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Topics - F4celess

Pages: [1]
For Sale & Wanted / Gen 1 FZS600 - "Naked Streetfighter"
« on: 01 July 2021, 12:09:10 am »

Hello !


After alot of debating, I'm advertising for sale my Gen 1 Yamaha Fazer FZS600 (T - 1999).
The bike starts and rides perfectly, with no issues. Last MOT was August 2020, with full Service. Has only been ridden occasionally since.

FZS600 Fazer / Re-fitting rear Fuel Tank bracket - parts order
« on: 04 December 2019, 10:49:24 am »
I'm attempting to re-fit the (Rear) fuel tank mounting Bracket, which is in a number of parts.
(I know - I should have paid more attention when pulling this apart). :)

While screwed back together tightly, this has left the bracket quite loose, which isn't correct.

Below is the order I'm fitting these parts, plus an accompanying scribble. :)
Please can someone put me right here!?

- Tank bracket on top.
- Thick rubber pad sits on top of frame.
- 2 cylindrical screw spacers positioned into screw holes in above thick rubber pad.
- Air filter box rubber cover (rear part) sits under frame.
- Thin screw bracket underneath, that the 2 bolts screw into.


General / Post your 'Winter hack' bikes
« on: 29 November 2019, 01:45:34 pm »
Anyone switch to a Winter hack (BIKE) through these dark/wet winter months? Extra points added for Pictures of their winter bike. :)

Considering a cheap winter runaround. So can stay on a bike, while the FAZER is locked away for when better weather returns (and avoiding salty/wet/mucky roads).
As someone was saying in another thread - " a bike will always look worse coming out of winter than it did going in.  ".

A twist and go scooter might suit the bill, for a few giggles! :)

Trying to upload a few images to MY ALBUM.

Going in to MEDIA, then into MY ALBUM, then choose the option... Add an Item to this Album .

New item window opens where you can choose your media to upload.
However from the drop-down menu, "Select which album you want to upload this item to"...
Does not have your own album as a destination. There's several destinations, all public albums (but not my own which should have been default).


General / Halogen headlight switch to LED
« on: 12 November 2019, 09:59:40 am »
Hello all,

There appears to be a significant movement switching the conventional Halogen headlight bulb for an LED alternative.
Anyone here experimented with this, or can confirm how this flies with the friendly MOT tester.  :thumbup  :thumbdown

Wouldn't the headlight reflector maintain the correct beam direction, even if the light emitted from the LED "bulb" is significantly brighter?

However based solely on the aim (no pun intended) of being noticed by other road users, brighter is better!?
Will also confirm the majority I saw who did this swap were based in the States, MT07 / MT09's (youtube).

FZS600 Fazer / Single Seat conversion
« on: 07 November 2019, 01:59:25 pm »
Was a single seat conversion ever made for the FZS Fazers? More likely as an aftermarket part (including rear fairing)?

Drone users in the UK must now pass an online theory test and register as an operator for £9 a year, or face a £1,000 fine.

I was building my own multi-rotor flying craft 15+ years ago, when all the materials I'd pickup from a DIY store (wood / square aluminium rod). When you'd spend WEEKS fabricating the Frame then soldering all the wiring plus electronics, plus tweaking your R/C Transmitter settings, to get your creation to hover in a spot - all that effort finally for that moment. A real sense of achievement. 8)
When building/flying such craft was only accessible to the true hobbyist.

Now in 2019 (actually the last Several years) - you can walk in to many high street stores, spend £150+ upwards and walk out 5 minutes later with a ready to fly multi-rotor craft that effectively hovers/flies on its own. A few minutes later, battery charged and you are at your local park happily zipping this thing around the skies - happy days??? Well NO. No understanding of the risks, etiquette, regulations, or how to fly safely - (more importantly, when or where NOT to fly).

This responsibility should have been placed on these "Drone" manufacturers pumping out these mass produced units. The craft should have had some system to disable it flying straight out of the box (like a firmware setting), until the User had successfully read through/acknowledged some safety brief (perhaps that had to be completed online on the manufacturer website), so the new owner was EDUCATED, before taking it out for its maiden flight.

Media channels (pumping out all the bad press) have also created this "5hit storm" we see today. This hysteria surrounding "Drones", plus the public hatred of these craft. Will even go as far as saying the high profile cases in the News with apparent "Drone sightings" at airports (Gatwick / Heathrow), that downed commercial flights for days, were orchestrated stunts by authorities, with this ultimate aim to clamp down (LOCK down) use of these craft on UK soil. Hence the introduction of the above new laws.

I also now find more often than not while out flying my own craft (in my usual RURAL field location) I am on the receiving end of negative attention from members of the public. The last time I was out, a woman approached me and was threatening to call the Police if I did not land it immediately! :rolleyes You can't make this chit up. :)

Anyone else own or fly these fabulous craft, with thoughts on this topic?
Would also be interested to hear from anyone who has had bad experiences associated with these craft. :)

For Sale & Wanted / Wanted - FZS600 fuel tank (colour Black)
« on: 04 November 2019, 01:02:08 pm »
Just incase anyone has one lying around. FZS600 fuel tank wanted, Black in colour would be perfect.
Has to be clean condition, with no rust or dings.

If not Black, might be happy with a different colour, if condition is mint !

Need some advice please on the best methods for this.

So I've removed the rear pillion handles on my Mk1 Fazer and am left with 2 round holes, about an inch diameter, each side on rear fairing.
(it's fine - the wife hates the bike anyway - so I'm not taking any passengers in a hurry!) :D

What materials (and methods) would be best to fill the 2 holes each side, to leave a smooth finish with no clue the holes were ever there?
Plan to have the fairing painted afterwards, to complete this job.  8)


FZS600 Fazer / New Exhaust Headers / downpipes - market options?...
« on: 24 October 2019, 04:29:37 pm »
Looking at replacing the original Exhaust system headers/downpipes on my Fazer.
There are a couple of offerings, comparing Black Widow and Delkevic.

The 4 into 1 connecting pipe is a different design from each, which caught my attention.
With the Delkevic appearing a much more seamless, flowing, plus cosmetically pleasing design.

Interested to hear from anyone with either of these exhaust systems, concerning build quality, finish, etc?
Or are there other products out there worth considering?

Until I decide, will be applying WD40 liberally to the header bolts, to hopefully make the job as eventLESS as possible (want no snapping header bolts).  :eek

General / Manual Stop/Start at the lights and junctions
« on: 01 July 2019, 12:38:16 pm »
Do you kill the ignition when stopped for a prolonged duration while waiting at traffic lights, junctions, etc?

Was watching a youtuber who appeared to do this - however he did have quite a loud exhaust, so perhaps he does this as not to draw attention to himself (or kill the hearing of pedestrians walking by)... !?

However it would serve to save fuel plus your clutch (if you hold it in gear while waiting), plus more environmentally friendly :) .
Any detrimental issues doing this? - would be effective like the automatic stop/start feature on some new cars.

FZS600 Fazer / Chain tension/wheel alignment
« on: 07 March 2019, 06:47:38 pm »
Hello all,

Fitted rear wheel back on, with new chain etc, however have an issue after setting chain tension (the two nuts on thread at rear of Swingarm).

The rear cover at back of Swingarm is loose, so something isn't right. Plus if I'm tightening those adjustment nuts so it pushes the end 'caps' tight against back of Swingarm then chain becomes too tight.  :rolleyes

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

20190307 184400
20190307 184400


General / UFC 229 - McGregor vs Khabib
« on: 08 October 2018, 11:03:47 am »
Disappointed in McGregors performance, he was owned. However Khabib hardly gave him any opportunity to take control.
The handful of fights (inside and outside the Octagon AFTER their fight :D ) certainly put the event in the news, aside from the fact McGregor lost tapping out!

This morning McGregor has spoken and wants a rematch. He needs to seriously pickup his game. Unless he's only thinking about another couple of £million to top-up his bank balance.

Plus since when was there a large Islamic following in Russia? Khabibs constant references to Allah also grew tiring - Allah helped him win.... of course. Trash talk from both camps! :)

General / Fixie Bikes
« on: 02 October 2018, 08:33:11 pm »
Anyone ride one?

Am very surprised how cheap complete bikes sell for new. Ok so there's no expensive derailleur, plus a much simpler drive system, no or just 1 brake, however there can't be alot of value placed on the frames either?

Would like some guidance please on what to look for?
Just a bike for training through the winter would be nice, plus these could be an interesting option.

A work colleague (cycling fanatic) when i asked about these did say you are cheating if you go for a flip-flop hub, as that's free wheeling - and not a "true" fixie!   :lol   :rolleyes

FZS600 Fazer / Swingarm dimensions / swaps
« on: 26 October 2017, 07:23:53 pm »
Can anyone kindly confirm the exact width of the Swingarm at the pivot bolt - where it fits into the Frame? Im considering this for a swingarm conversion.

Will then look into the options. Would be easier to space one out than have to "reduce" the width....

Looking to pickup all the Service items, to give the Fazer a well earned treat. :)
Are there preferred Service items to look for, which are known to work extremely well in the FZS Fazer ?

For example - will I see better gains (engine responsiveness / efficiency) running a K&N Air filter, over a regular (much cheaper) filter?
Also Spark plugs and Oil - anything that stands out?

Thanks in advance.

FZS600 Fazer / Another Shorty on a Fazer (exhaust that is)
« on: 20 October 2017, 03:01:30 pm »
Now in possession of a new Carbon fibre / Titanium 230mm exhaust - GP Style. From Black Widow.
To replace the standard 500mm Yamaha bazooka! :eek Should see (and hear) quite an improvement!

The 230mm Titanium is not as "fat" at the 200mm Shorty (I inspected both side by side). Slimmer, but a fraction longer.

The weight difference however between the two is substantial. The 200 is a good deal heavier, being stainless steel, compared to the lighter Titanium (0.95kg).
I understand its going to sound roughly as loud as the 200, having approx the same internal cubic area. Also fitted with removable DB Killer. :evil

The Slash tip I'm told can develop that 'titanium burnt blue' colour, which is infact due to a chemical reaction between the exhaust gases/titanium.
(compared to 'unnamed' exhaust cans that have been artificially coloured to simulate that look). Pointless fun fact.

General / POLL: Whats the average age of Fazer Owners ?
« on: 19 October 2017, 09:59:26 am »
We all buy into a Fazer for different reasons - however interesting to gauge the average age of us dedicated :faz owners!  :)
Please select the age range you fit into..... honestly.   :D

Would be interesting also, to see feedback on why we bought our Fazer - a commuting workhorse, or for leisure (to modify/tinker, for weekend and fun rides out).

As per title, looking for a set of standard handlebar clamp/risers, must be Black. To fit standard 22mm 7/8 bars.
Really looking for a set in mint condition.  8)

Is the mounting Bolt that is visible removable on these? So I could fit shorter bolt, for my FZS, or its a fixed "stud" that cant be removed?:


General / Engine / bike lighting - To "enhance".
« on: 18 September 2017, 11:00:14 am »
Anyone done this to their Streetfighter [cough].... Fazer? :)

The actual wiring isn't difficult. Just routing the wiring, so its safe from heat plus mostly hidden, would be key.
I know its a marmite thing, and those who maintain their Fazer to factory fresh spec, would be cursing all the way though this Post, but we are all different! LOL.  :lol

Would want something noticeable but subtle, not looking to light her up like a Christmas Tree. Or is this look now soooooo.... 80's !  :eek

General / So who owns a Camper Van? Original VW Camper or conversions.
« on: 14 September 2017, 11:08:53 am »
Looking for inspiration. Anyone done or doing this? Which Vans make the best platform for a conversation? Considerations. Do's/Don'ts.

Could make a decent winter project, prior to next summer. Plus a big "step up" from lugging a tent around in the boot of the car!

Don't have the workshop facilities (or time) to restore a rusted out VW Camper. Plus not paying £30K+ :eek for one somebody else has already "restored".
So the latter, Van conversation, is the favourite. Where I can design it to my own requirements / plus a little flair. :)

FZS600 Fazer / FZS600 Tail conversion / Swaps (Sports bike grafted)?
« on: 30 August 2017, 10:51:00 am »
Have been considering Sports bike Tails for my Fazer, especially a couple of Ducati options.

However, perhaps unlike most other sports bikes, the Fazer doesn't have a detachable rear Subframe.
It's all one big welded frame (front to back) - assume which added to some of the cost savings during production.

So the existing frame would need to be cut at some point (something I'm extremely loathed to do), where the donor subframe would be welded on.

Anyone have a Fazer, where such a conversion has been carried out? Success stories? Considerations? PICS?? :D

Does this Forum have an annual printed Calendar produced?

As in, a printed glossy Calendar, months January to December, with a different forum members bike (Fazer) appearing each month.
Members submit their best photo(s), and moderators or forum members get to vote for the best Pictures that will appear?

Gives us something to work towards, plus I'd be willing to pay a small fee for such an item, that I can hang with pride.  8) :D

Introduction / New FZS Fazer owner
« on: 30 August 2017, 09:20:58 am »
Hello all,

Just registered, thought it the polite thing to do :)
Picked up my (FZS) Fazer about a month ago.

Have for a long time fancied a "naked" bike - the Fazer won, after mulling over the usual favourites... Bandits, Hornets, unfaired Sports bikes, etc.
My previous bike was a Ninja ZX6R Supersport.

Loving the Fazer, have already started on some subtle styling changes, to "enhance" / modernise.
Losing the 90's fairing (ok not so subtle), installed a KOSO Digital Speedo, new Headlight, (Streetfighter oriented tweaks)...

Looks a great active forum, looking forward to spending more time here! Cheers.

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