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Messages - Millietant

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General / Re: What did you do with whatever else you've got?
« on: 02 November 2018, 08:23:19 pm »
i've done many, many, trips to bike races back in the 80's and 90's on my FJ's - including one to Assen with about 12 other bikes, where we left the Midlands after work, rode down to Dover, got an overnight ferry and then headed straight from Calais towards Assen - no sleep whatsoever.

Anyway, about 4.30am, while I'm leading the bunch up the Dutch motorway, I turn off up an EXIT slip road and just before the end, my passenger gives me a huge dig in the ribs.........this woke me up, I wondered where we were and realised too late that we were crossing the road at the end and going straight back down the ENTRY slip road on the other side - at about 80mph, with no slowing down.

All the others followed me like sheep, wondering what the f**k I was doing. We stopped for a break at the next services  :lol - I wasn't allowed to lead any more :lol , and then when we got to the track I slept through the first race (it was on the Saturday morning).

General / Re: What did you do with whatever else you've got?
« on: 02 November 2018, 08:04:48 pm »
Took the FJ 1200 out for a run around Souh Leics & Northants this afternoon, while the sun shone. Put a bottle of Forte Moto Power 1 in the tank when I filled up and put another 15 miles on it to run some through. Hopefully it helps keep the dreaded fuel-gunge from forming in the carbs over the quiet winter months !! I'll be taking the Fazer's out over the next week or so and doing the same thing when I fill them up too.

Couldn't resist taking some pics of the old girl in the sun though  :lol :lol .

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Wanted FZS600 front discs
« on: 28 October 2018, 10:40:29 pm »
I got a set from Skywave UK on eBay - Chinese, but seem OK, racer friends said they use them on their "wet" wheels.

£135 delivered for a pair - new "wavy" discs - so far, they've worked great, fitted well and look spot on.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: New upload
« on: 22 October 2018, 02:29:35 am »
It doesn't really work on my iPad, Unfazed - but, is that a link to "" ?.

That's the site I use for checking out changes resulting from sprocket and tyre swaps with different teeth and wheel sizes etc.

General / Re: So What're You Listening To Today?
« on: 22 October 2018, 02:23:33 am »
Chillin out on the sofa, tying to sleep, so I'm listening to a bit of Olafur Arnalds - great for relaxing.

The only time I've ever been to a concert when you could hear a pin drop between tunes/compositions (and the audience weren't asleep), soulful, moving stuff - but definitely not what I'd listen to in the garage/shed/workshop, or in the car  :)

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: sprocket and stuff
« on: 21 October 2018, 12:54:51 pm »
Agreed, as long as the rubber doesn't foul against the casing when the sprocket is in place (but if it's been made right it shouldn't).

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: sprocket and stuff
« on: 19 October 2018, 02:37:04 am »
Daft question, but it seems like all the sensible ones have been bottomed out -Is there any way the locking tab could still be getting in the way of the sprocket nut unscrewing ??

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Basic Electrial Theory
« on: 17 October 2018, 04:08:19 am »
Holy crap !!

I just imagined millions of these tiny little electricity gremlins running from the plus terminal on my battery, through my wiring, round to the negative one. If there's a break, or a missing connection in the wires, then the gremlins can't make it.

The wiring diagram is the road atlas the gremlins use to find their way around my bike, to each of the electrical components.

I don't know where the gremlins come from, or what they eat, but I'm happy they're there  :)

Seriously though, it'll be nice to get to the science behind all of this - so thanks for the info  :thumbup

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Std exhaust silencer weight
« on: 17 October 2018, 03:58:38 am »
The centre stand is really handy for maintenance and you won't feel any difference by removing the weight of it. You'd be get more benefit by ensuring your tyres are at the correct pressure, your brakes are clean and aren't dragging, your air filter is clean and your chain is lubed and at the right tension. Basic stuff like that. Minor weight savings won't make any difference

In my case, when the rider lost 18kg's, the bike seemed to handle, stop and go a bit better - but I kept the centre stand  :rollin

General / Re: Blind Spot Mirrors
« on: 16 October 2018, 12:53:55 pm »
I already find the bike mirrors don't give a good enough view of what's behind (especially because of elbows), so to fit blindspot mrrors in the bit of the current mirror that's actually useful, seems the moment.

I think they're a great idea - and would love some, if the current mirrors made the practical - but for the time being will stick with regular mirror glances and life-savers.

My only worry would be riders who stopped doing their life-savers because they had blind-spot mirrors. Car drivers have already stopped doing the look-over-the-shoulder, before manoeuvring and now rely almost entirely on mirrors/camera's - especially in newer cars with the little amber and red arrows that light up on the door mirror when the car "detects" something coming up alongside (they were bloody annoying on my Evoque).

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: sprocket and stuff
« on: 15 October 2018, 03:41:44 pm »
I think the reference is to the rear wheel spindle nut.........maybe  :)

Couldn't make it to Stafford as we're in the USA, but as luck would have it, a brand new museum opened this weekend - the New England Motorcycle Museum - just 15 mins from where the family live. The opening "event" had live bands, stunt shows (a bit basic and all on Harley's, but good none-the-less).

All in all, a decent substitute, on a beautiful, sunny, autumn day. Will have to host photo's to put up here so will do that later. Just one for now.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: sprocket and stuff
« on: 13 October 2018, 04:46:15 pm »
You could try some of your local little engineering supply shops. I went through eBay to find some big sockets (for my FJ gearbox sprocket for one) and they were all about the same price as you quoted, plus delivery and a couple of days wait.

I looked up local engineering/supply companies and found a couple straight away that had the bigger sockets in stock at the same price (or slightly cheaper) so I managed to get the jobs done without any delay.

Also, for a little bit more money, Halfords stock bigger sockets too - I suppose I'm just impatient so I don't like waiting for things to be delivered  :) :)

Hope you're not in northern Florida. :eek

LOL - nope, up in  Connecticut (about 2 hours due north of New York). Florida is flat and has no bends (other than the left turns at Daytona), so there's nothing there of interest to me  :)

This is normally the only Show I go to every year, but this year we're in the USA for the whole of Oct, so I'll miss it - which is an extra pain because it now means we'll have to go to the NEC show to get a new crash helmet for Liz.

General / Re: Insurance
« on: 10 October 2018, 12:15:13 am »
When your repair is claimed against another party (even another Amiral customer) Admiral do provide a like-for-like car, size/configuration wise. But when it's an at fault claim, their policy is different

Because my wife was the "at fault" driver, Admiral's policy when I took the car in for repair is to provide the smallest possible car - they call it a "class A" car - irrespective of what your car is.

I must say, that when Admiral are claiming against another driver, they are fantastic - but when it's your fault, they do everything they can to get out of giving you anything. To cap it all off, I paid for their "protected no claims bonus" so that if we had an accident, our premium wouldn't skyrocket - what a Swizz that was. Our renewal price more than doubled. When I queried that they told me I was still getting my full no claims discount %, but because of the claim, our premium had basically doubled because of the accident (as a simplified explanation example, assuming our first premium was £1000, but with a 55% NCD it went down to £450, then our renewal premium went up to £2,000, but with the 55% protected NCD it went down to £900).

Either way, I paid for "protected NCD", so they just loaded the headline premium instead. They just fix it so there is no risk to them (they don't give you your money back in a claim free year, but want every penny back the following year when you do have a claim).

General / Re: Insurance
« on: 09 October 2018, 09:58:03 am »
As for our bikes, I always declare everything I'm aware of - exhausts, top boxes, all the common things.

We use both MCE and H & R insurance. For my modified FJ 1200, because my front forks were not "extended" and because all of my other mods were designed to improve "safety", i.e. enabling the use of more modern, radial tyres, better braking and better handling, they had no impact on the premium (with H & R). Their only comment was that if any of the replacement parts were of a significantly higher value than the stock parts, then that would affect replacement cost and hence the insurance premium. But, currentl, given the cost of OEM parts, such as mudguards, tanks, fairings etc, I doubt most custom/carbon fibre parts would be any more expensive. I can however understand the insurer wanting to know if I'd fitted £6k worth of Ohlins forks and OZ wheels to my old FJ - and increasing my premium to cover for replacing these.

General / Re: Insurance
« on: 09 October 2018, 09:48:26 am »
We've just had a terrible time with Admiral over our car insurances - the tiniest tip of the iceberg being that when he renewed his insurance with them, No one realised we he had to tell them that he had changed jobs (and they never asked) - even though he worked in the same office at the same building (he'd gone from being a Customer Service Agent, to being a Copywriter). When someone ran into his parked car and he notified Admiral, they asked him what his job was and he simply told the truth "I'm a copy writer". A short while later, we get a note from Admiral saying that because he failed to declare his change of job, which could have invalidated his insurance, they were issuing a penalty charge and increasing his premium - because according to Admiral's risk data, which is commercially confidential so they can't give out any details - a Copywriter is a higher risk job for car insurance than a Customer Service Agent. We have had a lot of other issues with these people - such as not telling us that standard insurance cover doesn't include for commuting to work - you have to specify that you're going to use your car for commuting FFS !!

It seems like every question the ask and that every bit of information they don't tell you when giving you a quote, is designed to give them an excuse to refuse any claim you make.

The other minor issue we had is that when my car was damaged (which I use for work as I'm self employed) and Admiral arranged the repairs, they provided a courtesy car, as expected. Now, I drive a Volvo V70 for a reason - I drive long distances, carry lots of baggage and usually have passengers (sometime scustomers) - and I had specifically requested cover to include for my business use. Imagine my surprise when my "business use" courtesy car turned out to be a Smart car. Admiral refused to accept that this unacceptable and told me that a courtesy car was ther to enable me to go about my daily life - I asked what that included and they said, getting to work, doing the shopping etc. They would not accept that their courtesy vehicle should allow me to carry on my daily business - and they wouldn't budge, not one inch. When I told them I had specifically requested business cover and identified I used my V70 for business, they said that was irrelevant, business cover only meant that I was covered legally in case of an issue. Luckily, the repair garage understood my situation and gave me a 5 door Astra which at least meant I could carry my luggage and the 2 (large/overweight) passengers I was taking with me on a 500 mile round-trip.

Needless to say, we will never use Admiral again and generally advise any of our family/friends to avoid them like the plague.

General / Re: Hard wearing metal paint
« on: 09 October 2018, 08:57:41 am »
Just be careful about glueing old bike inner tube Graham - outside of the confines of the tyre, inner tube rubber rubber oxidises hardens in daylight/sunlight and loses its elasticity, then it cracks and breaks apart. It can be really messy to remove if you use something like Super Glue (don't ask me how I know  :) ).

I ended up using black electricians tape, which I just replaced every 6-8 weeks (in about 10 seconds each time). I bought a roll of 1" wide stuff and just put a couple of runs around the tube each time.

General / Re: Fixie Bikes
« on: 04 October 2018, 08:11:04 pm »
I've watched a few friends fall off fixed wheel bikes at the track - when they forget that it doesn't freewheeland they lock up the back wheel and then fall off. Lots of scraped thighs, knees and bruises - and that's on a smooth indoor track with one way traffic, no cars/buses and no pedestrians or animals.

To ride a fixed wheel bike on the street is daft, to ride one without having your feet clipped into the pedals is asking for broken feet and my opinion.

I love riding a specialist fixed wheel bike at the track, but would never ride a bike with no freewheel capability or decent brakes on the road in commuter traffic.

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 01 October 2018, 05:51:30 pm »
That's what I'd do - getting a colour that's "close enough" will do, as long as you paint the whole thing.

If you've got the time to let the paint cure for a couple of days, I'd give it a final 2 coats of Halfords Heavy Duty PU Clear Lacquer to finish the job off. I've used it when I repainted my frame, front mudguard and my fork sliders and it gives a deeply shiny and durable finish - but if you put it on before the paint has gone off, it crinkles up something rotten (don't ask me how I know  :lol )

General / Re: Can't decide which convertible - all advice appreciated
« on: 28 September 2018, 09:37:14 am »
As you need 4 seats, how about a CLK Mercedes, quite a few engine options and trim levels. Also plenty of independent Merc specialists for servicing etc.

+1 for the CLK from a practicality and reliability point. Also, there are plenty about for not stupid money.

Some good friends bought one new in 2005 and still have it today - they love it and it's  been as reliable as a stone. It lives under a cover when it's not being driven, not in a garage, as its used as a "second" car - but it's still got over 70k miles on it.

General / Re: Can't decide which convertible - all advice appreciated
« on: 27 September 2018, 08:02:57 pm »
Ferrari F355 convertible........or a Cevrolet Corvette C2/C3 convertible.

My first car was a MG Midget 1500 in 1977 - a convertible "sports" car. It was a pike of crap as a car, but I really loved it. Even though the roof leaked everywhere and was a pain to put down properly, the car felt wonderful to young single lad with the roof down - and defo helped with attracting the fairer sex  :) .

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Wanted, gen 1 luggage rack
« on: 26 September 2018, 05:51:11 am »
If Stevie doesn't want it, I'll take it Col - just pm me when you know.

Sorry Stevie has confirmed he'll take it.

OK - glad it's sold  :)

General / Re: FOC-U Tourers
« on: 25 September 2018, 06:05:10 pm »
We're having a blatt around Northern Ireland this week - a couple of pics and a bit of info in the "what did you do with your Fazer today" post. A couple more pics here.

Wife and son at Carrick a Rede (it was bloody windy !!)

Bikes fastened down on the ferry to Larne

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