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Topics - agricola

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General / Horizon Scandal
« on: 16 May 2024, 08:56:47 pm »
I'm becoming addicted to the live streaming. Can't wait for next week to see what Vennels has to say for herself

General / Odd noise, but nothing found
« on: 12 October 2023, 08:19:36 pm »
Noticed an odd constant noise appearing to come from the front of the bike the other day. Decided to investigate as had a window between the humdrum everyday tasks bestowed upon me in retirement. Off with the brakes/wheel etc, bearings are fine and in good nick, likewise nothing else binding, so decided to clean  and check the bobbins while the wheel was off too. All back together ok, so at this stage I'm putting my money on tyre noise. Curious though, I did note that the noise disappears when ridden over a solid metal grid/drain cover etc

FZ6 / Fazer / Throttle position sensor
« on: 11 June 2023, 04:57:27 pm »
Sweated away in the garage to get this little foccer off yesterday/today. The bikes not been accelerating smoothly from closed recently, so I took a stab at the TPS as the most likely culprit, given the evidence. Manual says 4k-6k oms closed and 0 to 3.5k-6.5k ohms. Mine reads 0.34k ohms closed and 0.34k-1.6k ohms when wound on, and Ive cross checked with another meter too. Theres a lot of stuff to get off to get at the little bugger too, just for the sake of two screws. Would have been much quicker to just drill two holes in the frame in line with the screws :lol

Price from F--l--s, £223.63 :eek

Prices on ebay range from £18 upwards. I think i'll settle for a slightly more expensive one and avoid the unpackaged available from people who can't spell the text in the adverts correctly.

General / Expensive sprocket alternative?
« on: 06 April 2023, 05:53:10 pm »
Five or six a year I'll take the bike up to Donington Park and have some track time. I love it. But because I always go down a tooth on the front sprocket for the day, and the sprocket nut always tightens up to the same spot on the transmission shaft and can only be used once as the lip area is weak and only designed for single use, I could spend £140 a year on nuts. I looked at cutting some more dimples on the shaft to allow the nuts to be reused, but couldn't get anything in as access is tight. Nor do I have access to a surface grinder or lathe to shave a gnats cock of either the nut or the spacer that sits behind it, that would allow alternative dimpling positions. An option is getting some shim steel and cutting a shim/some shims in order to move the dimple points around a little. Other suggestions are welcome on this one.

General / Always challenge insurance
« on: 06 April 2023, 03:34:21 pm »
Received my renewal quote recently, a 50% plus increase in the premium  :eek . After some discussion, we arrived at an agreed premium increase of less than 5% for the same cover.

General / I need to get out more
« on: 20 March 2023, 05:13:27 pm »
Took the bike to the MOT station this afternoon, passed with no advisories, but how sad that I only rode 1400 miles last year, with a third those on track at Donington.

General / Out today
« on: 26 December 2022, 02:43:03 pm »
on the fazer. Bright sunny day, but coldish. Must have taken me half an hour to get togged up and get the bike out the garage. Fired up instantly, which is good given that its a couple of months since the last use. About 20 miles or so around the local B roads, looking out for damp patches under the trees/high hedges etc. You can definitely get "rusty" through not riding.

General / Coincidence?
« on: 03 December 2022, 04:02:58 pm »
Out on the fazer yesterday, called in at my usual petrol station for some BP Ultimate, they only had E10 and nothing else (not even diesel), so rode another few miles to an Esso that sells ethanol free. Got there and that one looked abandoned, all fenced off. With the dregs left in the tank, turned again for a 5/6 mile ride to the nearest Shell filing station. Now the odd bit. I filled up (V-Power), paid with cash, and rode home. Within an hour, I had received an advertising e-mail from Shell in my inbox, and I dont recall ever receiving anything from Shell previously. I never spoke to the cashier other than to say "pump 8" and "thanks". Is it coincidence or are all registrations numbers collected and the owners address then obtained by Shell from the DVLA. How the foc did they get my e-mail address?

General / Nearly fell off my stool
« on: 10 November 2022, 08:38:29 pm »
Generous, romantic chap that I am, took the wife out for lunch today, to CMC motorcycles Clay Cross (had to pick up a part). Conversation went:

"Are you looking at the bikes while you're here?"
"Nope, cant afford another one"
"If you want another, then just get one, you're 71 next month and you cant take it with you".

I almost choked on the bacon cob.

FZ6 / Fazer / Is that how it sits?
« on: 05 November 2022, 02:52:48 pm »
Noticed while checking the valve clearances, that the timing chain doesn't look to be sitting in the root of the sprockets/gears. It look the same where it passes over all of the sprockets/gears. Ordinarily, I would expect not to be able to see daylight between the bottom of the chain and the teeth but I'm no expert, so can anyone tell if this is how it normally sits?

FZ6 / Fazer / In deep now
« on: 04 November 2022, 07:41:29 pm »
Patiently removed all of the stuff to get access to the valves, what a faff. And having done all that, the chuffin valves don't need any shims as all within spec. Inlets tolerance is 0.13 to 0.20, mine are between 0.15 and 0.17. Exhaust tolerance is 0.23 to 0.20, mine come in at 0.25 to 0.28. Just the new gaskets to order now, and then try to squeeze it all back together

General / Likely or not?
« on: 12 October 2022, 05:27:20 pm »
Much on social meja can be misleading/untrue etc. This engine oil additive is claimed to take the S2 up to 108 HP, that's a relative whopping increase. I'm inclined to think its an extravagant claim. Any thought anyone?

General / Anyone considering going back to work?
« on: 02 September 2022, 05:19:42 pm »
According to various news feeds, around 170,000 old codgers like me are going back to work as a result of the depreciation in the value of pensions and the energy cost rises. My wife's not keen on me working again, but I just don't like the idea of my life savings being consumed by robbing bastard multi nationals, when I could be using them to enjoy my twilight years

General / Paint disaster
« on: 15 June 2022, 05:00:45 pm »
I was on the step ladder in my garage trying to get a fold up chair down from off the boards on the trusses, pushed a board away from me to get at it, and knocked a 2.5 litre tin of paint off down onto the floor, where the lid flew off and the contents exploded out all over the hydraulic lift platform ( with the fazer on it), the floor and the wall. I shot down and wheeled the bike off the platform 5 metres up the (newly paved £10K) drive, put the bike on its side stand, then realised the the paint was all over the tyres too. Hence a vinyl silk trail from the door to the bike. Much scrubbing and hosing later, the drive is 99% clear, the bike less so. Perhaps 85% clear, and im not concerned about the paint on the tyres and exhaust as that will rub off on the road and burn off. Modern domestic paints dry so quickly these days

General / Brake lever guard
« on: 08 December 2020, 07:38:14 pm »
Reqd for all trackdays for next year, brake guards. No point arguing the toss/merits etc, gotta have them. Photo is the one from my FZ6 S2, and its a fair weight. I would imagine the weight acts against bar vibrations, but I can't seem to find a brake lever guard that is compatible with the screw thread, and isn't made from lightweight materials. Has anyone got guards fitted to their bikes that may do the job?

General / Aprilia RS660. Fills a gap in the market?
« on: 29 October 2020, 05:40:13 pm »
I reckon its a real good looking bike. I never understood the logic behind the major players making their supersport bikes so unsuitable for everday road use, and it looks like Aprilia are dropping into the hole left by the big boys with htis one. I hope it sells well, out of my price bracket though.

General / Are we being rinsed?
« on: 28 October 2020, 05:34:22 pm »
Just finished replacing front brake pads and discs, and rear pads on the Peugeot 206. Total cost £91.

Got me thinking, how come similar parts for bikes are so damn expensive?

Example: FZ6 S2 2009: front brake pads, £25 per caliper, £50 total
Front brake discs: £153 each, £306 total

206: front pads, £17 for a full set
front discs £25 each, £50 total

and the 206 parts are more substantial in mass

General / Couldn't have been more isolated
« on: 30 September 2020, 09:09:05 pm »
Grand day out at Donington on Monday, dead lucky with the weather again. I was the only one in the large car park all day, save for a lady rider who parked there for a couple of hours in the morning. Well organised, given the restrictions, usual knobs on display bining the bikes in the first session. A couple of riders thought I was on a thou. I'll take that  :)

General / Anyone upgraded to Andreani fork kit FZ6 S2?
« on: 05 April 2020, 04:49:01 pm »
As above, it looks like riding is gonna be out of the question for some months yet, makes a window of opportunity for some bike work time. Been looking at the Andreani kit for a while as an improvement, along with a fully adjustable rear shock by a n other. Anyone done this on an FZ6 S2 fazer. Ive only been able to find a couple of reviews, and I doont want to have to alter the exisitng forks to make it fit. If I can possibly make the bike the best it can be, Ill keep it, cos I like it. Its that or a Street Triple when the virus dust settles

General / Tyre talk
« on: 29 February 2020, 12:49:42 pm »
Interesting, particularly about having tyres that are too good for your riding.

General / Tyron Bands
« on: 25 February 2020, 08:17:50 pm »
Never heard of these until today. Id arranged for 4 new trailer tyres to be fitted to the dual axle horse trailer, bought and paid online with a national chain at the weekend. Turned up this morning at the allotted time slot, the guy said he wouldn't jack the trailer up as it had no specific jacking point. He followed that up by declaring that he couldn't fit new tyres on the rims anyway as he believed they were fitted with Tyron Bands, and they didn't have the tools to take off and refit the bands.

Id never heard of them before. Anyone on here had any dealings with them? Are they actually necessary on a dual axle trailer?

General / I'm alright Jack
« on: 14 February 2020, 06:09:56 pm »
My old 2 tonne trolley jack has been leaking recently, so I looked up the seals etc to repair it. After pricing them up, went online to check on cost of a new jack and came across this one at Halfords, was £64, reduced to £55. With my Bennetts Insurance 10% discount card, made it less than £50.  Seemed reasonable for a 3 tonne unit, so I welcomed it into the man cave

For Sale & Wanted / Boxeye for sale Derby
« on: 11 February 2020, 09:41:30 pm »
Not mine, could be a bargain for someone

Nope, forget it

General / Down one tooth on the front sprocket
« on: 27 December 2019, 07:12:08 pm »
As per the title. Thinking of going down one on the front. I moved up to inters last year on the track, and I rode faster as a result. while the fazer has very decent braking and allows me to brake later and harder than others in the group, those same bikes simply blast past me out of the bends. Id like a little more punch out of the corners, hence the thought of going down one on the front. It appears it would give me +6.3% on acceleration, but -6.3% on top end. Since the bike cant get to the top end before the end of the straights,m I don't think Ill miss that loss, and the acceleration gain will allow me to get there quicker.

I'm also either going to have to mod the fairing lowers, or leave them off. After wearing a hole in them leaning over, i fitted replaceable slef lube nylon sliders, and wore them too, so I'm thinking off cutting the lowers and fastening them somewhere higher up the machine, but Ill lose the edge return at the bottom of the fairing.

Any thoughts anyone?

General / How does the electricity market work?
« on: 15 November 2019, 02:19:49 pm »
Had a pamphlet dropped through the letter box yesterday for my electricity distribution network operator. It states that they deliver power to my home, and receive around 17% of my household bill, paid to them by my provider.

The question is, if the deliverer is delivering to my home, what am I paying the provider for, who is taking the other 83%?

Cant quite get my head around how this system operates

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