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Topics - tomlinscote

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Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Gen 1 fuel tank
« on: 30 April 2017, 10:11:49 am »
Hi all,

Following an accidental last Sunday i am i need of a new fuel tank, the original having a big dent in it. Is the tank specific to the 1000 or was it used on other models too? Hoping to get one from a scrappy/breakers so as many options as poss would be good. Also the plate that holds the footrest and gear lever has split in two, can this be welded or must it be replaced. If so same qn as for the tank...

I take it new tanks are going to be bloody expensive, any ideas how much??



Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Paint equivalent
« on: 19 March 2017, 11:44:14 am »
Hi folks,
Recovering after hitting a tree and breaking my collar bone. Bike ok but needs the fairing/cowling sticking back together and then painting. Spoke to Yamaha and they don't sell the paint, silver tech 3 or S3 they said it was. Anyone know if there is a car paint that is a close match to that. Over here in France getting car paint is hard enough let alone bike paint. (I know rs paints do an exact match but that's £50 and the bike is 13 years old so the rest of the paint will be faded compared to the new paint.....)

Here's hoping, thanks


Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / HEL brakelines
« on: 05 July 2015, 09:11:01 am »
Morning all,

Now I am in no way a representative of HEL products but just thought I would post this in case anyone else is thinking of getting some new lines.

Following on from an earlier post about how to improve the riding position on my FZS I have ordered some new bars and bar risers. These mods mean I will need longer brake lines, after looking online I found venhill and hel do custom lines. There are probably loads more but I rang hel and the guy was really helpful and I settled on a twin long line setup. Then he asked if was a member of any forums or bike clubs so I'm said yes the fazer owners club so he gave me a 25% discount. That means a new stainless brake line kit with all the fittings and postage was less than £45, bargain!

So if you need new lines maybe give hel a call and say you are a fellow foccer to get your discount.



Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Chain adjuster snapped!
« on: 20 June 2015, 05:08:19 pm »
Hi all, thought the chain was a bit sloppy so tried to adjust tension this afternoon.

Chain side adjuster was nice and free, but other side did not want to budge. Used lots of wd40 on the thread, got a socket it on it and was gently turning it forward and back when it snapped off.

Anyone else had this happen and if so what did you do to fix it? Even if this has not happened to you, any ideas on how to fix it?

On and how long is the adjuster bolt, the bit that snapped off is about an inch long, if I have to drill out the rest I would like to know how much there is likely to be left in the swingarm.

Cheers in advance.


Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / A simple queston....
« on: 11 June 2015, 12:43:15 pm »
though I suspect the answer maybe qute compleicated!

Hi all,

recently had the chance to try the new tracer. Thought it was a damn good bike but it made me realise just how good the gen1 fazer 1000 really is and mine is bog standard, no mods at all. Unfortunately it also highlighted, for me anyway, that the riding position is getting more and more uncomfortable.

So the question is can you make the riding position similar to the new breed of adventure style bikes i.e. higher seat, lower pegs and bars wider, higher and closer to you?

Will a bar mod involve having to have bespoke throttle, choke and clutch cables made aswell as bespoke brake lines?

I really enjoy riding the fazer on short journeys but anything touring wise has knees neck and shoulders getting very sore after 100 mles or so.

Any ideas fellow fazer fans, also any idea how long Yamaha will continue to supply parts for a bike which the most modern examples of are now 10 years old??



Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Bar vibes
« on: 06 July 2013, 04:42:53 pm »
Hi all,
Took bike out for a run today and started to notice a touch more vibration in the bars than normal. They have always 'vibed' a bit at around 4000 revs or 60ish in top but today I felt there was nore than before BUT only on the throttle side. I wasn't gripping it any harder than normal in fact I gripped the left one hard to see if I could feel anything there but no. It gave me the beginnings of pins and needles.
Any ideas why one side could vibe more than the other  (and the bars are not broken!!)
and how I can remedy the situation???

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Front wheel removal
« on: 11 June 2013, 07:05:03 pm »
Hi all,
Any idea why there is no tool provided to remove the front wheel and what do you guys use, went to use the bike today and the back tyre was flat, got a bloody nail in it!
Also any thoughts on only replacing the punctured tyre, I have pilot road ones on at the mo and obviously will have to get a new version looking at PR3 but can I just leave the front PR1 on as it has at least 2k of wear to go or should I bite the expensive bullet and replace the 2???

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Michelin PR3 price?
« on: 28 May 2013, 07:18:17 pm »
Hi all,
Do you think that a pair of PR3 fitted and balanced for £255 is a good deal or not, am a bit out of touch with prices etc also do they last or wear quickly, thinking of them for a summer tour so need somethiing good in the wet!!

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Summer Alp tour advice
« on: 25 May 2013, 12:56:01 pm »
Hi all,
Planning to go to the French/Swiss/Italian Alps this August. Looked at the map and it looks like there is no alternative to the Mont Blanc tunnel which costs about £25 to go through. Qn is has anyone done this trip and has a better route. Used long tunnels before the Frejus one for ex (but that was because it was November and the alt over the top route was snowed up and only vehicules with winter tyres were allowed up it) so I don't have a prob with them just wanted to know if there was a better way of getting from Chamonix to the Italian side without a massive detour.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Pilot Roads
« on: 23 March 2013, 10:48:07 am »
Hi all,
Apologies if you are snowed in today or yesterday, but I had the first really decent day of March, warm roads not too much farm shite thoughtfully spread over said roads so I decided to go for a ride. Anyway.......
It felt like the back end was all over the place, at one point breaking for a bend it locked up, not fun! The tyres were nice and warm and the road was clean and dry too, the tyres in question are Michelin Pilot Roads no number so am assuming PR mark 1, not that old, 2 years and about 4500 miles on them. They have a decent amount of tread on but the back felt really loose anyone else had a similar experience? Tyres that look ok but the performance has just gone AWOL? Bloody grateful it didn't rain at any point and hence why I am not going out today!!

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / re bars and screens etc etc
« on: 15 March 2013, 10:06:03 pm »
Hi all,
Been reading posts about screens and bars and so on whilst waiting  for my new battery to arrive. Well it arrived yesterday gave it  a 2 hour charge annd it started the bike straight away. Went for the firsdt decent ride of the year, the weather here has been pretty shite since Jan, either icy snowy or bloody wet. Then this morning it was bright blue sky bloody cold (for mid March) but bugger it, I had a new battery and was gonna use it!
Anyway.....the bike was ace, so much better than me after a few months off, I did lean into a few corners, watching closely for the shite left behind by the local tractors and the gravel left behind by the gritters, it snowed yesterday! The point I want to make is that I was getting shoulder and neck ache because I was hunching my shoulders when I acted on this and relaxed my arms the pain eased but I still get aches so I end up sitting upright like a copper and then even with a touring screen get a fair bit of turbulence which means the noise in my helmet is bloody loud. I have tried 3 screens and various bar positions but for me it comes down to how I sit on the bike, I have to constantly remind myself to relax my shoulders and arms and maybe get a quieter helmet!!
OR maybe I should mod my fazer into a chopper and fit a bloody barn door of a screen, does anyone know if there has been a fazer modded into a foot forward bike, I have looked at a few but only 70 bhp, please!!
Only a thought :b

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / new battery needed
« on: 01 March 2013, 08:46:24 am »
Hi folks,
Well after nine years faithful service the original battery in my 2004 Fazer 1000 has decided it no longer wants to hold charge and start the bike. It has done well even having been left connected to the bike with the Datatool 3 on for 6 months in 2008 (it was flat but after being started and a 100 mile run worked for another 4 years!)
Qn is what to get to replace it and from where, the Yuasa replacement is close to £80 which if it lasts for 9 yrs is not bad but having been out of work since last July is a bit steep at the mo.
Any thoughts from you guys who have replaced your batteries recently???

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Mixing oils???
« on: 25 October 2012, 02:03:21 pm »
Hi all,
Will bad things happen if I mix semi synth and fully synth oil in the bike (bike spec oils not car ones) or will it be ok?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Advice for anyone going to France
« on: 12 July 2012, 08:26:22 pm »
Hi all,
just thought you may need to know the previous French government introduced a new law stating that all powered transport save scooters have to carry at least one unused breathalyser (or ethylotest in french) from 1st July. This includes motorbikes, and tractors which is really peeing a lot of French people off!!
Although you will not get fined until November its worthwhile getting one for your bikes to appease the gendarmes, at least we don't need to carry spare lamps and warning triangles yet. BUT they do have future plans to introduce hi vis over suits and ban bikes over 7 yrs old from large city centres!!!!
PS anyone traveling through France via the Cantal region is more than welcome to pop in for a cuppa :)

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / FJR vs Gen 1 thou
« on: 17 June 2012, 10:34:36 am »
Hi all, interested in any opinions from out there comparing the FJR1300 to the gen 1 thou, I find I have to sit more and more upright now due to dodgy lower back and realised I sit a bit like the bike cops/paramedic guys do on their FJRs. Qn is how does the FJR compare to the fazer, I realise it will be more heavy to 'throw around' the bends but it seems to always get a rough write up in the bike mags and not just for the now very high price (would not be interested in  a branbd new one anyway!!) Just wondered if any of you guys had decent experience of the bike???

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / 5LV or not 5LV that is the qn???
« on: 09 June 2012, 04:49:49 pm »
Hi all,
was reading the post about changes between  03 and 04 fazers and someone said the pre -04 bikes had the code 5LV and the 04 and 05 ones were 1C2 (I think) my qn is this... I have an 04 bike (had it from new in May 04) and it has the 5LV code, in fact all the panels etc are stamped with that code, so is mine 04 or do you reckon it was an earlier bike sold to me as an 04 model. Not that fussed but as its 8 years old now it will start needing parts etc so need to know which to get if there are differences between the years.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Oil lamp comes on when running :(
« on: 24 January 2012, 04:25:20 pm »
mmm wont press spell chech again as it deleted all the post!!
Anyway....Went out today to start bike up (2004 Fazer 1000 no mods save larger screen) and all the warning lamps went out after bike has started. Left bike to idle for a few mins, came back and the oil lamp was on. Gave it a little more revs to see if it would go out but no it stayed on :( Stopped bike and restarted lamps all went off as excpected and this time the oil lamp didn't come back on. This is the second time I have had this happen, the first time I went for a ride anyway and the bike behaved as it should, but as it happenbed again I turned it off and put it back in the shed. The level is fine, near the top of the sight glass. It has been cold and wet here so I have not been out for just over a week, but I have left the bike for much longer than that with no such problems before, any ideas?
Also noticed a strange electrical sounding noise coming from the front of the engine area when I turned the ign on but didn't start the bike, not the usual whirring and clicking sound that dies away which I believe to be the exup sorting itself out, but maybe wrong - I usually wait for this to stop before starting......????

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