Date: 01-06-24  Time: 17:17 pm

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Messages - Pat

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General / Re: Remember " fast bikes" magazine?
« on: 21 September 2014, 02:48:47 pm »
Caught once and released, went back and caught again, fecking idiot. Not really a lot of sympathy here. Do hope he gets out but when he gets back home his passport should be cancelled.

I Think "fecking idiot" is a bit strong. The man's a professional journalist. That's his job. Would you say the same thing about John Simpson or any other news reporter that goes to a war zone or region of hostility to write and report about what's happening?

So because he is a professional journalist he is not a fecking idiot, ah well I suppose thats alright then if you say so. So what is your opinion about the Brit taxi driver that is being held as well, He was well warned not to enter Syria but he still went, a caring man who sadly may lose his life but still a fecking idiot an all. Maybe some of these folk should put their own families feelings first.

Myself, like I suspect most folk on here have been warned off countless times about riding bikes due to the inherent risk involved in doing so. Therefore by your logic you're saying that in the event of a fatality or serious injury we'd be fecking idiots for not putting our families feelings above our desire to ride?

Do you ride your bike like a fecking idiot??if so perhaps people are trying give you sound advice.

Which part of 'inherent risk' did you fail to understand?

General / Re: Remember " fast bikes" magazine?
« on: 21 September 2014, 10:12:29 am »
Caught once and released, went back and caught again, fecking idiot. Not really a lot of sympathy here. Do hope he gets out but when he gets back home his passport should be cancelled.

I Think "fecking idiot" is a bit strong. The man's a professional journalist. That's his job. Would you say the same thing about John Simpson or any other news reporter that goes to a war zone or region of hostility to write and report about what's happening?

So because he is a professional journalist he is not a fecking idiot, ah well I suppose thats alright then if you say so. So what is your opinion about the Brit taxi driver that is being held as well, He was well warned not to enter Syria but he still went, a caring man who sadly may lose his life but still a fecking idiot an all. Maybe some of these folk should put their own families feelings first.

Myself, like I suspect most folk on here have been warned off countless times about riding bikes due to the inherent risk involved in doing so. Therefore by your logic you're saying that in the event of a fatality or serious injury we'd be fecking idiots for not putting our families feelings above our desire to ride?

General / Re: The Jock vote
« on: 17 September 2014, 12:12:18 am »
It was the Solid Trade Unions that fucked the country up in the first place. Upper Clyde Ship Builders, for years with their strikes , late delivery of ships and build quality was a fucking joke. Trust me I can comment on the quality of ships built on the Clyde , Belfast and also the Tyne ship yards absolute shite.

Do you wanna ken a country that has Solid Trade Unions?  Germany.  It has a strong unionised labour force, some of the best terms and working conditions in the world.  And you know what, they protected their industry.  Think of cars, VW, AUDI, BMW, Porsche.  Wages terms and conditions that workers in the UK can only dream of now.

Sir John Harvey Jones, said, I think;

There is no such thing as bad industrial relations - only bad management.

Ironic that in your defence of the workers, you cite someone that turfed a third of the ICI workforce onto the dole in order to boost ICI's profits....

General / Re: advice
« on: 12 August 2014, 11:23:35 pm »
In my experience you have a 1 in 3 chance of not being banned.

To be honest, given the choice I'd always go for the ban. It'll only be for a week or two & once it's done it's done.  Getting 6 points however only leaves you 6 left to play with for the next 3 years, one unspotted gatso or other slip up & you're going to be tip-toeing around in the knowledge that another minor indiscretion is going to leave you catching the bus for 6 months.  :eek

General / Re: Anyone know anything about antiques?
« on: 30 July 2014, 12:22:53 am »
its worth whatever you are/were prepared to pay for it.

My house is worth £3,000,000,000,000 to me but similar houses in the same road are only selling for £3.50 as that's all other people want to spend.

That's obviously because unlike buying one of the neighbouring houses, anyone buying your house won't end up having you as a neighbour....  ;)

General / Re: If I were to.....................
« on: 03 July 2014, 10:42:22 pm »
you can overtake on zigzags, however you must not overtake the vehicle nearest the crossing.

Many thanks for that fella....I've certainly learnt something - thought it was a no go on zigzags.

 What planet are you guys on? You must not overtake a 'motor vehicle' within the confines of the zigzags leading to a pedestrian crossing.

191 You MUST NOT park on a crossing or in the area covered by the zig-zag lines. You MUST NOT overtake the moving vehicle nearest the crossing or the vehicle nearest the crossing which has stopped to give way to pedestrians.
Laws ZPPPCRGD regs 18, 20 & 24, RTRA sect 25(5) & TSRGD regs 10, 27 & 28

General / Re: Dont know where to even start with this story
« on: 03 June 2014, 10:14:43 pm »
Well he's right in the shit now...

General / Re: Goddamn them!!
« on: 11 May 2014, 09:49:47 pm »
Pretty enough, but £4k seems like an awful lot of money for a 125 when a KTM Duke 390 is only £500 more....

General / Re: Cancelling holiday due to illness advice .
« on: 08 May 2014, 11:24:42 pm »
Hopefully RC will allow your parents to re-schedule their holiday.

If not then you may find this recent episode of the Radio 4 show Moneybox of interest:

Basically, in a case very similar to your parents, a couple had to cancel a holiday with Thompsons who charged them a 100% cancellation fee as it was within a fortnight of the holiday. The chap took them to court & won as Thompsons could only keep a portion of the customers money to cover any actual losses they incurred.

So if for example after your folks telling them that they can't make the holiday, RC resell your parents holiday for say £3,000 then they are only entitled to keep £1,000 of their money.

General / Re: BKS Leathers
« on: 29 April 2014, 10:56:27 pm »
Years ago the police apparently used BKS leathers, so would assume they're pretty rugged. Never owned a set myself though so no first hand experience.

Minor issue with that particular item is they've called it a 'Tiger' jacket, but put a picture of a lion on it!

There's two different BKS companies.

The original BKS are hand made in Devon, they'll do made to measure and they are the company that  made the police kit that you refer to. They're probably the best leathers you can buy & the price reflects that - they start at about £1,300 a set

The 'other' BKS was owned by Frank Thomas, they are produced in Asia I believe & apparently the original BKS owner sold them the rights to use the BKS brand name & provided some input into the designs.

After FT went bust J&S bought the brand name & are still selling them, I've not owned any of that range, but they are supposed to be good value at the price.

I've owned a couple of sets of the hand made BKS leathers (including  a barely broken in set of the police leathers bought off ebay) and the quality is outstanding with good thick leather, but a consequence of the great protection afforded is that they are pretty heavy. There's no way I'd want to have to wear a set whilst doing an 8 hour shift astride a pan-euro in central London during the summer, you'd bake!

General / Re: Chipshops and dripping
« on: 10 April 2014, 10:35:52 pm »

What the foc's a babies ead then???? it a foggot???

They do Risoles down here in Wales...never been too keen on them though.

& only scotland could take something extremely make it more unhealthy by deep frying it & serving with chips.. :lol

If you think that's the epitome of unhealthy eating in Jockland, you've obviously never witnessed the Scots delicacy that's the munchie box....

General / Re: Secure Parking near Milan for van and trailer.
« on: 24 March 2014, 08:31:09 pm »
Unload bike at airport, place trailer in van, place van in airport long term car park, ride off into the sunset....

General / Re: european breakdown and medical insurance
« on: 18 March 2014, 12:46:31 pm »
The last couple of years I've used Eurotunnel's combined breakdown & travel insurance. It covers vehicles up to 15 years old & the only bike restrictions are that you have to be wearing a lid & possess a valid licence.

General / Re: Savings advice
« on: 07 February 2014, 12:45:40 am »
Got an ISA......but not impressed with it........premium bonds sounds like a good bet.......been thinking about moving my lloyds accounts to the halifax..........bit different to other banks as I think the bank is owner by the customers....unless of course you know different  :rolleyes

The Halifax isn't owned by it's customers, it's owned by Lloyds.....  ;)

The Nationwide is still a building society so is owned by it's customers and there's still a few other smaller building societies around.

General / Re: ooh, lookout
« on: 07 February 2014, 12:37:07 am »

When the feck did truck drivers become lorryists?  :rolleyes

General / Re: Is this for real?
« on: 06 January 2014, 12:01:01 am »
Let the Thatcher estate pay for it if its that important to them or get private backing for it and lets see what happens from their onwards.


From what I've read, all the money for it is apparently being raised from private backers, so I guess we will.

General / Re: Fractured Radius Bone - Would you Scooter It ???
« on: 05 January 2014, 09:37:48 pm »
(although sharp corners provide some brown trouser moments!).

Get well soon!
Didn't realise the ZX400G was a scooter, but hey ho  :lol

Instead of buying a 250 scooter to then sell on  why not go for a cheap small engine car to tide you over and drive below the congestion zone. You'd still have parking to sort but I'm sure with a little investigation and inconvenience you may find a cheap may be free place to park up just outside the area

Canary Wharf is a couple of miles outside the congestion zone.

General / Re: Bad weather and flooding
« on: 30 December 2013, 03:08:31 pm »
Having seen a bit of flooding etc over the past few days I cant help but think it would not have been anywhere near as bad if the councils did 2 things.

1. Maintain the roads properly. There is too much standing water on the roads because the council do a shoddy job at repairing a resurfacing meaning it doesn't drain properly.
2. Clean the drains once in a while. Most of the flooding was because the water couldn't get down the drains nit just the volume of it. OK I know that some was due to rivers bursting their banks etc but a good proportion of it round Sussex was nowhere near a river.

While we are on the topic, the number of people complaining that the electricity companies were slow to fix the supplies. Don't they realise when this has happened before they called in engineers from Ireland and France to help but both those countries got stuffed by the storms too so were a bit too busy to send any spare engineers over.

I've often wondered if points 1 & 2 are interlinked these days.

Road repairs on the whole now seem to consist of spraying bitumen onto the road surface and then dumping loads of gravel onto it in the hope some sticks. However, all the excess gravel ends up in the gutters and from there it makes it's way into the drains. Probably helping to clog them up?

General / Re: Skiing holidays...
« on: 30 December 2013, 09:06:02 am »
As Punkstig says, Bulgaria will be by far the cheapest option & provide more than adequate piste options for a newbie to spend a week on. Plenty of grilled meat & chips type of eating establishments too so you won't starve.

You can do it all yourself, but if it's your first time then I'd seriously suggest you use a package tour operator, then all you have to worry about is making sure you arrive at the airport on time with your ski clothes and insurance - don't rely on just an E111 card, it may cover medical costs but will not pay the fees to get you off the mountain. They'll handle the transfer to the resort, which is often a few hours away, and help sort out your kit rental etc.

Self catering is the cheapest, but I'd suggest looking at catered chalets, it'll cost more up front but often work out cheaper as you'll not be eating out in a restaurant every night, also the food will be more in line with your dietary requirements.

Avoid going in February, it's high season due to half term hols so you'll pay a lot more and get longer lift queues and more crowded slopes in return. January can be a real bargain, but colder and the weather less predictable, March is my favourite, but it's wise to look at higher altitude places to get the best snow conditions, particularly in France.

Last, but by no means least, socks!  Make sure you get some proper ski socks, you'll be spending all day clamped into a pair of ski boots, not having proper socks can ruin the whole experience.

General / Re: Oh fuck, not again....
« on: 29 December 2013, 11:58:18 pm »
You don't HAVE to buy the Pilot Road tyres - there are cheaper alternatives and if your tyres are as bad as you say, then anything will be better... those perhaps a better mentality would do wonders for you as well ;)

Google gives the rear tyre size for the ZX4 as 140/60 18 so that means a very limited choice of tyres and pilots aren't one of them. Bridgestone BT92 being the best if not only non-trailie choice.

General / Re: New Helmet - Legal Advice Required
« on: 21 December 2013, 10:07:11 pm »
If you bought it with a credit card then contact them and let them sort it out.

General / Re: Royal Marine Alexander Blackman Pertition
« on: 11 December 2013, 10:15:43 pm »
No thanks.
We're supposed to be the good guys. Someone who cold-bloodedly executes an injured POW thoroughly deserves to be in jail.
Al-Quaeda have enough followers without arseholes like that acting as a recruiting officer on their behalf.

 What are you a human rights supporter ????   An eye for an eye is what I say that POW got what he deserved.

Isn't upholding human rights supposedly the reason why they're out there?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: moved over to the dark side
« on: 10 December 2013, 10:38:45 pm »
So what's first? 

A set of RWU forks?   :)

General / Re: Polish people and their cars, question pls
« on: 07 December 2013, 10:35:30 pm »

and why are all Polish drivers named Prawo Jazdy?????????

That's not true. Prawo jazdy literally means driving license.

Exactly they sell it on, more likely just keep swapping to dodge the laws. Although I imagine selling the vehicle in this country cancels the requirement to change the plates and tax it. But hey the law is probably scared to do anything about it
I don't think so. If yes it would mean that I can sell it to my girlfriend and she would be able to sell it back to me after 6 months or something like that. It still obeying law even if it works. Of course I am against it.

Bear in mind that you need to have valid Polish MOT each year also you need to change your registry document (something like V5) within one month and I am pretty sure that you can't do it by mail (like DVLA works). That does not make things impossible, but at least harder.

BTW. I am not going to sell my car. I drive back to Poland on Christmas and going to leave my car there. If it changes anything for you...

Infact they should have to pay for time here no refund. Doubt we get discount on fuel when driving on the continent in ratio to what is added for road tax 
Yes mate, but when your car visit Poland we will tax your untaxed fuel that you bring to :)
Some one invented a law that there is 6 month limit and that's how it works. If someone exceed that, he is doing that at own risk. Same like British driver could drive without valid MOT.

Not everyone is here to work&live. Some of us are seasonal workers, some of us are just tourist. Should all of them pay the road tax?
BTW. I would be happy to pay the road tax for my PL reg car and drive legally all the time. But it's not possible.
Not every Pole decided that wants stay here for longer...then buy a car, tax it, insure (for 1 year) and pay cancellation fees if declined.

The 6 month limit is for tourists/visitors only, if you're living and working in the UK then legally you are classed as a UK resident and it is illegal for any UK resident to drive a non-UK registered vehicle within the UK.

Driving with a foreign registration numberUK residents aren’t allowed to use non-UK registered vehicles on UK roads. The only exceptions are if you:
  • work in another European Union (EU) member state and use an EU-registered company car temporarily in the UK
  • lease an EU-registered car and use this temporarily in the UK

I do know of people in London that have had their bikes impounded for ignoring this law.

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