Date: 02-06-24  Time: 18:59 pm

Author Topic: The old site is the Bible  (Read 2462 times)


  • WSB Pack Hound
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The old site is the Bible
« on: 05 July 2011, 11:20:48 pm »
Hi chaps, just stumbled across the new forum almost by accident. I see that the previous posts won't be transferred across, but will remain read-only once everyone's migrated.

Can I just say that it will remain read-only until something happens to Yuku, or Yuku close it down. Commercial sites don't give bandwidth away for free.

Now, since the old site is a colossal source of information, it has effectively become The Bible for Fazer owners. There is so much information there it really ought to be turned into a book, and pre-internet, it may well have been.

I implore the mods to find some way to save that information for posterity. Even the wayback machine only shows 7 snapshots from 2009 . . .