Date: 02-06-24  Time: 19:02 pm

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Topics - chaz

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General / R I P
« on: 19 November 2016, 11:36:02 pm »
found me fazer in Sherburn Bike Breakers, they got it for £150 and sold back wheel/swing arm and lock set.

General / drag bike racing
« on: 09 April 2016, 02:13:06 pm »
I don't know if any of you follow the drag bike racing but it's lost one of it's best female racers through illness at the age of 51.

General / we're going to need a bigger prision?
« on: 24 March 2016, 06:30:20 pm »
If all the persons who have had sex with someone below the age of 16 is sentenced to six years then we better get building alot more prisions?

General / how long does it take?
« on: 07 March 2016, 03:32:13 pm »
Has anyone here made a claim on their own insurance for accident damage? how long did it take and who were you insured with?
I feel that nothing is being done on my claim unless I phone and ask what is happening, the last three calls are "waiting for engineers report"
Now I'm no engineer but just from the photo that the recovery firm emailed me and a check on suttons spares the parts alone come to over £3000. I'm hoping the value of the bike is £2225, this will leave 2k after excess.
I'm not in any hurry to replace the bike as it could be another 10 weeks before my shoulder blade mends the broken finger should be ok in another 2 to 4 weeks.
This is week 5 since the accident, what is your best or worst for pay out for your bike (not injuries and not claiming off third parties).

General / what would you do?
« on: 02 March 2016, 10:15:43 pm »
As some of you know a few weeks ago I came of my bike due to diesel on the road, I slid to the other side of the road and hit a car comming the other way.
The outcome of this is my bike is a write off, the car may be a write off as it was a 3 year old honda jazz and all the air bags fired.
 My clothes were all cut off me , that's textile jacket and trousers, jeans, biker type top, 2 t shirts, helmet damaged, heated gloves have been lost, and boots have some damage to the left one.
I have a fractured little finger and fractured shoulder blade and soft tissue injurys to my left side.
I phoned carole nash up today to see how my claim was progressing, guess what nothing has been done as yet still waiting for engineers report, last week they said I would have it by (last) monday.
 I asked if I could have some legal advice (as you get free legal cover) and was put through to the legal people?
I got to talk to a young lady and from the start things didn't go very well, I'm trying to explain what had happened but she didn't seem to know what diesel on the road does? anyway after she had spoken to her manager and asked me more pointless questions, I politley told her I would go elsewhere for advice, at the end of the day they are charging £300 to £400 an hour.
There are plenty of firms on the internet but what are my chances of getting anything? I recon that to replace my stuff the excess and loss of NCD will be £1000 do I just take the hit?
Have any of you been in this situation?

General / book value?
« on: 22 February 2016, 03:44:02 pm »
Has anyone got a price guide? what I need to know is what is a fair payout when my bike is written off?
I can find bikes for sale at dealers but not with the mileage mine has done.
It's a FZ6N first reg. june 2006 with 45,600 miles on the clock. it is all standard except small fly screen, tyres were new 400 miles ago, and was in very good condition for year and mileage.
The price that should be offered is what I would have to pay to replace the bike from a reputable dealer.

For Sale & Wanted / spares for fz6
« on: 11 February 2016, 11:07:23 pm »
I was thinking of buying this back for spares untill I got the photo? I don't think I'll bother.

General / goodbye?
« on: 08 February 2016, 11:00:48 pm »
well I may be leaving this fantastic site, just got to see what is left of my Fz6?

General / bar muffs
« on: 26 October 2015, 08:35:28 pm »
Bar muffs, do they work or are they more hassle for the bit you gain? Last winter I bought some (cheap) heated gloves that run off 3 x aa batteries, although I bid get good rechargable batteries, they have helped a bit and was wondering if muffs would improve things? My thinking was that it would be better than heated grips as I have more than one bike and didn't want to clutter the bike up.
I only ride for fun but do like to ride all year round.

General / speeding?
« on: 05 September 2015, 06:19:52 pm »
Has anyone been done for speeding by the police helecopter?
I was followed into Helmsley this afternoon, don't know when it started following us but I was playing catch up as I had got caught up in traffic? I was sticking to the limit in the town but before that I may have been a tad over 60 or even 2 tads?
when I was in the market place I could hear it above me and all the people were looking skywards.
It watched us park up then flew off, a few minutes later a police car arrived but didn't stop. now what I want to know is do they have to tell you at the time or can they sent a summons through the post. I think it would be a court job, well you know why, would like a first hand reply as when you google it some say they do and some say they dont? thanks. P.S. you can send me a PM if you wish

« on: 01 August 2015, 12:07:19 am »
Happy "Yorkshire Day" to all my fellow Yorkshire Foccers and "If tha's not fro'Yorkshire 'ard luk"

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / FZ1n
« on: 30 July 2015, 11:36:13 am »
I'm thinking of getting a thou, so any advice will be welcome, I want a gen 2 naked in standard trim, looked on ebay, a few on mainly bike shops, which is ok as they have to "work", what years are best? and what's the fastest colour, ignore the last bit. Oh and what is the top speed (that's reached easily?)  thanks for any advice and if you're selling one cheap and local (Yorkshire) let me know.

General / driving licence?
« on: 31 May 2015, 12:31:46 pm »
So the paper part of the driving licence will be invalid, I know someone who has still only got a paper licence?

How many on here had or still have a"proper" licence?

General / talktalk is blocking what I like?
« on: 23 May 2015, 10:03:51 pm »
talktalk is stopping me getting to certain sites, as though the "childsafe" is turned on which it isn't, I have even turned it on and then allowed the sites I want to visit but still blocked.
 HELP what can I do??????????????????

General / what is this?
« on: 26 January 2015, 10:38:28 pm »
without googling it have you any idea what this was used for, it dates from WW2, I'm selling it on ebay and someone has told me what it is, I thought it was out of an aircraft but it's not. Sorry but no prize for guessing.


General / bike crash on TV?
« on: 18 January 2015, 07:02:24 pm »
was any one watching ITV news at 18:20, they were doing a live? report outside a station when a bike/scooter crashed, I was on the phone so didn't see what happened but going to watch it on ITV +1 soon.

General / what is this?
« on: 19 November 2014, 04:23:31 pm »
This dates from around WW2, do you know what it is called and what it was used for?
It looks to be able to read the code on the tape it's not magnetic so maybe uses light, it also has a valve amp. built in but I don't know if it's a radio as well. any ideas?
Ive messaged someone who has bought an astrograph of me so until  he gets back to me it's down to you lot. I dont think its an early type of sat nav?

General / do you know what this is used for?
« on: 20 October 2014, 03:21:17 pm »
bit of a quiz, have you ever used one of these? or even seen one of these? the key is just for scale.

General / grumpy old man or DVLA taking the pi$$
« on: 22 September 2014, 02:26:45 pm »
Well the road tax is due on the MT, £44 for 6 months or £80 for the year. So that works out at 10% intrest if you pay it in 2 installments, erm no that would be the case if you got the tax now and paid for it in 12 months time, what you are doing is paying £44 now (borrowing £36 for 6 months) so now the rate has gone up to 44.5%, arr but there's the extra cost involved in.......... not printing two tax discs not posting two envelopes ........just an electronic transfer which costs about the same as a text does.
I think the rate should be £40 and £80  but then who would pay for the full year? I'm paying the full amount as I get about 1.5% on my savings.

General / insurance?
« on: 01 May 2014, 04:00:11 pm »
So I've got this years renewal, it's gone up by over 52% phones Bennetts to ask why and guess what they knock £40 off just for asking, am I missing something here?
 A mate always stuck with his local broker he was paying over £500 for his fireblade, changed and saved over £250?

General / In a skip?
« on: 28 December 2013, 06:46:56 pm »
A mate got this out of a skip, to be more accurate the owner of the skip company got it out and gave him the bike as he knew he's into bikes.
The question is will he have any trouble getting a log book for it, I've told him not to do any thing to it till he can find out it's status?

General / have times changed?
« on: 30 November 2013, 10:32:04 pm »
Being of a certain age I started motorcycling in the 1960's I often forget that once you rode a motorbike you became an outlaw, often banned from 90% of pubs and cafes, why ? well here's a press cutting, from 1964 (a bit before I was a biker) the lower photo is of the old Squires at Sherburn-in-Elmet, would the press print stuff like that today, I doubt it.

General / Sand in my tank?
« on: 26 November 2013, 08:18:50 pm »
Today I went to Tesco for petrol, opened my tank put the nozzle in then noticed it was covered in sand, someone had dropped it into the sand on the forecourt. I didn't put any fuel in but could see sand on the metal bit in the tank.
I went in and complained about this and also about another diesel spill at another pump, fair enough they cleaned the sand off the pump and put sand on the spill.
When I asked what they were going to do about the sand in my tank, they said I would have to see the manager but he was busy at the moment? (probably hiding so he wouldn't have to deal with me).
Do you think I should take the tank off to clean it out, I did get what I could out of the filler, or do you think the small amount that may be in will be ok, and should I take the matter up with Tesco?

I've emailed Tescos see if anything happens?

General / got off lightly ??????????????
« on: 17 September 2013, 10:09:39 pm »
 A BIKER has been banned from the roads and fined after being caught riding at 135mph on the A1 in North Yorkshire.
 Brian Barton was captured on his Kawasaki motorcycle doing nearly twice the legal limit near Boroughbridge, on July 6.
 The 54-year-old from Kippax, Leeds, was sentenced at Harrogate Magistrates' Court last Wednesday, police said today, and was was banned from driving for 56 days and fined a total of £377.
 Inspector Paul Cording, of North Yorkshire Police's roads policing group, said: “This sentence is a clear demonstration of the determination of all those in the criminal justice system to keep the roads in North Yorkshire as safe as possible.
    “Barton’s speed was completely unacceptable and utterly reckless. It is simply not something we will tolerate."

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