Date: 02-06-24  Time: 04:37 am

Author Topic: R&G Replacement Frame Bobbins  (Read 858 times)


  • Cager in Training
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R&G Replacement Frame Bobbins
« on: 28 May 2014, 10:00:21 am »
Some of may have seen my replacement mudguard washers. I have a set of R&G Frame Crash Protectors (part no. CP0058BL) fitted to my 03 bike and was thinking of producing replacement bobbins as I can't seem to find any for sale.
Could I ask your reaction if I was to sell each bobbin at £16.50 including VAT and P&P. They will be made of engineering delrin in black to the same dimensions as the R&G versions which is diameter 50 by 85mm long
Many thanks.

PS. by the way R&G have the frame hole pitch centres incorrect at 51mm, they should be 50mm, so if you buy a set you have to slot the holes to make them fit.