Date: 02-06-24  Time: 14:48 pm

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It's fantastic to see you are keeping this tradition alive, well done old chap! And I do hope you are breaking out the gold kylie pants for this weekend!


Front page / Re: Aegis - cometh the hour!
« on: 08 October 2014, 05:28:24 pm »
Good work Geek, plus one to the "Admin Alumni" club :)

General / Re: No chance of talking my way out of this one.
« on: 09 January 2014, 06:41:31 pm »
Lose the ear plugs and take the muffler out of your can. Noise helps remind you of speed.

Also think about changing up a bike at some point...sounds crazy? When I moved from the Fazer6 to the R1 I found that while I would have moments of sheer madness of course, most of the time I was riding slower than I would usually on the Faz. I think that once you have reached the point that you can outride the bike you take it for granted...yet even a year after owning the R1 I was still sh*t scared that it could bite me at any moment without notice.

General / Re: Screw in back tyre - repair or not?
« on: 09 January 2014, 10:42:14 am »
I used to have RAC come out and do a roadside repair, but this is considered a temp repair as you really want a "vulcan" repair (I think thats what it is called) as this is where the patch is bonded from the inside of the tyre.

As for doing it or not, I have often got mine repaired and have ridden at ZR required speeds on private roads blah blah.

Once I took a tyre into Essential rubber as I had two repairs already and had just punctured it with a nice screw near to the edge....while sitting there a DR got chatting to me and asked what I was in for etc and explained I needed new boots and why and he laughed at me. He then stood up and pointed at the tyre that had just come off his bike and said "count em"

I made out 14 patches and while I was counting he just added "....and I don't hang about..."

So its up to you. Like wearing leathers a lot of people will scream that you will be killed if you don't wear them, you will also find a bunch of people (like myself who apart from a tiny patch of road rash from a 65mph off in jeans!) will tell you that you can sometimes make your own choice....and thats the need to decide how much of a risk you are willing to take here.

Personally as it is outside of the middle third of the rear and not half worn, its still winter so you will not be leaning over much I would patch it and then consider saving for new boots in the spring :)

General / Re: Frolic 2014
« on: 07 January 2014, 09:18:21 pm »
Might even buy another bike just so I can come along!

General / Re: RIP Marchride Aka Tim
« on: 07 January 2014, 02:01:50 am »
Oh I banned him at least 20 times personally  :lol  (I think the most anyone else had been banned was Ugg with about 3 times or the french flower....)

General / Re: RIP Marchride Aka Tim
« on: 06 January 2014, 02:00:07 pm »
Had to sign up again as could not remember my login deets....which took some time with slightly bleery eyes.

Marchride - named so after getting his bike in the march issue of Ride magazine, Tims imagination had no boundaries.... especially in terms of what is acceptable to say about a lady, in front of said lady if it would embarass her or people around her.

Mix this with his particular penchant towards jumpers of a festive, yet none christmas variety....he was most certainly a right character.

Around from my most early days at the club, my first ride out I think was his too, until Chalky and Eddie dragged him to the Silver Ball etc. Always found at most events...north/south/east and sometimes as west as the fountain inn...a true club regular and serial texter.

While not having seen him in a little while, my heart sank a little at seeing this news.

Tim, keep it rubber side down up there mate!


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