Date: 02-06-24  Time: 05:22 am

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Messages - Cagey_Thoughts

Pages: 1 [2]
General / Re: HTTP error 500
« on: 22 July 2020, 12:22:16 pm »
I cant even get back into the original post... i get the error message....The post in question is in the FZS600 forum... "She lives..."
screen grab below

General / Re: HTTP error 500
« on: 22 July 2020, 12:16:23 pm »
Thanx BB... tried in the Labs area... same result unfortunately... are my pictures too large?  do they have to be of a certain size to upload?

General / HTTP error 500
« on: 22 July 2020, 11:22:11 am »
Sorry if I have crashed a couple of posts... :'(  I keep getting the 'HTTP ERROR 500' message appear when I try and get back into a post I have done!?!?! Tried to ammed a post with pictures... but it crashed... tried a second post with the pictures.. which crashed also... site allows me to read and post with text normally though.... 

General / Re: Off to France!
« on: 22 July 2020, 11:18:10 am »
Hope that you had a good trip....  We are riding down to Carcassonne in September.  My parents are driving up from Spain... covid permitting... I'm in Stoke too... married a 'neckender' 3 years ago... get in touch if you fancy a ride out...

Messages for Users / Re: Stoke on Trent area...
« on: 02 February 2020, 08:32:32 am »
Happy..... belated... New Year to you too m8....... my FZ1 broke in half.... lots of discussion on the site at the time... went to an R1, but sold the a couple of years ago.... have an FJR 1300 now... will never sell the 600.... lol

Messages for Users / Re: Stoke on Trent area...
« on: 29 December 2019, 10:58:42 pm »
Eddie... you old b........ would love to get it sorted... at last i have a decent space to work in... But i've forgotten where most of the hoses go!?!?!?!?  :rollin :rollin :rollin ......  the bike was holed up in a leaking council garage for about 4 years..... i'll post some pics soon... it's all there... rolling chassis.. engine in.... etc... rebuilt forks with new hagon inards.. new hagon shox... bearings and carb rubbers... carbs rebuilt... all 3 calipers rebuilt... all the ally powdercoated black.... etc.....just need the final touches..... lol

Messages for Users / Stoke on Trent area...
« on: 10 October 2019, 04:09:56 pm »
Hi... anyone in the Stoke onTrent area that can help me finish putting my fzs600 back together... mostly plumbing... carbs ... cooling... etc... any help/advice would be greatly recieved...  endless supply of hot beverage and bacon butties can be negotiated if you pop around...  Sneyd Green area... .    :lol  many thanks... been aiming to get it finished for the spring meet (BotW? If that still happens?)... for about 5 years now....  :rolleyes  ive forgotten where everthing goes.   Lol....

FZS600 Fazer / Re: What have you done to your FZS600 bike today
« on: 07 June 2019, 03:34:40 pm »
Carried on the rebuild.... It's only been about 5 years.. :rolleyes . but this is the first time I've had a workshop/garage to be able to do any work in since my Daventry days....... It WILL get finished this year......

to date... New/refurbished list...

Hagon rear shox
Hagon fork springs and a fork rebuild
shims done
Can.. high level
All Calipers refurbished.. new pistons
Carbs refurbished
Loads of seals and bearings replaced
Loads of bits powdercoated black.. Inc.. swingarm.. fork lowers... etc..etc...
Fairing inners... mirror shells and other bits painted red....
new radiator
Only concession to 'bling'... polished torque arm with 'Fazer' inscribed in red....
Usual chain & sprox
Other bits and pieces...

Original concept was to protect the vulnerable alloy during winter commuting duties.... but it has turned into a labour of love..... (well it is when I can remember where all the hoses and wires go....!!!!! ;) )

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