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Topics - agricola

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General / This years project finished
« on: 19 September 2019, 02:13:07 pm »
Started it at the end of March, just got to find a nice old table and a sofa. Chuffed with it.

General / Anyone using a free cad programme?
« on: 08 August 2019, 08:46:37 pm »
Ive been using Dassault Draftsight  for 3 years or so now, and found it very good, but it will no longer be available for free later this year. Has anyone on here been using any of the other freeware cad programmes, Im looking for a recomendation, 2D only, Autocad style interface

General / Three small adjustments made a difference
« on: 11 July 2019, 06:25:10 pm »
Ive always felt that the FZ6 S2 gearbox is a little cluncky in the low gears, and from neutral to first particularly so. In the past , Ive tried lowering the tickover speed to help ease the change but the bike then became inclined to stall. So, yesterday I adjusted the chain tighter than normally, and not as the book recommends, 48 years as a mechanical tradesman gives me a feel for what is overtight or not. And it has made a difference, the cluncking is significantly less, and changes overall smoother and quieter. Pleased with that. Second up was that I cocked up at the petrol station and absent mindedly filled up with plain unleaded rather than super with no ethanol. On a run out today around Derbyshire, although I was perhaps looking for the opposite, the bike actually felt like it was throttling a little smoother. Nothing really significant, but noticeable. Si Im gonna continue with super for a while longer. Third up was adjustment to the position of the handle bars. On a decent long ride or trackday, my shoulders ache, so I tried moving the rotating the bars in the clamps backwards (closer to me) as ive shortish arms. Uncomfortable, so went the opposite way thinking that would be worse but no, it was actually way more comfortable and so relaxing riding around the Dales

General / Is MCN relevant any more?
« on: 26 June 2019, 07:48:16 pm »
First Wednesday for a considerable time that I have not picked up a copy of Motorcycle News. Ive found less and less of interest to me inside the pages, it seems to be preoccupied with high end, expensive, technologically advanced machines that most riders dont want (cos you hardly ever see them on the roads) or simply cant afford. I reckon it provides little entertainment or information for the majority of riders, so it looks like the parting of the ways. Anybody else any views on it?

FZ6 / Fazer / Airbox rubbers
« on: 26 March 2019, 11:24:37 am »
Noted the bike seemed to be uneven running when I was out on it last week, so decide to have a look if the injectors were out of balance. Noticed the one of the securing clips appeared to be slightly misaligned and the rubber, so pulled the airbox off to check. Looks like the rubber may not have been seating properly on the neck, and the clip has slipped off the neck alittle. There is a slight indent in the rubber and the rubber is slightly oval shaped (the indent nicely reflects light in the pic), so took the plunge and order 4 new rubbers and 4 new clips. All on backorder, but should be here within a couple of weeks

General / ABS and engine management lights on
« on: 20 March 2019, 08:36:17 pm »
What a plonker. Riding home from hospital tonight, been to take my youngest brother some clothes in, took a right turn, the above came on accompanied by a grinding noise, then went off. Same again as I turned right onto my drive. What the foccs that I thought. Bike on the centre stand, fired it up, turned the bars right, same agian. Gave it a good look over, couldnt see anything amiss. In the garage and on the lift, ignition on but bike not running, turn the bars and the foccing thing fired up!

Idiot had put the tank bag back too far forward, turn the bars and it fired the start button :groan

General / Welcome back old friend
« on: 28 February 2019, 07:33:42 pm »
Back in the land of the living :)

General / How sad am I?
« on: 20 February 2019, 07:04:37 pm »
Sooner than pay the local council £20 to take my failed washing machine away, I dragged into the garage, stripped it down into is individual parts, then cut up the white metal casing into sheets. It now goes into the motor car boot for the tip in the morning.

But I saved £20 :)

General / New tyres.
« on: 19 January 2019, 09:03:35 pm »
Looking to get another set of Bridgestone 023's for the Fazer. Likely to get them off one of the website suppliers again, but how do I ensure that I am sent fresh rubber and not old stock? Any advice appreciated.

General / Help with elektrickey
« on: 02 December 2018, 06:44:49 pm »
Im hoping for a bit of help from you chaps with this please. Im looking to connect up the forward facing camera now, Ive had the rear one on for some months and it works fine.

Trouble is, im not quite sure on the connections and the instructions are little more than a list of contents.

Here goes.

I have 3 pieces of kit left. The one on the right is the camera unit. I think i should repeat what i did with the rear one and pick up a live feed from eg a sidelight, only on when the ignition is on, the jackplug goes into the socket on the monitor, and this then runs from the internal battery in the monitor. Thats how the rear works

The rectangular unit in the centre is what im not sure about, cos i dont know what it is, but id guess some sort of regulator, it has a 1amp inline fuse. Im guessing that i nedd to pick up a live feed for it, and an earth point, then connect the plug onto the plug on the unit on the left. The unit on the left has a mini usb connector which then plugs into the monitor.

Does that sound sensible/reasonable?


General / Making sliders
« on: 27 September 2018, 08:19:28 pm »
Decent day out at Donny Park Monday. Im 99% sure that I was the only bloke that rode his bike there and didnt have tyre warmers, but never mind, no less enjoyable. Was only when i checked the bike over next day and saw the worn footrest, then spotted that it had worn so much that it allowed the fairing to then contact the track, resulting in wearing a hole in it. Priced up OEm for the footrests, jeez, thtas just not worth it. Spotted these so gonna get 2 sets.

For the fairing, Ive ordered a sheet of this, and Im gonna make up some nice sliders to cover the worn areas, held on with countersunk screws and nuts, so I can change em when they wear and before they get worn through to the fairing. 5mm thick sheet

General / Front brake discs: Bobbins
« on: 16 September 2018, 08:52:52 pm »
Trackday week after next, so had the bike on the ramp for a thorough check over. Never noticed before, but the bobbins on the front brake discs have a white mark on each one, on the inside faces only, as per the photo. Anyone know the purpose of said marks? Do they need to align with the slit in the disc? Opinions welcome ta

General / Help with painting
« on: 01 June 2018, 12:18:36 pm »
Ok chaps. I have bought panel wipes, etch primer, base coat, top coat, and laquer to repain the front fender on my Virago. Not done this before, so looking for a little advice. I have filled and sanded ready to start painting. Etch primer first, do i rub this coat down or leave it as sprayed? Whatever the answer, then I apply the base coat, agian do I rub this down before applying the top coat. Same again. do I rub the top coat before applying the laquer. Any advice/tips gratefully recived

General / Lovely red fazer
« on: 17 May 2018, 08:24:28 pm »
Saw a lovely red foxeye this afternoon at Sandiacre Derbyshire. I was out with the dog and only saw it for a couple seconds, I think it was a thou

FZ6 / Fazer / Performance gain from K&N air filter?
« on: 06 April 2018, 02:43:32 pm »
 As per the title, is there any gain to be had from K&N filter. Ima always a little wary of manufacturers claims

General / A decent radio station?
« on: 31 January 2018, 09:26:08 pm »
Struggling to find a decent station to listen too when Im in the cave. Classic FM ahs too many adverts now now and I cant stand it when they speak at 500 words a minute at the end of the advert, utterly incomprehensible. Used to listen a lot to Radio 4, but jeez its been taken over by campaign groups for Womens this that and the other. Cant get through the day without another female focus group being created for sufferers of vaginal warts etc

FZ6 / Fazer / Pre Christmas buy
« on: 15 December 2017, 08:01:19 pm »
Fairing lowers for the FZ6 s2 Fazer. E bay £55. Good condition. Wrong colour but, hey, a rattle can'll soon sort that

FZ6 / Fazer / St Stl braided brake pipes on FZ6 S2 Fazer ABS?
« on: 28 August 2017, 12:18:10 pm »
Has anyone ever fitted the above onto their fazer? Is it possible to do this to an ABS model?.

FZ6 / Fazer / Changing spark plugs FZ6 S2 Fazer
« on: 26 June 2017, 05:14:16 pm »
Chuff me, had a look at the manual, reads like a major task. Remove tank/airbox/radiator etc. Anyone know of any short cuts?

FZ6 / Fazer / Clutch mod FZ6 S2 2009/ GIPRO gear indicator
« on: 08 November 2016, 05:38:48 pm »
Wow. Cant believe its been that long since Ive been on here. Anyhow, apologies for that. Ive completed the clutch mod that involved making and fitting a longer lever at the case end, and it works a treat for me, meaning the clutch action is a lot lighter and does not cramp me hand when in traffic. Ive also fitted a GIPRO X Type gear indicator, which once the installation was finished, has worked fine. A word of caution though for anyone wishing to undertake the same, there is VERY little room in the loom for splicing in the connectors, so only tug at the wires VERY carefully. Incidentally, took the bike to Donington Park beginning of October for a trackday. Went with the novice group, what a hoot, great fun, counldnt fault the bike

FZ6 / Fazer / Lowered ride height on FZ6 S2
« on: 09 May 2015, 08:08:17 pm »
Hi All, I recently lowered the rear end, bought and fitted the mounting piece the connects the shock to the swing arm complete with new bearing and seals. Have to say I haven't noticed any difference in ride quality or performance, and I can now get the balls of my feet down both sides (I know, short arse). Had an absolute bastard of a job getting the steel bush out of the arm bracket, finished up red heating a 10mm bolt and placing it in the bore several times to transfer some heat to it, and soaking it in plusgas. Two days later of this treatment, it started to come out, all good in the end. I like the bike, rides real smooth, nice turn of pace, good riding position. Throttle a bit snatchy when snapped shut quick then back on the gas, mirror vision is poor though. Are they any good for a track day?

Introduction / Now a FZ6 S2 owner
« on: 15 March 2015, 03:56:08 pm »
Aha, finally found how to start a topic. Hi all, pleased to meet you. Hope to become a useful member of the club. Old guy, 63, but that doesnt bother me. Still working for living, like to keep myself fit, like life, still got 2 bikes, the other is a virago cruiser. Just bought the fz6, part exed it for an 86 yx600 (loved that bike). Just been out for a few miles, came back and made an adjustment to the rear shock, clutch, and gearchange link arm, all to suit me. Anticipate the FZ will be my main bike.

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