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Messages - maddog04

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 34
General / Re: Varifocals and riding
« on: 17 October 2023, 07:08:38 pm »
They take some getting used to, but no more than when you buy your very first pair of glasses.

I mean in general day to day.......not on the bike. Once your eyes are ok with them, your eyes adjust no matter what you're doing

Edited to be able to read it - font size increased

General / Re: Varifocals and riding
« on: 17 October 2023, 07:06:22 pm »
Had glasses for a few years now and at first was dubious if I could ride in them. I struggle with Distance and Near but the biggest bug bear was the frame being in the way of my peripheral vision plus the outer edge of the lens tended to "blur" a little in the same peripheral area.

I needed to go vari focal to solve my two sight issues .....basically, keep my head up and distance is ok, drop my eyes only and reading the clocks or satnav is great
I'm used to "scanning" so my head movement now negates the area where my peripheral was being compromised.

They take some getting used to, but no more than when you buy your very first pair of glasses.

I'd recommend you go for them Harry, I've never looked back

General / Re: Websites, videos etc for riding tips and techniques
« on: 24 April 2023, 10:57:00 am »
don't forget post test training.

RoSPA....(Royal society for prevention of accidents) I'm an advanced tutor for the Merseyside/South Lancs group

IAM (Institute of advanced motorists/Motorcyclists)

Both offer excellent post training courses, I'm biased and say go RoSPA  :lol [size=78%]but whichever you choose, you'll get great input for a safer ride[/size]

General / Re: Foccin’ YamahApathy
« on: 24 April 2023, 09:50:38 am »
I haven't looked in for years let alone post (wife had a huge Stroke 8 years ago and I rarely have time for anything as I'm her main Carer now) but seeing the above, is very sad news.

I'm sure there's others like me who are computer fuckwits and can't do the admin role but equally, some will be able to step up. I urge those who can, to do it.

This site is the best site I've ever used and I came here about 15 -20 years ago and nothing comes close. From the early days of Ma and Deefer to the present and everyone in between, you've all made it THE bike forum and I've always espoused it. Oddly enough, I mentioned it to someone last week who had a Fazer Thou and I mentioned the exup valve to him  :rolleyes

My first bike was the Fazer 600 box eye and I learnt loads about it and it's mods from those on here.....very happy days on a great bike.

Best of luck everyone.....step up to the plate and don't let the site go under  :pokefun

the point everyone is missing, is that members of the jury will decide on his fate and chances are, if there's bikers on that jury then they'll be doing their utmost to get him off

as someone who's done jury service, let me explain what you're up against

I had a paedo case, before we'd even sat down in the ante room, a grandmother on the jury said he's guilty.....I've got grandkids and we don't want him on the streets. As you can imagine.....the rest of us were shocked. We hadn't even gone into the courtroom to hear his name and she was adamant he was going down.
the defence QC was ok but the prosecution was QC was shit, got names, streets mixed up much so that I thought he was deliberately trying to catch out the witness but it continued.....he was just incompetent

2nd case was similar and to my surprise I thought they'd be on remand but the pair of them travelled in by train each day. Even as the judge took our guilty verdict, he addressed them in the dock and told them to report back to court after xmas for sentencing. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing.....I though they were being sent down on the spot

another mate had a young lad on the jury who said, I don't know much about life coz I'm young....I'll just go with the flow

I often wonder how many innocent/guilty people are in gaol or let off coz of jury members leanings

General / Re: Advance Train Tickets
« on: 06 November 2019, 10:39:29 pm »
how do you go about getting that mate......wife is in a wheelchair and I'm her Carer?


General / Re: 6 million memories
« on: 13 March 2019, 04:33:08 pm »
Thanks ogri48
when you say the apartments .....are they wheelchair friendly too?

I know I'm asking a lot but in short, we need lifts not stairs and towns/cities that are flat (I'm getting on now and can't be pushing her up hill :lol)

toilets is another big issue, even in this country you wouldn't believe the hassle of trying to find an accessible disabled toilet


General / Re: Moped gangs
« on: 13 March 2019, 09:37:06 am »
I can't see the attachment so bear with me.......the best thing about these idiots is that the Police are now ramming them off

General / Re: pfucking load of crap
« on: 13 March 2019, 09:35:19 am »
looks like the goon has disappeared, if he'd stayed around then he'd have realised this is the best site going FOR EVERYTHING

I've been on here since about 2002 and haven't had a fazer for donkey's years, the site is that good.........but then you all know this, I'm preaching to the converted

anyway.....talking of sinks :lol

General / Re: 6 million memories
« on: 13 March 2019, 09:26:34 am »
Indeed, we must never forget.

a past work colleague went and said it was harrowing, someone else I know went and said it wasn't as bad as he'd thought it would be (not disrespectful but I think he'd heard that much and built himself a wall to bat off what he thought was going to be a really upsetting experience)

just watching old war films can give an idea of the horrors but seeing the camps for real.....I can only assume it would be a sobering experience. It's something me and the Mrs would like to do but she's in a wheelchair. Those who have been, can you say if Krakow and the camps are wheelchair friendly?

« on: 04 February 2019, 10:24:41 am »
I was expecting the NW or even more North, its the MIDLANDS FFS :lol

you Southern softies still think anything North of Watford is the North :eek ;)

the Midlands is the South :lol

General / Re: Today's "What Gets My Goat"
« on: 04 January 2019, 06:42:28 pm »
The cunts have my parcel and I've tracked it each day. should've been delivered on Jan 1stthen every day since.....but no!

finally had a live chat that ended up with me demanding a manager so he comes on and then says the wrong courier has it...WTF?
Its still with them but probably down sarf instead of oop north!!!
I tell him to ring the depot but they can't as they don't have phones.......its 2019 yer twat!!What a fucking wank firm

outcome is they will email me within 24 hours (if they can) to tell me when I will get it (probably in a week if I'm lucky)

probes going to outer space, Chinese taking pics of the dark side of then moon and Hermes cant fucking ring their depots. what a wank firm

General / Re: Aldi Merino Ski Wear Winter riding
« on: 06 December 2018, 03:10:18 pm »
as far as I recall, take home try on and take it back with the receipt if no good to you :thumbup

ask in branch first incase they're an arsey bunch

General / Re: What made you feel good today?
« on: 06 December 2018, 03:04:15 pm »
watching Corbyn lose his rag with May and her cronies when they laughed at him, when he was talking about the poor. That made me feel good

General / Re: Rider down
« on: 28 November 2018, 10:52:07 am »

General / Re: Aldi Merino Ski Wear Winter riding
« on: 28 November 2018, 10:51:03 am »
just so you're aware, Aldi only go upto XL in their size range. I'm usually XL but find their stuff on the smaller size, looked at a jacket once but was not to be :'(

General / Re: Rider down
« on: 24 November 2018, 02:07:09 pm »
no chance of claiming off the other party?

General / Re: Bells Palsey
« on: 24 November 2018, 02:02:45 pm »
sorry to hear of your predicament mate, only experience I have had, is of a workmate who woke up with it (15 years ago). Think it took about 3 months to settle and get back to normal. Fingers crossed for you ;)

General / Re: Sad news from Foc-uS this weekend
« on: 24 November 2018, 01:57:29 pm »
sad news, I didn't know Billy but this is a great site and we all feel a loss, condolences to his family and friends whom I'm sure will give him a great send off

General / Re: Re-covering security chain
« on: 18 October 2018, 09:47:05 am »
almax do the 2m one for £15 delivered, give them a bell (google them) as I'm sure they do a shorter length chain too

General / Re: Must be getting old.......don't ban me. !!!
« on: 12 October 2018, 03:16:04 pm »
first it was soft tops, now this. Go see a Doctor immediately :lol :lol

General / Re: Blind Spot Mirrors
« on: 10 October 2018, 10:25:12 am »
loads of mirror checks and shoulder checks.......never keep your head still especially when stopped

General / Re: Recovering security chain
« on: 10 October 2018, 10:22:49 am »
I've just got an Almax chain 2m long and 19mm links and the sleeve has seen better days, been told I can get a new sleeve for about £12. I've also got a short length of fire hose which I'm thinking of using.......its not as flexible so if you're not carrying it on the bike then that maybe an option for you, ask your local station if they have a burst length that's no good'll need the old 70mm (64 now) as opposed to the 45mm hose

General / Re: speeding ticket (NIP)
« on: 08 September 2018, 09:36:03 am »
and that gets my goat but can't be arse posting elsewhere :lol
imagine you approach a cop and get in their face, I bet you'd be arrested for aggressive behaviour

just watched a great show on BBC I recorded last week or two?
NYPD New York's biggest gang......about cop watchers who record cops behaviour after all the black people who have been killed by cops. Oddly enough, the cops don't like it back at them and make life difficult for those with the camera's. Well worth seeking out on I Player

General / Re: 2007 fazer 600s3
« on: 08 September 2018, 09:29:21 am »

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