Date: 03-06-24  Time: 01:25 am

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Messages - Rammy

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FZS600 Fazer / Re: R6 rear shock on the FZS600
« on: 06 May 2019, 04:10:21 am »
Yay, the mod lives on  :)
The filing mentioned above is only for the 2006-07 R6 2c0 shock: if you have one of the 13s (2008 onwards) shocks as per picture then no filing is needed.
Spacer can go on either the top or bottom, most people prefer it on top of the spring.
Thickness - well, the Faulkner springs are 152.5 mm long whereas the original R6 spring is about 165mm long. So the extra spacer is to take up the missing spring length.  It can therefore be between 10mm - 15mm thick, depending on how much preload you want on the replacement spring.

Hi, first time posting on the forum, even though I've been a member a cpl of years. I think I'm guilty of the Facebook thing as It's easier...

Two part question...
1. (Relevant to this thread) Do you still make up these shock mods or supply spacers n dogbones?
2. (Not so relevant to this thread, but I'm gona ask anyway) when it comes to changing the spring on the R6 shock; how do you know what "weight?thickness?strength???" of spring to get to be able to adjust for the weight of rider (one up), rider & luggage and rider and pillion?

why is suspension set up such a dark art... or is it just me  :look [size=78%] [/size]

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