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Messages - Dead Eye

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General / Re: Happy Birthdays
« on: 09 January 2018, 04:17:03 pm »
This is actually a phenomenon of computer programming :D

Now time to bore you all with details!

The lack of a date of birth would be equal to 0, which for unix timestamps (how time is kept on a lot of computer systems) is equivalent to 01/01/1970 at 00:00:00.0000 :D

General / Re: ABE All bike engineering
« on: 29 March 2017, 11:27:50 am »
Good luck with that, it's a horrible job if it doesn't go well :(

I currently have all 6 studs on the rear wheel snapped, which now require drilling out

General / Re: average age?
« on: 19 March 2017, 11:05:01 pm »
Woo! Another 20-something :D

Figured these might be of help to some people. Don't take my word on them being perfectly accurate though!

Fazer 600 Boxeye:

Fazer 600 Foxeye:

Fazer 1000 Gen1:

General / Re: average age?
« on: 16 March 2017, 03:28:07 pm »
I'm 26 at current

Though the likes of Christo still beat me as he is 23

General / Re: Carb cleaning service (not an ad)
« on: 16 March 2017, 03:25:26 pm »
Shut it!

I love how I can disappear for a few months and then on the front page of posts there will still be something like this come up...

General / Re: Camless engine technology
« on: 05 January 2017, 09:04:31 am »
I'm not convinced you'd need a huge reservoir of air - just a decent compressor which could likely be driven by the engine itself. I expect you could consider it sort of like a supercharger which although it leeches power produced by the engine, it still produces an overall benefit.

Since the valves are held by compressed air, I wonder if there was a compressor failure or something that the pressure on the valve would be reduced and would be more likely to be push back by the piston instead of being destroyed.... I doubt it considering the speeds and forces, but just an interesting thought

One last thing - this tech probably hasn't "trickled down" yet since Koenigsegg probably have it patented and are charging a ridiculous licensing fee to recover the development costs :P If it the tech stands up to the figures it could eventually become more common but that won't be for a while yet

General / Re: Using mobile phone when driving
« on: 04 January 2017, 12:00:07 pm »
That's a good point and definitely true - if marked police cars were spotted on patrol more often, people would be much less inclined to driver poorly or creep over speed limits. Increasing the penalty will do very little if people believe they can get away with it imo

I'm looking forward to being in a more stable position so that I can adopt a dog (or three...). I personally love Greyhounds as they are rather daft and are complete couch potatoes, save for 20 mins of flat out full speed :P

General / Re: Using mobile phone when driving
« on: 04 January 2017, 08:15:02 am »
Thanks, I appreciate the comment :)

That's an amazing story, I'm lost for words, thanks for sharing :)

I'm sorry for the loss of Burt, losing an animal is never easy as they are always part of the family

General / Re: Road Rage.
« on: 03 January 2017, 09:36:47 pm »
They should not allow anyone behind the wheel of a car until they have passed their CBT on a bike as a minimum. Better still , ban anyone from sitting behind the wheel of a car until they can evidence at least 100 hours of on-road bike experience.

If that were the case I'd suggest the same for both sides of the fence. Everyone should be required to have time spent on both a bike AND in a car. I've known one or two sole bikers who could do with spending some time behind the wheel of a car

We're all motorists after all and although some groups will live up to certain stereotypes more than others, we should all be willing to improve ourselves

Not arguing with you on that point as yes there are a lot of bikers out there that really could do with some extra road training. However, the point is that bikers are more vulnerable due to car drivers not looking or knowing where to look, plus you go through more intensive training and tests to get a bike licence than you do to get a car licence, so maybe they should introduce mod 1 & 2 tests for getting a car licence.

Fair points, well made :) Though strangely I feel as though I went through less training to get my motorcycle licence than I did for my car licence.

I did about 15 months of driving (my dad taught me) to get my car licence whereas I went from zero experience to having a full motorcycle licence in just under a month and a half due to Direct Access. Though of course you can do the same sort of thing with car licences as well

But again, the laws regarding motorcycle training have changed yet again since I did it. Also, the Mod 1 and Mod 2 tests are in place due to EU law requirements regarding speed. One of the tests requires you to accelerate to at least 50kph which is above the street legal 30mph in the UK and as such, this has to be performed off of the public highway creating the split between Mod 1 and 2 - though I'm sure most of you are aware of that :) That being said, practicing those manoeuvres off road is useful

One other quick thought... getting a licence almost seems a bit like standardised tests for education. You are taught how to pass a test more than you are taught how to perform the task - for some that's not a problem as we can easily understand how to transfer the skills to real life. But for others, they never fully take on board what they are being taught and end up as some of the most dangerous drivers on the roads

General / Re: Road Rage.
« on: 03 January 2017, 06:03:48 pm »
They should not allow anyone behind the wheel of a car until they have passed their CBT on a bike as a minimum. Better still , ban anyone from sitting behind the wheel of a car until they can evidence at least 100 hours of on-road bike experience.

If that were the case I'd suggest the same for both sides of the fence. Everyone should be required to have time spent on both a bike AND in a car. I've known one or two sole bikers who could do with spending some time behind the wheel of a car

We're all motorists after all and although some groups will live up to certain stereotypes more than others, we should all be willing to improve ourselves

General / Re: Using mobile phone when driving
« on: 03 January 2017, 05:56:40 pm »
As per usual, the technology isn't at fault and should not be blamed - attitudes like that would leave us in the dark ages

Unfortunately, it's the prevailing stupidity of the general populace that can fuel both sides. Technology is fantastic and can do amazing things, but at the same time should be respected and used appropriately.

I'll admit to not having read this entire thread, but I did see a few comments regarding why even bother having mobile phones since we managed without them before. But those comments are based solely on all the worst things and the negativity. Mobile phones provide a huge amount of access to emergency services should they be required, potentially saving valuable time in the event they are required.

Bringing it a little closer to home, bikers have benefited from mobile phones by being able to call for help when completely out in the sticks after having an accident. Even more so there is further developments that will allow a modern smart phone to potentially detect a crash and provide details such as your location to an emergency contact.

I'm not going to argue that technology doesn't have it's limitations or that it is faultless, but every day people are working to improve those limitations and repair those faults. It's never static, it's always going to continue moving and developing. Sure, you'll sometimes take some steps back, but ever continuing motion is forward.

Blaming technology for the downfall of society, or for idiots being idiots, is tantamount to blaming the gun for killing someone; it's not the tech, it's the person behind it.

General / Re: I know my thoughts......what's yours?
« on: 27 October 2016, 09:51:15 am »
After watching the video a few more times you can clearly see the bike deliberately hits the car, as he had more than enough room and time to slow down and/or swerve to the left to avoid a crash, but no he slows down and maintained a straight line.

Could be a simple case of experience versus stupidity/naivety.

Could just as easily have been target fixation I guess

General / Re: Compulsory Insurance Excess
« on: 27 October 2016, 09:48:47 am »
I tend to go the other way. My logic is
  • I have to have insurance
  • I'm not planning to claim
  • I want the lowest possible premium

This is what I do as well - usually put my voluntary excess up relatively high and figure out a sweet spot for the best premium. Usually there is little difference between £500 and £750 for example so I'd generally opt for paying say £2 extra premium to save £250 on the excess

General / Re: Clutch slip
« on: 26 September 2016, 07:31:36 pm »
I'll second the above in relation to the clutch springs. Buying heavier duty springs is the wrong way to go in my opinion - I had a set of EBC ones and they were just impossible to use and I ended up with the original ones I took out

General / Re: CHAIN BRUSH
« on: 23 September 2016, 12:02:52 pm »
Thanks for posting, mine met it's demise recently underneath by boot...

Yes, I need to tidy my garage more often :(

General / Re: Psychology of Motorcycling riding
« on: 16 September 2016, 01:25:10 pm »

Given everyone else's score I'm happy enough with that :P

General / Re: That old chestnut: insurance premiums - serious problem now.
« on: 12 September 2016, 09:08:01 pm »
Interesting I've found the opposite, my premium has dropped with my renewal. Last year was circa £160-180 I think and this year it was £135 - literally nothing has changed other than 1 more years NCB and license duration. Though having said that I have now hit 5 years on both, so maybe that's a cut off point? For reference, I'm 26 on a FZS 1000 that is garaged at a reasonable-ish postcode. I also insure with MCE as they seem to be the only company that's reasonable when it comes to declaring modifications

Note that insurance resellers (probably 90% of the companies you will ever deal with) do often have to go to market to obtain a new underwriter and if their portfolio is bad (lots of claims against very little earned premium) then they aren't likely to get a good deal with the underwriter... Yes, my work is related to the insurance industry :P

General / Re: What do you wear when riding
« on: 12 September 2016, 09:02:47 pm »
I have a full-face helmet, my textile jacket, kevlar jeans and decent boots - though I am also guilty of riding with regular jeans as I only have one pair of kevlar that actually fit at the moment :( I also have a leather jacket, but that also doesn't fit...

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 13 August 2016, 02:30:29 pm »
After nearly 3 years and lots of procrastination I finally dug out the 600 from the back of the garage and it got to see sunlight

I've finally fitted the replacement rear fairing and tank from noggy and the carbs which have definitely improved how well the bike runs :) Popped the battery from the thou in and after a few coughs and splutters it fired up pretty easily which was a surprise. Took it for a quick spin up and down the street and it still runs pretty well... other than the brakes which are utter shite and the suspension which has seen better days.

The rear brakes are practically non-existent and the fronts judder like crazy... cheap non-oem discs were not a wise purchase unfortunately :( It would be nice to get it back to decent riding condition, but I reckon that's still a way off yet due to the cost of the parts needed. Still, a nice milestone to get it running under it's own power again :)

The Not So Blue Anymore Fazer 600
The Not So Blue Anymore Fazer 600

General / Re: We are becoming an endangered species!
« on: 28 July 2016, 11:07:40 pm »
Supply and demand is probably a big factor along with how dangerous a cheap bike can be (and feel) compared to a cheap car. In addition another factor is service items; tyres, suspension and brakes are much more expensive on cheap bikes than on cheap cars and have a significantly larger impact. Buying cheap things for your cheap car just to keep it on the road and get you to the shops isn't a great idea, but it will work. Doing the same on a bike is exponentially increasing the risk of a crash, injury or even death by comparison (opinion)

General / Re: Please help Carb leakin fuel
« on: 25 July 2016, 02:48:19 pm »
Had this happen on mine which ended up being the exact same problem - a stuck float / needle. Stripping the carbs down and cleaning everything up solved the problem after checking the float heights :)

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Squeak
« on: 18 July 2016, 12:58:40 pm »
I have no idea but I figured I'd give it a shot instead of having mess being caked behind the sprocket cover, chain guard and on the rim :P I don't often go out in the rain unless the car is off the road

Evidently this wasn't the best of ideas or requires a different approach; I don't know either way all I can see is that the new chain lube is working fine and I haven't had any issues with the 120~ miles I've put on the bike since :)

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