Date: 02-06-24  Time: 14:46 pm

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Messages - lenny

Pages: [1]
General / Fazer 600
« on: 07 June 2023, 09:15:01 pm »
hi guys ,, have just fitted a belly pan on yesterday ,had to fab my own brackets as never got any with it , have now just ordered a Black Widow Exhaust too.
A wee Question has anone fitted Renthel Bars on the 600S as not sure if they would collide with the fairing,was gonna post a pic of bike but not sussed out how to upload pics yet  :rolleyes

Introduction / Been away ??
« on: 02 June 2023, 10:55:29 am »
Hi all ,, apologies as not been on a few years,sold the FZ1,but have just bought Fazer 600 on a T Plate.
hopefully catch up at some point but do work away a lot  :)

For Sale & Wanted / Re: fz1s mirrors
« on: 30 March 2015, 06:03:01 pm »
I have a good pair oem

ye selling them lad ?? will they fit the 09 plate ??

For Sale & Wanted / fz1s mirrors
« on: 30 March 2015, 04:20:21 pm »
anyone help with the best place to replace my mirrors,guy who I got bike off kept on hitting his gate posts with them now they wobble about a bit :-) ,cheers

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Tail Tidy
« on: 05 March 2015, 09:55:08 am »
Just bought a tail tidy for the bike,,is it easy enough to do this?or is there anything I need to be carefull of ,,cheers in advance  :)

Introduction / Re: Hiya Guys
« on: 04 March 2015, 10:55:13 pm »
Nice bike, pity it is one of those slow blue ones :) .

now ye tell me ,,, never knew u got slow ane's n fast ane's   :rollin

Introduction / Re: Hiya Guys
« on: 04 March 2015, 07:33:13 pm »
here's a wee pic o mine,,, if I do it properly  :)

The Laboratory ! / mi bike
« on: 04 March 2015, 07:29:43 pm »
mi bike ,,, av,e not got 2 o them  :rollin

Introduction / Re: Hiya Guys
« on: 04 March 2015, 07:21:23 pm »
yeah certainly wiznae slow  :) :) ,was the longest I,ve had 1 bike (6 years) ,had a few bandit 1200s before that too so decided to go back to sit-up position n ma mate's got one of these ,,so ,,,  :) wil get a pic up once I suss oot how to do it

Introduction / Hiya Guys
« on: 04 March 2015, 05:23:27 pm »
Hi Guys,just got myself a FZ1 after looking for a while for 1,parted with a zzr 1200 for it ,first thing I done was changed the Exhaust  :) ,happy with it now ,just waiting for the good weather

Pages: [1]