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Messages - rustyrider

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General / How?
« on: 06 December 2011, 10:54:29 am »
Just got back from a couple of days in the south of France and while there I heard a news story on Riveria Radio, an English speaking radio station, that I though worth sharing.   What I'd like to know is how?

(taken from their RSS feed)

FZS600 Fazer / Re: hugger
« on: 01 December 2011, 08:05:36 am »
According to here,,34.0.html
it won't.  Scroll down and see the differences between a 2001 and a 2002

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Winter
« on: 30 November 2011, 07:14:37 pm »
I think the point everyone is making but you seem to be ignoring is, where do you intend fitting the chip?  You can only chip the ECU on a bike (or car) that has an ECU which is only a bike (or car) that has fuel injection.  You have carbs, you do not have fuel injection so you do not have an ECU so you do not have anywhere to fit a chip.

General / Re:
« on: 28 November 2011, 07:59:37 pm »
My web security blocks it......

General / Re: Bennets
« on: 28 November 2011, 07:57:27 pm »
So does this policy of 'modifications' apply to cages then?
It probably does.  A few years ago a neighbour's daughter had a Sierra Sapphire that was fitted with Cosworth alloys and bodykit.  It was stolen and subsequently found upside down in a ditch (unfortunately without the thief still trapped in it).  The insurance company refused to pay out as she hadn't declared the mods.  She had told them it had alloys but hadn't specified what sort and they had assumed standard Sierra ones.  There argument was that by making it look like a Cosworth she had made it a much higher theft risk.  They did let her keep the remains though......

General / Re: Bennets
« on: 27 November 2011, 10:17:13 pm »
I suppose their argument would be that a belly pan alters the aerodynamics so could make the bike faster or less stable at speed so could increase the risk.  At least they are referring to modifications and accessories which makes it seem more logical.  Most of the things that are causing the complaints here are what most of us would think of as accessories (heated grips, crash bungs, Scottoilers, stickers, etc) rather than modifications.  While they are not performance enhancing modifications, they are all things that may make a bike more attractive to a thief so increase the risk of theft.

General / Re: Focer font of (cooking) knowlage!
« on: 24 November 2011, 11:33:48 pm »
This is the difference between blokes cooking and women cooking, we follow the instructions.  If it says to use 6.957 grams of something, we'll use 6.957 grams, not bung a bit in then add a bit more for good measure.  That's why there are more male chefs than female.......

If it says butter, used butter, after all, you wouldn't fill the sump on your bike with treacle because it looks a bit similar to oil would you?

General / Re: car tyre query
« on: 24 November 2011, 08:29:25 am »
Quote from: tomjimtom
so probably not as safe as it could be :\
That's a bit of an understatement, the bulge is where, as the good Captain says, the inner carcase has split so all that is keeping the air in now is the rubber sidewall.  It could burst at any moment and, being on the front, will probably do it halfway round a right hander.

General / Re: Anyone got a Kawasaki W650 / 800?
« on: 23 November 2011, 09:07:15 pm »
A mate bought a W650 a couple of years ago and I picked it up for him and rode it back to my place before trailering it down to him in the south of France.  Looks and sounds like a Bonnie but starts first time every time, doesn't leak oil and just does everything you expect of it.  However riding it was a different matter.  Now maybe I've been spoilt by owning faired bikes but I had to stop every 40 mles or so on the way back to put my shoulders back into their sockets.  Sitting bolt upright, you are the air brake.

General / Re: not lookin forward to this
« on: 22 November 2011, 10:52:29 pm »
however good you think your gloves are, pop into the petrol station and put a pair of the diesel plastic gloves on UNDER your leather gloves, lovely and toastie hands on the way home
I'll second that although I used the Nitrile ones that mechanics use to keep their hands clean.  I think I saw it mentioned on here so put a couple of pairs in my jacket pocket.  Stopped and put them on under my leather gloves as soon as the first spots of rain appeared.  It doesn't matter how wet your gloves get, your hands will stay dry and warm.

General / Re: not lookin forward to this
« on: 22 November 2011, 06:32:56 pm »
I delivered a Harley Fat Boy from Peterborough to Paris a few weeks ago.  Apart from it being the most horrible thing I have ever ridden in my life, it pissed it down solid from just outside Calais all the way to Paris.  I thought my gear was waterproof but with rain that hard it came through everywhere.  It's never felt as nice to put dry clothes on ready to get on a plane to fly back home again.....

But in a perverse sort of way, I still enjoyed it.........

General / Re: car battery acid
« on: 20 November 2011, 06:33:23 pm »
Who on earth supplies a wet battery without the acid anyway?  You either buy a sealed, filled battery or a dry one that should come with a bottle of acid.

and why are you using a wet battery anyway and not a sealed one?

General / Re: Bennets
« on: 18 November 2011, 11:35:47 am »
Just phoned Swinton and admitted that I have a few undeclared modifications, they didn't know the answer so they called Equity Red Star who are the actual insurers.  Seems they are aware of the Bennetts situation and are getting quite a few phone calls at the moment.  All of the mods are perfectly acceptable and would not attract a higher premium although if the bike was nicked they would only pay out the cost of a standard one rather than one that has had the extra bits fitted (although if I was replacing a series 1 Fazer I doubt I could find one without the odd extra).  The only mods that would put the price up are ones that make it go faster or more attractive to a thief.

General / Re: Bennets
« on: 18 November 2011, 11:14:40 am »
I'd be completely stuffed

Belly pan
Heated grips
Rear hugger
Front mudguard extender
Non-standard tyres (well, they're not the original ones so must be non-standard)
Datatool alarm (which has been modified with a blue LED instead of the original red one because the wire broke off and I didn't have a red one to replace it with)
crash bungs
Lazer alloy can
Non-standard fork dust seals (because they were cheaper than the genuine article)
Headlight mod
Rusty downpipes (I assume they weren't rusty when it was new so that must be a modification from standard.....)
Non-folding mirror because I broke it and mended it by bolting it together solidly

and the screws holding the chainguard on don't look original either..........

Suppose I ought to check with Swinton and see if they consider any of these to be worth mentioning as I think I foolishly told them it was standard when I insured it.

General / Re: Fair weather biker, not this dude
« on: 16 November 2011, 04:15:45 pm »
My cousin lives in Thailand and he moved both his car and his wifes to the nearest flyover when they knew the floods were coming.  Seems that is what most people have done if they can manage without a car and the others have been preparing vehicles for wading through deep water.  Fairly simple with a bike.  Make sure the airbox is airtight, attach a snorkel to it and it should be OK.  If the plug caps are the rubber type that seal onto the plugs they should still work (they do on a jetski after all) and it doesn't actually matter if the exhaust is under water. 

General / Re: mr angry
« on: 16 November 2011, 04:06:40 pm »
I use Lloyds TSB and an internet banking transfer from one LTSB account to another is instant.  They have recently changed there system for transfers to other banks too so where it used to take 4 working days for a transfer from my account to appear on an account at a different bank, it now takes about 3 hours.

It did backfire on me a couple of months ago though.  I have a Direct Debit for my electricity bill that came out of my account on the 16th.  As I'm paid on the 15th of the month that was fine.  This time they tried to take it on the 14th of the month and the bank bounced it (and charged me £20 for the priviledge) so I phoned the electricity company to see why they had tried to take it 2 days early.  It turns out that it has always been requested on the 14th but the bank took 2 days to pay it.  Now they've speeded up their system they tried to pay it immediately, a day before my salary was paid in.

General / Re: Always put the paint in the boot......
« on: 16 November 2011, 08:01:51 am »
But a quick Google says that it was near Durban in South Africa.

Thought there was too much sun for it to be Scotland......

General / Re: Always put the paint in the boot......
« on: 16 November 2011, 07:56:48 am »
Sign on the second picture says M7 Queensburgh which would make it Scotland (so you're right, not UK just that bit up north that the rest of us have to put up with....).

General / Re: I'm back, but a newbie????
« on: 13 November 2011, 03:24:13 pm »
I've never been able to get my head round them calling themselves travellers and then complaining that they are going to lose the home that they've illegally camped on for the last 10 years or whatever.  Surely, to be a traveller they have to travel otherwise they are simply caravaners that park on an illegal site?

General / Re: I'm back, but a newbie????
« on: 10 November 2011, 09:58:07 pm »
A bit foccing sad?  Just a bit?  And like he paid 3.75 per vehicle search to check their insurance status.  I mean, aye right, or yeah needs real foccing help.

Oh, how much more made up shite do we have to read here on this issue?
Paid??? is free if you declare it's your vehicle.....

General / Re: I'm back, but a newbie????
« on: 10 November 2011, 06:00:21 pm »
One guy at work is a bit sad but does have his uses.  When there was the TV coverage of the Dale Farm mob slowly moving out, he sat there noting down the registration numbers of all the cars and vans beng driven out of the squat.  Checking them against askMID showed that not one was insured......

General / Re: Battery Charger Advice please.....
« on: 08 November 2011, 08:11:18 am »
You wouldn't try to charge a LiPo battery from a normal charger (or you could but they have a habit of exploding very violently) so don't try using anything else to charge a bike battery.  Get a proper one like the one PieEater suggests or this

General / Re: I'm back, but a newbie????
« on: 07 November 2011, 12:35:00 am »
Well my email address hasn't changed.......

and it looks like both shows are back in Peterborough for next year.  What happened, did you wreck Lincoln showground?

General / I'm back, but a newbie????
« on: 06 November 2011, 07:51:29 pm »
After a few months with loads of other stuff going on, I got the bike out this weekend and then decided to see what was going on here.  Only to find it's not on Yuku any more and my old login didn't work so registered again.  Now, I'm a newbie, a CBT Wobbler with no posts to my name.  I initially thought it was the same for everyone but if that's the case, some of you have been posting near continually!

Can I get my post count and title back or am I starting from scratch again?

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