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Topics - wickedmonkey

Pages: [1]
FZS600 Fazer / Clutch lever not springing back as far as it used to
« on: 07 September 2016, 04:52:58 pm »
Hi all,

My clutch cable has started to not return as eagerly as it used to. I'm presuming it needs lubricating but not sure how. Anyone done this before?


FZS600 Fazer / Front brake light switch
« on: 07 September 2016, 04:31:40 pm »
Hi guys,

After replacing my front brake pads, my front brake switch doesn't quite come on soon enough. Is there any way of adjusting this? Does changing the brake lever span dial setting effect when the switch is activated?

Many thanks,


FZS600 Fazer / Front brake pads replaced + advice needed
« on: 24 August 2016, 11:36:04 am »
Hi guys,

MOT happened a couple of days ago. The bike passed but I had a warning about the front brake pads being very low. I replaced them today mostly without a hitch (pics of old ones attached). Because of the extra friction material on the new pads (SBS sintered), it looked like there was now too much brake fluid in the system as the brake lever barely moved before stiffening up. So, I syphoned off some fluid from the master cylinder (homemade syphon pic attached) but the lever is still stiffening too soon. The front wheel turns easily but not freely so the pads must be touching at rest. The master cylinder fluid level is just above the low mark now and the lever indicator is on '1'.

What am I missing here? This is the first time I've done the brake pads so it's quite likely I'm being a doughnut.

Finally, as you can see in the picture, one of the old pads has worn unevenly. I'm presuming this is because the callipers need cleaning. How easy is this? Can anyone point me to an idiot's guide?


FZS600 Fazer / Sat Nav
« on: 03 September 2015, 10:55:47 am »
Hi guys,

Just wanted to share with you my DIY sat nav solution.

As you can see from the photo, I have a Pebble Watch (£90-100) strapped around a piece of pipe insulation. Inside the foam insulation are some rubber feet ( to stop the whole thing from slipping around. The watch is waterproof which is handy in the English summer.

The watch connects to my Android phone to a nice bit of software called NavMe (a bargain at £1.80). I believe there is also equivalent software available for iPhone as well. Although it's not obvious in the picture, the watch also displays the distance before the next turn/roundabout/etc.

I been using it this week and it works a treat. The screen is easy to read and takes about the same concentration as glancing at the speedo. Only downside is that it may be difficult to read at night.


FZS600 Fazer / Rear axle round the wrong way
« on: 03 September 2015, 10:15:11 am »
Hi guys,

A couple of weeks ago, I had new tyres fitted. It seems that the garage that fitted the tyres installed the rear axle the wrong way around — ie, the 27mm axle nut is now on the exhaust side rather than the chain side.

Will this cause a problem? Does it make any difference? Should I ask them to turn the axle around?


FZS600 Fazer / Saddlebag frame?
« on: 29 July 2014, 11:10:55 am »
Hi guys,

I bought some Oxford leather saddlebags for £20 off a neighbour recently but I have no saddlebag frame to secure them to. I've done a bit of searching on t'Internet but can't find a frame suitable for my fzs600. Does such an item exist?

Thanks in advance,


General / Yamaha's new Fazer?
« on: 14 July 2014, 11:30:48 am »

FZS600 Fazer / Spider in the fuel gauge
« on: 16 June 2014, 08:14:46 am »
Why do spiders love my FZS600 so much? They keep on building webs all over the place and running around all over my bike when I'm not looking -- despite using it pretty much every day to commute and washing it almost every week. Could it be the Muck Off speed wax polish I've been using that's attracting them?

Anyway, I saw a little critter in the fuel gauge today when I was filling up. I filled the tank up full but the gauge won't go too full now. Anyone know how easy it is to get the clocks apart in order to clean them and remove any stray arachnids? Anyone else ever had a spider problem like this?

FZS600 Fazer / Why We Ride
« on: 29 April 2014, 01:00:34 pm »
Watched a great documentary on Sunday called 'Why We Ride.' Highly recommended.

General / Boots!
« on: 23 April 2014, 08:32:57 am »
Hi guys,

I'm after some new boots -- preferably something cool for the summer. Would like water resistant as well if poss. Need to order from Amazon to use some vouchers up. Has anyone got any suggestions? Has anyone tried these boots?

FZS600 Fazer / Chain and sprockets -- easy for a novice?
« on: 19 March 2014, 01:50:20 pm »
After getting my rear tyre sorted (ahem), the garage said that my chain sprocket is very worn.

How easy is replacing the sprockets and chain for someone who is not a mechanic and doesn't have a workshop, etc? Or should I not be such a skinflint and stump up the cash for the garage to do it?!

General / Motorbike gear from Aldi
« on: 09 March 2014, 06:18:52 pm »
Anyone know if any of the gear in Aldi is worth getting? I'm thinking particularly about the boots. Anyone had any experience of this kit?

FZS600 Fazer / Rear tyre -- does this look right?
« on: 08 March 2014, 09:08:58 am »
Hi guys,

I noticed this morning that there is a strange patch on the centre of my rear tyre that wasn't there last week. I know that the tread is low and I was planning on getting a new one next month but this patch worries me. Anyone know what this is/if it's safe?

FZS600 Fazer / Fuel type & MPG
« on: 05 March 2014, 03:38:34 pm »
I've been religiously adding my fuel purchases to and have noticed a definite improvement when I use premium fuel compared to regular unleaded. I notice a slight performance increase (this could be my imagination, I suppose, or the weight of the fuel assisting the pump?) and a measurable increase in MPG.

Has anyone else noticed this? Does anyone have fuel or fuel additive recommendations to increase MPG?

FZS600 Fazer / Torque wrench
« on: 01 March 2014, 08:46:23 am »
Does anyone have any torque wrench recommendations? Something that doesn't cost the earth though.

FZS600 Fazer / Fairing screw thingies
« on: 27 February 2014, 08:43:42 am »

I appear to have lost a couple of fairing screws. Anyone know where I can get some more? I've seen some on eBay but I'm not sure they're the right ones.

In the meantime, the damn thing rattles like buggery at low RPM!



FZS600 Fazer / Coolant & water advice
« on: 23 January 2014, 09:57:08 am »
Morning Peeps,

This morning I started my bike and saw coolant p*ssing everywhere. Switched off and found my nearside coolant hose detached from a spout just to the right of the nearside spark plugs. I re-attached and then found that my idle screw needed about 12 turns clockwise before it would idle at a good RPM. I *then* found that the clutch lever wouldn't fully press in. I gave it a firm press and it gave and seems to operate normally now. Either someone had accidentally disturbed these cables somehow or...well, I don't think I've made any enemies recently...

Long story short, I drove to work this morning (about 17 miles) and all seems ok but I need to top up the coolant as it looks like it's around the 'low' marker.

So, I have a couple of questions: Any advice on coolant brand/type? What proportion of coolant to water should I mix? Also, does the water need to be distilled?

Thanks guys,


FZS600 Fazer / Remove old glue from tank
« on: 10 January 2014, 04:22:03 pm »
Hi guys,

My Yamaha tank pads are peeling off so I bought a generic pad set from Amazon to replace it. Underneath the old pads is loads of glue. Does anyone know if there's a way of removing this without damaging the paint work on the tank?



FZS600 Fazer / Cruise control
« on: 03 January 2014, 10:28:58 am »
Saw this on Amazon:

I'm tempted to try it but I'm concerned that it might get in the way somewhat. Has anyone tried something like this?

FZS600 Fazer / A259
« on: 27 December 2013, 09:54:48 am »
Went to see my mum and sister yesterday. To get there I have to go along the A259 and it was a ride that made me anxious as hell. On the way there in the morning I had the sun blinding me at crucial moments. On the way back it was pitch dark and I had car headlight glare being exaggerated by droplets of crap on my visor. Add to that Fazer headlights that light up the curb beautifully but not much of the road in front...

Anyone who knows the A259 will know the corners that snake and zigzag -- sometimes turning on a pin by 270 degrees. It was mentioned by Ross Noble in MCN latest issue as on of the best to ride in the UK partly because of these corners. But, bare in mind that I've only been riding since August and you'll realise why I was so relieved to have gotten home in one piece and why my shoulders were aching from stress!

Still, I suppose every cloud has a Silverstone lining and I learnt that I need to relax under stress (the machine doesn't respond well to a stiff rider and I nearly lost it on a shallow corner because I had become so tense. I ended up doing a strange kind of cross-steer whilst reciting Hail Marys).

I lived to tell the tale though and my Mum's dinner was worth it.

FZS600 Fazer / Oxford heated grips fitted -- Yay!
« on: 16 December 2013, 01:33:55 pm »
Just wanted to share my experience of fitting Oxford heated grips. I'm not particularly mechanically minded, so if I can do it, anyone can!

I spent quite a while on forums and watching Youtube videos about fitting the grips and then I spent some time figuring out how I wanted them orientated and where to run the wires. If you use superglue as Oxford recommend, then you want to get the grips in the right position first time and rather quickly (in a few seconds)!

Getting the old grips off was a doddle. I used a screw driver inserted from the bar end of the handlebars to loosen the grips from the existing glue. The left came off in tact. I had to cut the right off as it moved with the throttle slider when I was trying to twist it off. Whatever glue had been used previously came off cleanly and no cleanup or sanding of the handlebars was required.

I spent a while dry-fitting and experimenting with the throttle-side grip which slid on with little effort. The lefthand grip would not go on. The diameter looked too damn small so I gave up after an hour of trying and tried again the next morning. I'm sure I'd read somewhere about heating the grips up making them expand which allows them to slide on easier, so I wired them up and turned them on 100% for 10 minutes. The lefthand grip slid on hot fairly easily with a little help from some WD40 to lubricate. Didn't use glue on the left as I cant get the bugger back off (!) but did use superglue on the right as I didn't want it sliding around whilst riding.

Wiring was straight forward, it just takes a little thought and some cable ties. I went straight onto the battery terminals but I'll change that when I get it clear in my head how to wire on an ignition circuit. I wrapped the molex plugs with insulation tape to protect from rain.

Hope that helps someone. I'd highly recommend heating them up before fitting (you need to test them anyway, right?) and some careful thought about positioning. Have used them around town and they feel great -- 100% is too much after a while. Hopefully they'll cure my numb fingertips!


General / Rear-ended gently at a roundabout
« on: 13 November 2013, 08:45:49 am »
Two days ago I was waiting at a roundabout waiting for an opportunity to enter. It was dark and raining. I had a fluorescent yellow jacket on, lights on, and I believe I was holding the front brake. I see a car approach in my mirror, think nothing of it, then I feel a jolt as the car gently collides with my rear tire moving me about 6-8 inches forward. I park, dismount and politely insist on the driver's number. How the foc the driver didn't see me is beyond me!

The bike looks undamaged, it was only a gentle nudge and the driver was quite apologetic, but it got me wondering if the driver was fixated on my jacket and used that to judge the distance to me rather than the rear of my bike.

Oh well, no harm done, but very annoying. Anyone else had similar? Is there a possibility for hidden damage with such a minor collision?

FZS600 Fazer / Mirror setup
« on: 04 October 2013, 08:58:33 am »
Hi guys,

I'm a new rider and got my FZS600 (98) a couple of months ago and I have a noob question about mirror setup. My mirrors are the standard original ones and no matter how I adjust them, the view directly behind me is obscured by my arms/shoulders.

Is this common? How do you set yours up? Should I be looking to replace them with after market mirrors so I can get a better view behind me or am I missing something obvious?

Thoughts and advice appreciated!

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