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Messages - tommyardin

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General / Re: Whoever posts last is best
« on: 11 July 2023, 06:21:56 pm »
My understanding is that it is the most recent MOT that stands.
I believe that if you take your car or bike in for an MOT say 3 weeks early before the existing one has expired and it passes the MOT, the 3 weeks are added to the MOT. ie:12 months and 3 weeks MOT length, but if it fails with 3 weeks left on the current MOT, it is the most recent MOT that is valid IE: the failure.
If the last statement is correct you can not drive the car until it has a pass certificate
Can someone confirm if this is right? Or am I way off key, would not be the first time.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Bike starts ok but after 1KM it cuts out
« on: 28 June 2023, 11:14:14 pm »
Could also be a blocked fuel filter.
Sounds like the bike is getting some fuel but not enough. Especially as it starts after a while but then cuts out again after a short distance.
Points to fuel starvation

Check out what Grahamm suggested the breather pipe could have been kinked when re fitting the fuel tank, or its is perished and has collapsed

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Electrical gremlins, please help!
« on: 10 May 2023, 07:54:34 am »
Hey Walker,
How did you get on sorting out your electrical issue was it the alarm in the end? Or is it still ongoing?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Electrical gremlins, please help!
« on: 19 April 2023, 10:06:38 pm »
I had an issue a few years back now, with my then FZS600, Lights would just cut out while riding, including the rear light, brake light continued to work and my engine kept running.
There is on the FZS600 at least a large white plastic connector/junction box under the petrol tank that connect most of the cables in the main wiring harness loom.
water had gotten into this junction box at some point and had caused a bad connection on about 5 of the wire causing them to corrode, they had gone green with verdigris and had been partially eaten away.
This in itself caused much struggling try to get the two halves of the junction box apart.

I cut the wires either side of the junction box, bared both ends the wires and made up a number of 100mm long link wires, slipped on heat shrink and then soldered the links in to the loom, bypassing the offending connection/junction box.
The only downside to this would be should the need arise to remove the loom from the bike, IE: should you want to re-stove enamel the frame.
I'm not saying this is the issue but its worth a thought. 
Your issue seems to be an intermittent one exactly the same as my lighting one, the hardest faults to sort out. 

It certainly cured all my wiring issues.
Good luck and I hope you get the 1K sorted soon, summers almost here.

General / Re: Whoever posts last is best
« on: 18 November 2022, 11:49:03 pm »
Well I have not posted on here since 2019 I think it was.
when I sold my FZS 600, best bike I ever owned and I have had a good number over 54 years of riding.
Do I regret sell her, in some ways yes as I had done just about every upgrade I could have done to improve what was already a great motorcycle. cartridge emulators to the rebuilt forks with new L
linear springs, Nitron shock on the rear, all set up for my weight. Blue S/Steel braid brake pipes, The mighty thousand rear calliper, all engine case screws replaced with blue anodised hex heads, S/Steel rad guard and downpipes with a race can, carbon hugger and chain guard. And al, in the Super Fast metallic Silver of course the proper colour for a FZS 600 Fazer.
I have to go now as I can't see my keyboard because of the tears streaming down my face.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Charging problems
« on: 25 September 2022, 06:49:45 pm »
Good to see a lot of the old crew are still here.
No bike here at all now sold the FZS600 and the Honda C90 Step through, But I do still have the Blue Hairdressers Cage (SLK 230 Komp)  :rollin

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Charging problems
« on: 25 September 2022, 06:45:59 pm »
Hiya Red
Been a few years now since I have been on here.
I had exactly the same issue with the large white multi connector under the tank of my FZS600.
Green death on some of the internal pins and sockets and black burning on others, I photographed the plug from all angles and make written notes of the wires 
(Probably not necessary as colour coding helps) I cut the plug right out and used new wire to make 'Link Wires' and spent some time soldering the Links in, Prior to this I purchased a box of different coloured heat shrink tubing, the finished job is far superior to the white multi connector.

You say that you will fit a new connector when you have time, If you have soldered them well I would leave it as it is, and, should you ever need to separate the loom at that point that would be the time to fit a new Multi if that's the way you want to go.
soldered joints don't seem to suffer with the dreaded Green Verdigris/Oxidisation, provided you do not use an acid flux (plumbing type flux).
So pleased to read you have sorted out the problem, I have been following the post with great interest.

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 02 March 2022, 12:36:30 am »
What is the difference between Light and Hard

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 02 March 2022, 12:27:53 am »
Did someone mention tits a while back?

General / Re: Word Association
« on: 21 April 2020, 09:12:15 am »

General / Re: Word Association
« on: 19 April 2020, 10:45:06 pm »

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Hello Me Decide FZS600 to FZ1-S??
« on: 01 November 2019, 12:56:04 am »
I speak as someone who neither owns a 1K FZS or FZ1 or even a FZS 600 for that matter.
But as an Ex FZS600 03 Foxeye owner I would resign my job in London and keep the FZS 600. What a fantastic piece of kit they are.
Sold mine to a foccer on here, I sure he loves it (If of course he still has it) but I really regretted selling it, it had all the upgrades it could have, inc cartridge emulators and Ohlins Linears, blue spot caliper on the back, SS brake lines, SS headers and sports can
And it was the sensible silver model.
There weren’t many 600’s that could keep up with it one the lanes.
Damn I loved everything about that bike.
Don’t sell the little FZS you will end up in tears. :'(

General / Re: THE TRUTH ! ! !
« on: 19 October 2019, 11:43:31 pm »
Back in the 60's I did a bricklaying apprenticeship and one of the company projects was building a new a Youth Centre in Guildford (Haydon Place Youth Centre) it was the first time I came across something call a Spit Gun,.
The Spit Gun could fire hardened steel nails into RSJ's (Rolled Steel Joists) now know as Universal Beams, these guns were used on site to fix wooden battens to the steel beams to facilitate the fixing of cladding.
The nails were propelled by small cartridges and these brass cartridges were colour coded for strength of charge, Red, Green, Blue and Black.
Well being a young lad of course I nicked a few of each of them, well they did make an almighty bang, I now realise that a lot of the almighty bang was from the nail penetrating the steel beam and the beam resounding.

Anyway back home, cartridges in hand I placed a black one on the brick steps that lead up to my back garden, Ball Payne hammer in one hand and 3 inch cut nail in the other I gave the cartridge firing pin an almighty blow and was almost blinded by the flash (I was bending over the cartridge) my ears ringing I felt an incredibly painful stinging/burning on the front of my thumb, I was beside myself with pain and I looked down to see a dark lump under my skin just above the top thumb knuckle.
Now a brass cartridges if not contained within a muzzle of some sort send out red hot bits of shrapnel as it splits, this bit was only the size of a match head but it was red hot and had gone down under my thumb nail and had stopped when it hit my bent thumb joint.

I have come off numerous motorcycles over the years, fallen off ladders and once buzzed my foot with a chain saw but I have never felt pain like that shrapnel burn before, or since.
The remaining cartridges went back to the building site on the Monday morning.
I actually dug the piece of shrapnel out of my swollen Pusey thumb about a week later and the nail came off about a week after that.

Don't fuck with explosives. :'(

General / Re: Whoever posts last is best
« on: 11 October 2019, 12:14:15 am »
Now I remember why.  :rolleyes

General / Re: Three word story
« on: 09 August 2019, 12:04:56 am »
All saggy and

Well delivered 

Is it me you're addressing?  ;)

These things need to be posted elsewhere !

🏍 The original was ‘The postman lost his mail’ how many letters ‘ A f——g great bag full’ actually it is not even funny that way.

How are all you foccers doing?

General / Re: Snotty Fazer
« on: 07 May 2019, 08:49:24 am »
Selling a bike you love is ok has long as you feel it is the right thing to do and other right time.
I sold my much loved FZS600 Foxeye a few months ago, I loved owning it, working on it and riding it, but I felt with the arthritis in my wrists getting worse sooner or later I was going to throw it up the road and spoil it. My decision was to sell it before that happened.
Do I regret selling a few months down the line? A resounding ‘NO’ It went to a enthusiastic guy who would enjoy owning it as much as I did and he seemed the sort of guy who would look after it a cherish it.

If you don’t ride it very often and don’t actually love the bike sell it, use the money to help with the Harley conversion.
Who knows the new owner of your Fazer my love it and turn it into a fantastic bike, now that’s got to be better than it sitting outside minging and slowly deteriorating.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Clutch arm moving up?
« on: 05 April 2019, 08:24:54 am »
The shaft is held in with a circlip, it could have come off allowing it to move up.  You can take the cover off and check

As above. The occasional click could be something to do with a circlip in amongst the clutch drum and other parts in the case. Certainly wants fixing before the clutch lever comes right out leaving you stranded or worse still something more major than a circlip drops us down amongst the clutch basket.

General / Re: Focer Font Of Knowledge. Borescope Endoscope
« on: 29 March 2019, 12:31:19 am »
Hey Sharpie,
Where abouts on your phone does the endoscope pictures get saved, I can take photos with it and view them on the phone screen, but, once I close the photo I can not find it again and there seems no option to save it, if it saves automatically like standard camera pic where the foc do they get saved to?

General / Re: Focer Font Of Knowledge. Borescope Endoscope
« on: 28 March 2019, 10:55:10 pm »
Here is a picture looking up my bum

 ;) :lol :lol :eek :eek :rollin :rollin :'( :'(

 :moon Or is it

General / Re: Focer Font Of Knowledge. Borescope Endoscope
« on: 28 March 2019, 10:49:37 pm »
Same as that just no name on it eBay £8-00 about 6 years ago, used on on quite a few occasions, from looking down a blocked sink waste (Waterproof) to looking behind an engine to try to locate a nut that had fallen off the back of a bolt, with sight I was able to pick it up with a telescopic magnet, without it the magnet stuck to just about everything but the loose nut    .
Looked inside a box section on a car chassis.
Great little tool, USB, Needs a App download to operate (Endescope).
Plugs straight into a Galaxy S6, light brightness is adjustable, takes pics and video.   

General / Re: Word Association
« on: 27 March 2019, 10:50:21 pm »

General / Re: Old measuring equipment
« on: 18 March 2019, 11:21:35 pm »
Just noticed it needs an oily rag rubbing over it, probably the second time its been out of the box for about 20 years

General / Re: Old measuring equipment
« on: 18 March 2019, 11:16:32 pm »
Still got my imperial More & Wrights of Sheffield Mic, and my Vernier Gauges, agrees with earlier comment the vernier gauge is the most usfull one unless you working down to I thou of an inch, a piece of normal printer paper is 4.5 thou thick, just used mic on it.

General / Re: Birmingham CAZ
« on: 15 March 2019, 02:57:22 pm »

who the F*** wants to go to Birmingham anyway???
Bit rude.
Not me  :lol

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