
Last December a friend of mine was getting deep into financial trouble due to the delay in selling his second house. Mortgage company threatening to foreclose, council threatening bailiffs over tax etc. etc. He asked to borrow £500 to get him through Xmas, no problem. I lost count of the beers, coffees, breakfasts etc. I bought him as I knew he was broke.

Well he finally sold the house and squared off all his debts last week so I was pleased to receive this morning a plain brown envelope after 8 months of wondering if I would ever see my money returned.

I was less than pleased to open it to find it contained just £500.

Now he always said he would repay me with interest, "A lot more than I would earn in the Bank".

Do I expect too much from friends ????

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