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Messages - Rusty

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General / Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« on: 06 October 2012, 11:13:42 pm »
Sure. I've no problem with that, why don't we ask the original poster?  :)

In fact, there's no need. I'll post one last point and then I'm done - and gone.

I'm trying to give you something here, think of it as the gift of sight. People are posting plenty about the crippling price of fuel or the pitiful state of their bank accounts, with ever longer hours at work just to get by. The 'big secret' is that it doesn't need to be that way. We are all considered to be what Henry Kissinger referred to as 'useless eaters'.

Don't you ever pause to think why it is that when it comes to election time you supposedly have choices, yet the only choice you have is to vote for a man you don't really like in order to remove a man you like even less? That's not choice. You're being duped.

I know all this goes over the heads of many, others have no interest, while others still have only self interest. So these final words are aimed at those that are left, the few who are of independent mind. The ultimate tyranny in a society is not control by martial law, but control by psychological manipulation. Manipulation through which reality is not only defined for you, but defined in such a way that those within it do not even realise they are in prison.

Alternative energy exists. Alternate propulsion systems exist. The generation of free non-nuclear energy has been perfected. The Hughes air corporation had anti-gravity technology over 50 years ago. Rocket engines, jet engines, internal combustion engines, wind turbines, solar and nuclear power are all obsolete technologies that are expensively continued because of the interests vested in the status quo.

I see people on here arguing about local politics. Politics is as obsolete as the internal combustion engine. They should be studying geopolitics, and soon Exopolitics. The entire global macro-economic system is based on oil, the products derived from it, or the products that use it. The world's governments have painted themselves into a corner, and interests far more powerful than they themselves are require that fossil fuels continue to be used. Everything rests on oil as a commodity, like a huge house of cards made up of vested interests.

Wars are fought to protect the petro dollar, and the increase in Earth's population to 7 billion will require ever more dependency on this outdated but perpetuated technology. The result is ever spiralling pollution and ever more wars. Therefore climate change is driven by fossil fuel pollution that needn't be, but the technology to avoid it is suppressed to serve the interests of the few over the many. This isn't just joe blogs on the internet telling you this, this is what I relay to you from others.

The list of 'crackpots' is long, I'm unable to list them all so in no particular order or importance I'll just give your four. They are of this calibre.

Gordon Cooper.  Gemini and Mercury Astronaut

Mark McClelland. N.A.S.A space craft operator. Worked 34 years on Mercury, Apollo,Skylab, Space shuttle, and the International space station.

John Huchison. John demonstrates anti-gravity and molecular alignment technology.

Edgar Mitchell Astronaut. Apollo 14.

Ok I'm done. Next time you watch the news just maybe you'll be able to join the dots a little better, or maybe you won't. It's entirely up to you, as it always was.  Most are happy to let it all slip through their fingers then grumble about the results.  At least I can say I tried.

Bye fella's.

General / Re: Blood Runner
« on: 06 October 2012, 07:27:48 pm »
Next time can only be better then - well done.  :)

General / Re: Ear plugs/neck
« on: 06 October 2012, 07:26:39 pm »
I used to work in a place that provided earplugs for when you had to go into the noisy process area. They were yellow rubber things with multi-layered ends. Best earplugs I ever had, but don't know where they came from. A friend has that neck problem you mentoned, finds it hard to sleep at night because of it. Maybe it's time for a more upright riding position?

General / Re: Halal Cat Food
« on: 06 October 2012, 05:50:47 pm »
Hmmmm.... Wonder if those cats are circumcised too?.....

General / Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« on: 06 October 2012, 04:51:57 pm »

None.  :lol

[size=78%]To be honest, I'm not sure I understand....[/size]Which one of you can actually get their pee pee the farthest!?!?!?!?!?!

Up a wall? Depends how tall you are in the first place.  ;)

General / Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« on: 06 October 2012, 04:40:13 pm »
Hahahha, you're just like a politician - you don't answer the question asked - you suggest an alternative question  :rollin

You might be right there MadDog. :lol
Politicians do say it that way don't they, while if you asked that of the military they'd say "That's classified information'. I suppose in the end they both mean the same thing though don't they?

And as for the petrol, I said "for as long as it's available to me;)

But that's exactly the attitude I don't understand of people. :\

Everything should be available to you. If it exists out there then it should be available to you. You sound like a kid that's happy to be allowed to play out until 8.00pm. People are far too submissive, they're just happy to sit around until their toys are taken away from them one by one. And even then they meekly accept it. If your child had cancer and there was a cure in existence would you want it or would you be satisfied that you could only have it if someone allowed you to have it?

Had I continued with this thread I intended to reveal several other technologies that already exist under black projects. The funding of which runs into the trillions of dollars each year. Remember I mentioned Shauberger's repulsine engine from 60 years ago? Not only is there a development of Viktor Shauberger's repulsine technology that delivers virtually free energy, but many other propulsion systems are in operation that don't use internal combustion. I'll say that again - they don't use internal combustion.

Those who are actually bothering to read this might be starting to put the pieces together now, it means we don't need oil, nor the wars that are propagated to ensure the sale of oil remains in support the US dollar. If this technology were even hinted at, the US economy would collapse as their currency is based almost entirely on the trade of oil.  When people say the war in Iraq was about oil they are not thinking right. It's not about the aquisition of oil - America has oil of it's own. It's about controlling the Sale of oil, and ensuring that it remains saleable only in US dollars.

John Perkins: from gold standard to petro dollar

Without the Petro-Dollar there is no America, and without Oil there is no Petro-Dollar. Hence the suppression of new technology and repeated wars to maintain the status quo. The dilemma that they face is that many former employees on those secret projects are now turning whistleblower, or giving deathbed confessions of military technology secrets. It's something the governments can't prevent, they can only attempt damage limitation exercises by spreading disinformation, discrediting the source, and encouraging ridicule.

Remember the HAARP technology I told you about? The one that has the capability to change the weather? Well when testing it they noticed that it also had unpleasant side effects, such as it can be aimed to cause earthquakes and volcano eruptions. The Israeli's want to attack Iran, but I think they have been told to hold off while the US try HAARP first.  I don't know who this guy is but watch his short video.

The Path To WW3: HAARP Targeting Iran Nuclear Reactors with Earthquakes

Surely you have to ask yourselves how come you don't know this stuff? It's happening right there in front of you, and while the technology exists to allow a huge leap forward for the whole of mankind it is hidden from you.  Meanwhile we are micro managed by media propaganda into endless wars. Go figure.

General / Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« on: 06 October 2012, 03:14:46 pm »

Please try to understand the difference between "speeding" (simply going above an arbitrary posted limit) and "inappropriate speed for the conditions" and then you will understand that I have already answered you.

I fully understand the premise of inappropriate speed for the prevailing conditions Grahamm. You are saying that despite having a maximum speed discretionary considerations need to be made within that maximum. I don't see why you think that is something so difficult for others to grasp?

The point you don't seem to be addressing is the point I'm making. Which is that of record. The government puts any new legislation under the larger umbrella of 'road safety'. That's their justification for the introduction of new intrusions on personal liberty, after all who can argue if it makes the world a safer place? Therefore we must wear seatbelts, observe 70 mph speed limits, undergo  MOT's and a myriad of other things all within that broad road safety justification.

Now you're saying the government are bullshitting, and I'm not going to argue as that's what governments do for a living. You won't address the 70 mph maximum question because both you and I know it is a complete fallacy that 'speed kills' just as it is that 'alcohol kills', - it's all down to when and how you use it.

Driving examiners are charged with training people to a standard that is deemed competent to drive on our roads. If this isn't happening then the standard required needs to be raised before one can drive. That's number one. Someone failing their test must undergo a retest, which means a system is already in place.

Inexperience causes accidents due to youthful over confidence, or lack of the experience in adapting driving to driving conditions. Such accidents result in increased insurance premiums, and/or points on the licence. I dare say a lesson is learned too. The potential for huge additional costs to young drivers go some way to encouraging caution.

Medical examination, eye tests and possibly hearing tests will address natural atrophy of those faculties. I agree that these should be introduced.

Inconsiderate, aggressive, abusive or downright dangerous drivers are out there. It is a character trait. It won't be cured by sitting them down and talking to them, they're just like that  If and when they cause accidents, they get points, bans, dearer insurance and so on. Therefore, as before there is a system in place.

The final two groups consist of uninsured/banned dickwads in a £50 car from the auctions, and those who drive well, don't speed, have lots of experience and are rewarded with cheaper insurance as the assessors consider them to be a low risk.  In the first instance they won't even be turning up to your proposed new re-test scheme.  In the second these are people who are doing everything right, have demonstrated that they have been doing so for a number of years, and just want to go about their business.

So here we have it. The point I am making is this:

You know (although won't openly admit) that the 70mph legislation is bullshit, and that we can (and do) travel at speeds in access of that in complete safety depending on the conditions and situation. Right? But although you or I may be capable of doing so we can't, because we are restricted to 70 mph by law.

What you are proposing then is a similar situation. We know that some people are bad drivers, we know that some are inexperienced, and we know that yet more just don't give a shit. And as mentioned there are already mechanisms in force that deal with this'

So like the blanket 70mph limit that you know is bullshit but won't come out and say so, you would like to see a blanket re-test that applies to all and tests the good with the bad.  So your argument consists of a strange schism in that what you seem to be saying is you know the 70 limit is nonesense and restricts those will the knowledge and ability to safely exceed it, yet you want to introduce retesting system that includes those with the knowledge and proven ability to avoid accidents.

You can't have it both ways mate.

PS I'm still not going to address your Straw Man arguments.

General / Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« on: 05 October 2012, 10:35:08 pm »
Folk are just dicks, thats the main problem, dicks to you on the phone,dicks to you in the supermarket and dicks to you on the road,
The only thing that changes is number of dicks increasing all the time The moral of the story......these dicks dont need advanced training....they need shot! :D

 :lol :lol  I was only thinking today how some times I find people inspiring, and other times I could just do without them altogether.... usually both in the same day.  :lol

General / Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« on: 05 October 2012, 10:30:38 pm »

Well, maybe I'm a blind, ignorant sap, but I ain't gonna lose a single night's sleep over the end of the world. For as long as it's available to me, I'm gonna ride my bike, eat good food, drink good wine and make love every night to my gorgeous wife.

Even if a new war did erupt in the middle east it's not exactly the end of the world Tom. Well not for you personally, but certainly for many other poor bastards.  Still......
Bottom's up eh? Pass the smoked salmon.

And good luck in getting that petrol to ride your bike. ;)

Out of curiosity, what it is that you are going to do?

A better question was "What can we going do now to stop such things happening in future"? But hey-ho, if shit and fan ever do collide then I'll just look after the people I love in the best way I can.

General / Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« on: 05 October 2012, 09:16:23 pm »

which part of having a driving license make it a privilege rather than a right to you Grahamm?

Perhaps the part that likes to uses Should a lot when it ought to be ought. :)

And yet still you fail to comprehend.

Oh but I do comprehend, only too well. You have once again thrown up a barrage of repetition, restating the very same things you claim answered my original question. They didn't then, and they din't now, and should you reiterate them for a third time they still won't. I have not once asked you what are your views on relative urban impact speeds, or driving within prevailing conditions.  I asked you should all motor vehicles be governed to a maximum speed of 70 mph Grahamm? Not anything else. If yes then say so, and if no say why not when speeding is a major factor in driving accidents and our maximum limit is 70mph?

I fully understand the balance of rights and responsibilities, but what you are advocating is the trampling of the rights of those who have paid good heed to their responsibilities. You are hailing a one size fits all solution to a problem that relates to a minority, albeit a growing one. I would therefore like to periodically search the homes of all Muslims as it is up to them to prove they are not terrorists - is that how it works?

Again it's not the safety aspect I disagree with you on, it's the premise. What you have said makes a nonesense of no claims bonuses, for the position is that no matter how long you've been driving - who knows what you'll do tomorrow.  Answer = Nobody! So stop trying to legislate for it.

General / Re: Jim'll fiddle it
« on: 05 October 2012, 07:04:06 pm »
I'm not sure what your point is regarding homosexuality. Even in the 70's sex with children was illegal.

Just thinking out loud really. Until the 60's homosexuality was illegal too wasn't it? I just thought that perhaps BBC people didn't like to talk about such things, or perhaps even blocked out the rumours just as they might have done about gays. I wasn't there so can't know, but those that were there do and are saying nowt.

General / Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« on: 05 October 2012, 06:58:34 pm »
What a simpleton like me doesn't get, is why all these incredibly clever people who make VAST, long-term investments in things like super-factories when the future is (according to some) so feckin gloomy! Obviously, the Porsche factory is just one of a myriad projects around the world which are all being worked on - in vain?

Those are two different issues. The global increasing population has been recognised as future a problem by all politicians so there will eventually have to be some form of population control, others want a reduction. That's a long term aim whatever happens, but I suppose it's just one of those 'coincidences' that war or pandemic has been the usual method of achieving it.

None of us can know what's ahead MadDog but for sure we live in uncertain times. As with any uncertainty the best a business can do is to carry on as normal, which is why long term investment etc still happens. It can't not happen can it?  Everyone can't just disappear down a hole in case something bad happens. Besides, just like in the military when some info is above your security clearance so it is in politics, only a few really know what might happen next.  We can only guess or speculate based on what we discover.

They keep talking about rogue states and terrorists on TV, but for me there's no bigger rogue state that Israel.

No one wants war, well certainly not the poor saps that have to fight it.  So apart from the Zionists who believe in end times prophesies and want to bring about armagedon so god will come back, there isn't a concerted effort to bring about a war, but the conditions are there and they are being stimulated by someone. I think war is possible by next spring. Anyone who has their eye on the ball knows Israel wants that, and Romney will make it happen. Looking at Obama's performance on the face off the other night he looked like a man who's already been told.

I've read report after report from some of the world's top agencies and they all believe Iran has no intention of developing WMD's. It's the same phoney excuse they used before. Israel attacks Iran, Iran attacks US military bases nearby, the US are drawn in to defend Israel, Russia and China support Iran, and Japan may yet attack China. It's a tinderbox. Add to that the creation of anti American hatred in the middle east (by Israel) and it don't look rosy.

At least if it happens it happens, we'll know for certain then. :lol  Oh, and it won't be nuclear wipeout Tom it doesn't work like that. It will be conventional or tac nuke so that arms can be sold to both sides and a tidy profit made by the guys that caused it - just like all the other wars. Then they profit later from all the rebuilding contract work that has to be done, no profit in rebuilding a toxic wasteland.

I also watched something called "Preppers" which was a bunch of crazy people in America preparing for the imminent "Doomsday" by pickling jars of food every day.

As recently as five years ago I'd have thought them nuts. Now I think them sensible, if only for protection against civil unrest.

General / Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« on: 05 October 2012, 04:26:46 pm »

For fucks sake Breadlord, if you're going to have a debate with someone at least keep it about the points raised rather than using smokescreen.
Rusty, keep it coming. If necessary I'll start debating you to keep it going, even though I am aware of a lot of this stuff already.
Question though: Do you have any suggestions on how to overcome the impression that we are ants trying to fight a gorilla.

The lad's allright Chillum.  My fault for winding him up really, I have wry sense of humour that doesn't translate in text. In answer to your question No. That's just what we are. Effing plebs!   :lol

The answer is greater transparency and openness in government, but we don't have that because of so called 'security issues'. The security issues they themselves create that is. Like the bogey man. Russians, now  terrorists, then perhaps the Chinese, then it'll probably be the extraterrestrial threat. So long as your kept in fear of something external you will look to the government to do something about it, and if that means losing a little liberty to feel safe along the way then that's what people will accept.  And that's what the government will provide.

The reason why the USSR failed and China succeeds is an open economic market. A totalitarian government based on commerce. There are no ‘Human Rights’ just human manipulation. It's a very successful business model and this hasn't gone unnoticed in the west. They know they can't fight China, they can't out produce or out manufacture China, but they can emulate it. By combining nations into larger entities like the EU, and eventually further combining under one world banking system Earth becomes a social economic collective.

General / Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« on: 05 October 2012, 03:53:03 pm »
Rusty, do you actually bother to *READ* what people have written?

Yes Grahamm, even what you write.  :)

Go back and read my posts again and actually try to *comprehend* them and you'll find all your answers are already in this thread.

I thought I hadn't missed the answer but I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt and went back as instructed to, or was that ordered to? Painful as it was to have to re-read all the evasive reasoning you have been using I did do, and oddly enough found no direct answer to my question.  Fancy that. The only thing I can find is the bit below.

There are times and places and situations where even doing 70mph is going to be much too fast for the prevailing road conditions, yet drivers still use such inappropriate speeds because they think "Well, I've passed my test, so I can drive" not "should I be using this speed in these conditions?"

Now perhaps it my lack of *comprehension*, but does all this woffle about prevailing conditions and of how 70mph is often too fast constitute in your mind the answer to my question? Which was do you believe vehicles should be capable of greater than the national maximum speed limit? And does your sudden willingness to incorporate links to terms you've just learned into your reply explain why you haven't yet addressed any of the other points I raised in my last post?

So should all people be considered guilty until they are proven innocent Grahamm? As you said here. See I do read your posts. :)

I said you (and everyone else) should need to *prove* that you can still drive to an acceptably safe standard. Simply saying "well I've done this for X many years and not had an accident" is not proof.

Do you know THIS word Grahamm?  :)

General / Re: Jim'll fiddle it
« on: 05 October 2012, 03:16:05 pm »
I think from the BBC's standpoint they wanted to protect an 'asset'. Damaging him would also be damaging to them, after all he was the Top of the Pop's frontman for years and must have represented a considerable investment. I'm going to say a very Un-PC thing here, but in good faith. Television is full gay people, and by the attitudes of the day homosexuals were often considered to be sexually deviant.

Given that, is it possible that even Saville's activity was known about and considered to be merely his own particular deviance?

General / Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« on: 05 October 2012, 03:05:23 pm »
You're a loony. And everyone else knows it. And you know it.

Aw c'mon bready I'm only joshin' you. Lighten up. After all I'm only talking about plans for a coming global fascist government here so nothing too heavy huh?  If only you knew it I'm actually trying to help you, but your painting me black without either knowing who I am or anything about my background. I see from your posts that you are a passionate guy and I like that, we may not agree but as with VNA I do respect a fella that has the gumption to stand up and be counted.

So how about we call a truce and I tell you a little more about what I know? Go on... what do you have to lose?  I'll even promise to throw away that plastic face mask. (they get kinda sweaty inside don't they?) Besides, look at the view count, there are bunches of guys out there just bursting to hear me spontaneously combust before their very eyes for their entertainment, think of all that wasted popcorn?  :)

I'll also tell you a few of the names that gave me this info so you can see just who those 'crackpots' are- they'll surprise you. They won't mind. As I told you some are dead now anyway, and others are so old that they don't give a shit anymore. Those that aren't dead or old are out there bravely telling it like it is so people can know what's coming, and meeting with shit loads of abuse for doing so. So how about it?  It's clear you still need a little guidance as a fledgeling revolutionary. For example in your last post you gave me an insight into your character by defining success in material terms - Big House, Yatch etc. Why can't success be measured simply in the good that you do?

You also mentioned the concrete nose in the V2 rocket as being somehow unscientific. I found it odd that when faced with a V2 rocket, which in it's day was an unprecedented technical marvel, and the machine that heralded the age of the ICBM, all you could focus on was the payload. You're not seeing the big picture breadlord, and I'm trying to show it to you.

Slaninar in every post I have read of yours you are the one guy who I feel is able to understand the way things are going. I'd say your history teacher was correct. Now imagine if instead of 'some states do it more some states do it less', those states were to merge in what could be termed a collective. If they did this via financial means first before political, then you would eventually arrive at a point where Earth becomes one giant social collective.

Like I said earlier if people are interested enough I'll post up some more, if not then I won't. It change anything, only by reading they might see it coming when it does, and following another major world event next spring I believe that time is fast approaching.

General / Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« on: 05 October 2012, 02:16:49 pm »

Grahamm what you're saying here doesn't make sense. You appear to be saying that a clean license and unblemished driving record over many years means that you are still just as likely to be a person that simply goes out and drives like a lunatic. Am I understanding that right?

Given that's the premise, how often do you feel such a person might pull off a stunt like that before coming unstuck? Once? Twice? Forever?  If forever I'd like to understand how, and if not I'd like to understand why you believe they would do it occasionally? Especially given that all the evidence points otherwise?

Under your position everyone is guilty until they prove themselves innocent. That's deemed an unacceptable premise even when dealing with murderers, so why so for motorists? Were insurance companies to operate under your logic there would be no such thing as a no claims bonus. You are advocating the re-appraising of all, rather than incentivising good drivers by being exempt, and discouraging bad driving by retesting or re-appraising those with bad records.

Erm, it was *you* who tried to pull that old chestnut, not me! And I've already addressed it once, I'm not going to give a different answer just because you're trying to pull it again.

I'm afraid you'll have to humour me on this one then because I must have missed your answer. All I recall is you stating that regardless of the top speed of a vehicle it can also go a lot slower, but still break any urban limit imposed. Was that your answer? If it was then you appear to have answered a question I didn't ask. What I asked was:

'Should vehicles be limited to the 70mph maximum speed as a safety measure?"

As far as I'm aware you didn't answer that. You appear to have body-swerved into speaking of urban safety and driver awareness while completely ignoring motorway driving and the excess speeds involved. Kind of a huge elephant in your room though isn't it? The government could make an excellent case for the 70mph thing as a large percentage of driving is by motorway.  If it's all truly about road safety and not creeping nanny state bullshit then you should be all for it. So, are you? Fancy a 70mph FZ1?

Or is the truth that the government wouldn't dare restrict vehicles to the legal maximum as it would harm both the economy and their own revenue in fines, thus making the safety issue pure hypocrisy? Perhaps also the retesting idea would be a rather lucrative business for a number advanced motorist type examiners, who would naturally see it as a great idea?

General / Re: Oh dear What have I done now ?
« on: 04 October 2012, 10:45:08 pm »
Good luck lad.  :)

General / Re: Jim'll fiddle it
« on: 04 October 2012, 10:17:55 pm »
C'mon, Rantzens not backward at coming forward. She failed in her duty by failing to raise the matter. If I put myself in her position then that's how I'd feel. I know there's been a conspiracy of silence, in fact I had to chuckle yesterday as I saw a photo of all the DJ's of the time stood together, yet they all claim never to have known the man. Talk about distancing themselves from it.

They're surely not trying to say that they all didn't gossip about it like old women behind his back. They're all culpable.

General / Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« on: 04 October 2012, 10:03:58 pm »
Nothing you've mentioned exists in the scientific literature. Nothing exists outside of crackpot blogs where everyone reinforces each others beliefs.

Now now breadlord, don't go all crusty on me.

I've given some thought to you what you said earlier. 'Underground freedom fighter' eh? .... Hmmmm....I like it! Has a ring to it, sounds kinda cool don't you think? It conjours up images of action man Bruce Willis, struggling to defend Earth from asteroids - while wearing a dirty vest. Although the reality is less glamorous of course, it's just old Rusty struggling with hemorrhoids. I do have a dirty vest though, I spit coffee on it when I saw your limp reply.

However, in true 'freedom fighter' fashion, I went out this afternoon and bought one of those funny plastic Guy Fawkes masks that all true freedom fighters must have. Allthough to be honest as I sit here typing I find the elastic don't half chafe your ears. So, the only part I'm missing now is the 'underground' bit, but then I do live in a bungalow is that near enough?

I've been looking at all the good work you folks did during the occupy London thing, quite impressive. Have you noticed how they're trying to twist words these days, those capitalist bastards I mean? They tell you threre are no rich bastards any more, they are 'wealth creators'. Did you notice that? Sneaky buggers the media aren't they, no more capitalist pigs, just wealth creators, makes them like good fairies creating wealth for all.

Anyway I don't think you guys got your due for what you did in front of St Pauls.  If the rich can be called wealth creators then I thin you fella's should have been called... er.... 'Job creators'.
Yes that's it - job creators.  After all ..... some fucker had to clean up after you'd gone. :lol

Well I'll type the next instalment of my tale tomorrow as I'm watching an invisible cloak on ebay and it's going off soon, wouldn't wanna miss it, I mean - when would you see another?

General / Re: Jim'll fiddle it
« on: 04 October 2012, 09:18:31 pm »
Maybe that's the one bit Jimmy hadn't quite figured out.

Aye, and maybe Jimmy didn't give a shit more likely. The so called rumours were more than that, it was an open secret apparently. Rantzen was quick enough to investigate potato's that looked like willy's and dogs that could say fuckin' sausages for that's life, but couldn't muster a word on child abuse in her position? Now that is bollocks.

General / Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« on: 04 October 2012, 09:11:47 pm »
I think I'd ask whether you are capable of driving (or riding!) without deliberately or through carelessness, recklessness or simple inability, causing others to have to rapidly adjust their speed or direction because of your actions.

Yes to all of that.

If you pull out on someone at a roundabout and they have to slam on their brakes to avoid you, but it doesn't actually result in an accident, do you think that there's nothing wrong with that? If you do an overtake into on-coming traffic making someone have to swerve out of your way (but not physically crashing), is that acceptable? If you decide to do 60mph in a 30mph limit and nearly hit someone coming out of a T-Junction because you were going too fast, do you not think there might be a problem with your road use??

No to all of that. Need proof? See 31 years no claims (if only) clean license, clean conscience.

So now can you tell me why I might need compulsorily educating further? Oh, and the old chestnut you pulled back there about vehicles being able to do 70 in a 30 still doesn't answer the point - do you want all vehicles limited to 70mph on the grounds that it is the legal maximum? There can be no possible excuse for going any faster regardless of what speed you do in town etc, so how about the legislation 'in the name of safety' starts with that?

What say you.

General / Re: Jim'll fiddle it
« on: 04 October 2012, 01:58:49 pm »
Watch the Esther Rantzan video, she basically says everyone knew it but as he was a BBC god it was ignored.

Rantzen is outing herself before the press dig any deeper. She knew what he was up to but was the director of child line?  The hypocritical bastard!

Apparently when approached Saville would use his charity work as a cover, as in "Well go public and there goes Stoke Mendiville hospital"

Buried at 45 degrees facing the sea?  I think he should be dug up and tipped upside down the pervy old git.  :evil

General / Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« on: 04 October 2012, 01:54:18 pm »

I have to disagree. There are, indeed, many Nanny State intrusions which I will (and have) objected to, however just because someone has been driving for X many years and hasn't had an accident or got points on their licence doesn't mean that their skills are current and up to the requirements of what is needed these days.

Grahamm I think the only requirement needed, either these days or in any other period is the ability to set off and arrive without either having or inadvertently causing an accident.  What more can you ask? As for eyesight tests and medicals I already said above that I can see the sense in those.

General / Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« on: 04 October 2012, 01:49:26 pm »

Oh shit, Rusty (Of the family Starfish), you've done it now.... blah....blah....blah.. snippety snippety snip... ;)  I originally thought you were just a misguided libertarian, but shit. It turns out you're some kind of underground freedom fighter.

Breadlord you amuse me. Well actually you surprised me, in that you say you 'thought' which must be a first. Guys? like you are usually followers not thinkers. Predictably it's always some kind of naive quasi-socialistic ideal too, left over from long nights in the Students union bar no doubt. It fades though, all followers get tired in the end. The 1960's were full of idealistic hippies who were going to change the world and where are they now? Well ironically, they're the same people you wasted your time protesting about in St Pauls.

Underground freedom fighter eh?  :lol Naw,think of me more in terms of 'an independant nosey bastard that won't be fobbed off' and you're nearer the mark. I see I've made an enemy of you breadlord, and with that in mind do you really think that I would post anything up here that can't be proven? Stroll on lad. Where's your intelligent and incisive critique? Where's your seriously researched counterpoint? I can debate with a five year old who'll come up with starfish and lizard riposte's, in between her crayoning on the wallpaper that is. Come on man raise your game!

Misguided Libertarian? That would be 'misguided' in the sense that I don't agree with you I take it? Well yes and no. I could be described as libertarian in that I think it would be nice if we could all just get along and play nicely in this world, but then some vitriolic ass-hole always comes along, foaming with revolutionary fervour just to spoil it. Don't they breadlord?  :)

Maybe I'm not making myself properly understood here? OK bear with me... Minds are like parachutes - they work best when they're open. :lol

The reason I pointed out the so called UFO technology above is this. That type of technology is at least 25 years old, yet be honest unless you were in the military you may be forgiven for thinking that aircraft such as the F-117 stealth fighter are cutting edge. The truth is that cutting edge is what joe public don't know about.  What you believe to be cutting edge was revealed to you only because it was obsolete. Even the Lockheed X-22 darkstar is probably obsolete now, and again that is a craft using an electro-magnetic field propulsion system. Such systems are capable of 7000 mph in atmosphere. They were able to hide it from you for so long by using disinformation, ignorance and ridicule. I'll come back to those.

I read somewhere that in automotive technology they are approximately ten years in front. That means that the stuff you see appearing in the showroom today like self parking sensors etc was in R+D ten years or so ago, and it gradually becomes implemented. In the military world that number of years  is at least 50, taking around 40 for the kit to filter into the public's perception. A few examples might be fibre optics, the military had those in 1947. Super tensile fabrics which you now know as 'kevlar', again from the 1940's. The printed circuit, laser, night vision glasses, the list goes on.

Ok so what's all this got to do with Politics?

Well I would suggest the link is pretty crucial to the understanding of what's going on, and remember I say suggest here. My aim is to encourage others to look beyond their own noses, not to convince you that I'm right.

At the end of World war two both the Russian and American military raced to capture Nazi scientists. They ended up getting some of each, but the reason they wanted them was to learn the secrets of their advanced technology. Toward the end of the war those guys were working on stuff you wouldn't believe, and the American's captured the best of the bunch. Werner Von Braun is one of the better known ones, responsible for the V1 and V2 vergeltungswaffe they called him the father of rocketry.  It was Von Braun amongst others who put America on the moon.

Of greater interest even than Von Braun, was the work of Viktor Schauberger, who invented the Repulsine engine, which is basically a high energy (some say free energy) field density engine capable of use in a flying craft of unconventional appearance. A disk for example. It works on a swirling vorteces principle creating some sort of electro-magnetic thrust. I'm not a scientist remember - just a nosey bastard, so I'm not going to do the work for you - I've already done it. If you'd like to check this out start googling 'Schauberger' or 'Repulsine'.


OK, so all this stuff has been in development since at least 1945, hence the 'Flying Saucer' craze and multiple sightings of strange craft  from the late '40's onward. People were noticing things in the sky that didn't look right, and were told by the politicians that they were weather balloons, swamp gas or any number of unfeasible explanations.  Occasionally one of these craft had an accident, it crashed leaving debris, but more importantly - witnesses. Those witnesses always had a visit from the military telling them to forget what they saw - Or else!

So to protect national security a pattern emerged. Disinformation, ridicule, and ignorance followed by threats, and unfortunately in some cases, more. So here we are in the 21st Century and almost 70 years have passes in which time the military has been quietly developing it's technology.  Those of you who have served in the military, the Police, or even in corporate business will know that information is very compartmentalised.  You know what your told but that's not as much as the guy higher up.  Well Joe Public is at the bottom of that ladder, we're told nothing, even though we're the ones paying for it. Which is why they kept running the space shuttle until recently, to have you believe that that was where we are at technology wise. It was in reality the equivalent of going to space in a model T Ford.

OK, so I have to do a little work now (gasp!) but later I'll mention a couple more projects you may or may not be aware of and then I'll get to the controversial bit of how all this affects you, which ties it all in.  So get your popcorn ready, and in the meantime feel free to think of some other aquatic creature to call me.  :evil


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