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General / Re: motorcycle storage , limited space
« on: 20 June 2018, 06:08:15 pm »
clever idea that!  do you need a haynes manual for the 250RS?

General / Re: Word Association
« on: 09 June 2018, 07:38:21 pm »

General / Re: Best way to lube chain when bike is on sidestand?
« on: 09 June 2018, 07:37:32 pm »
bit of 4x2 just long enough for the wheel to clear the ground shoved under the swingarm.

General / moped scum
« on: 09 June 2018, 06:44:44 pm »
i've just read on sky news about a group of london bikers getting together to look out for scooter crims. good idea if you ask me, and it might give average bikers a bit of good press. i have absolutely no objection to cops being given extra powers either. if youre a criminal or ride like a twat you deserve what you get.  end of rant.

For Sale & Wanted / Re: honda britain silencer wanted
« on: 03 March 2018, 03:28:03 pm »
thanks for all the input. i need an original seeley as a colleague has what he thinks are original seeley jigs. he has already made a phil read replica silencer for me and it fits perfect. but there are other clamps on the jig, probably for the seeley silencer but we need an original to see what goes where.  i have a read rep and a britain i'm working on but it's proving rather expensive! i've sold my versys recently to get some cash in.

For Sale & Wanted / Re: honda britain silencer wanted
« on: 03 March 2018, 08:14:41 am »
i'll give them a call.  many thanks :)

For Sale & Wanted / Re: honda britain silencer wanted
« on: 02 March 2018, 09:08:15 pm »
i was with him last weekend!  he's got some cracking race stuff in there.  no seeley pipes though, but he's given me a few contacts i'm working through.

For Sale & Wanted / honda britain silencer wanted
« on: 02 March 2018, 04:54:42 pm »
i'm posting this on every forum i frequent.  i still have my fazer but i have 5 hondas as well!  i'm looking for a seeley manufactured silencer as pictured, in any condition to use as a pattern.  if anybody knows of one, please let me know.  i can get similar norton type replicas but they are not the same. thanks.

General / Re: my fazer project
« on: 02 February 2018, 07:26:25 pm »
are you recreating the bike on my thumbnail pic?  looks a lot like it

General / Re: Loud pipes and earplugs
« on: 13 January 2018, 07:24:09 pm »
as above. i've always been the knob with the loud pipe and now i'm paying for it. the loudest bike i ever had was a 500-4 with a marshall 4-1 hollowed out. boy, did i think i was the dogs! hearing aids are intrusive and do not restore your hearing like it used to be. plus you get the added benefit of feeling old.  use them earplugs!!!!!!!

General / Re: Where is she now 2
« on: 30 December 2017, 09:32:39 pm »
i've had a look, havent got it...

General / Re: What else do you own/ride
« on: 23 October 2017, 07:52:38 pm »
dont laugh, but i now own a honda DN-01 due to my bad knee and hip. i cant change gear at the mo until my knee gets fixed so i needed a twist'n'go. i cant seem to post pics which is probably a good thing as its butt ugly. i also have a phil read rep and a honda britain in the shed in bits...

General / Re: Rust on fazer 98, is it a problem?
« on: 25 September 2017, 04:41:40 pm »
whereabouts are you woody? and are you in a rush to get a bike? i have one which needs a new mot and some work which will be sold soon ish.

General / Re: Do I expect too much ????
« on: 02 August 2017, 06:33:20 pm »
i think you should be pleased. a 'mate' at work asked to borrow £300 for his girlfriends engagement holiday and told me he would pay me back in a month or so. turned out he is a serial gambler and he's blown it all. there was no engagement holiday either and his girlfriend has sensibly ditched him. he still works with me and just avoids any eye contact. i may get the cash back one day but lesson learnt.

General / Re: Stupid fork oil question
« on: 06 July 2017, 08:28:27 pm »
nope. have a trawl on any threads on forks and see what others are putting in.

General / Re: FZ6 for first full licence bike.
« on: 22 June 2017, 10:00:47 pm »
i often go power-ranger baiting on my 650 versys between brecon and llandovery. all sorts of bikes ranging from RC8s, blades, R1s, MVs etc ridden by riders who cant ride them very well. bit childish for a 57 year old but fun!!

General / Re: Thoughts......
« on: 20 June 2017, 04:32:41 pm »
i have never been able to get my head around why many riders (mostly american) have a go at car drivers for some reason or other. even my 600 is faster than most cars out there, so when somebody does something stupid in front of me, there may be some hand gesturing or mirror bashing but otherwise i give it a handful and the offending driver is way back in the distance. life's too short to argue about why he/she didnt indicate etc etc

For Sale & Wanted / Re: 2000 fzs600 for sale/swap
« on: 16 May 2017, 08:33:55 pm »
here she is, before new tyres, chain etc

For Sale & Wanted / 2000 fzs600 for sale/swap
« on: 16 May 2017, 06:51:42 pm »
ok, so i've had my fazer since 2011 and not put too many miles on it. i'm riding my versys all the time and the fazers been in a garage on sorn since 2013 and hasnt fired up since. it has new C&S, new tyres and is relatively low mileage. i have got a new battery somewhere so i'll try to start it in the next few days. it was running fine until i abandoned it!  it is completely standard and would make a good 'emerging classic' buy. i fancy building a fighter and this bike is too good to butcher, so i'm looking for a vfr750 preferably running to attack with my grinder. i'm not sure what to ask for it so i'm just seeing if there is any interest. ta. i would post some pics but photobucket aint copying for some reason.

General / Re: Touring tips?
« on: 14 April 2017, 11:06:47 am »
clean t-shirt, socks, pants and a credit card for B&Bs! job done.

aarrgh!!!  no wonder he had a stroke....

For Sale & Wanted / Re: FZS600 Wanted
« on: 10 March 2017, 07:23:26 pm »
whaddyamean 'bloody wales'? this is gods own fazer country mate!!  acshully, i've got a non runner up for sale soon....

General / Re: Front fork re chrome Vs New pattern stanchions?
« on: 30 January 2017, 09:48:50 pm »
last lot i had done was around £130 a pair with philpotts. very happy with them.  look for

For Sale & Wanted / Re: WANTED - 2001 FZS600 Rear Hugger
« on: 26 January 2017, 04:24:46 pm »
i posted the above pics in the 'general' thread and it seems as if it wont fit a 2001 model. sorry!!

General / Re: 2001 hugger?
« on: 26 January 2017, 04:22:59 pm »
that's fine. i assume it's for the earlier model then?

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