Date: 02-06-24  Time: 21:53 pm

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Messages - Pepy27

Pages: [1] 2 3
Mmmmm, should I show up on the Vespa or the Deauville, either way the piss will be ripped but you lot know by now I don't give a foc!

General / Re: RIP Marchride Aka Tim
« on: 12 January 2014, 09:51:50 am »
RIP mate, you were the first to pm me when i joined FOC-u and badgered me into meeting up at the Silver Ball all those years ago only to greet me when i arrived with a cheesy grin and a V sign. Oh how i'll miss having my kill switch flicked at traffic lights......i will admit to shedding a tear this morning.

Pete, your experience was so similar to mine. I reckon it must have been ten or twelve years ago, I turned up one evening at the Silver Ball as a newbie, never met anyone in the group before. Walked in, looked and felt a bit awkward - the way you do - and Tim looked up from his conversation mid-sentence and said: "You Brian? Welcome mate, I'm Tim. Marchride. I'll introduce you to the others. This is Robin.... Gareth..." etc etc.

A top bloke, incredibly drol sense of humour, so easy to get to know and one of only two or three Foccers whose contact number I am proud to have in my phone.

Sad news indeed.

A one off Foccer, never see his like again I don't think.

General / Re: The Two Funeral Services
« on: 10 January 2014, 10:05:07 pm »
I didn't really know Driller plus Tim was my "first" Foccer.
I'm going to see Tim off but will think of both.
Sad times.....

General / Re: RIP Marchride Aka Tim
« on: 06 January 2014, 12:27:46 pm »
RIP mate, you were the first to pm me when i joined FOC-u and badgered me into meeting up at the Silver Ball all those years ago only to greet me when i arrived with a cheesy grin and a V sign. Oh how i'll miss having my kill switch flicked at traffic lights......i will admit to shedding a tear this morning.

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: Brightona
« on: 31 October 2013, 03:23:13 pm »
I'll be there, but not on the bike  :rolleyes
Never been before, looking forward to it  :)
If the weather's good, the rumour is that a rarely sighted pepy27 might also turn up  :rollin :rollin

Too bloody wet....:lol

Raz, I'm in touch with my feminine side.

Bert, with a Vespa and a Deauville I fully expect to have the piss ripped out of me but you know me, I don't give a foc, I love my rides. Bring on the banter.  :lol

Tim, you should be on stage....... :lol

You need to get in touch with your inner barge lover.... :foc

Look, someone's dumped their rubbish right behind my barge..... :lol

Or my barge sized Honda..... :lol

Bike sailed through the MOT, see you tomorrow Dad.  :lol

Helen, Tim, Eddie & Val, looking forward to seeing you all,  :)   Pete don't consider just get yourself there  :rolleyes  and Steve hope you get that tyre sorted mate, was keen to see your new bike. ;)

Bert, the bike was in for its MOT yesterday but their modem broke so they couldn't do it. They have promised to do it today so it all depends on the garage. The old MOT runs out today.

I'm considering showing up.......what time are people getting to BoTW?

General / Re: Goodbye........
« on: 19 May 2013, 06:16:08 pm »
You're welcome......the bins add context.  :lol

General / Re: Goodbye........
« on: 19 May 2013, 04:31:46 pm »
Posting for Helen.

General / Re: Goodbye........
« on: 08 May 2013, 07:07:59 am »
Hello shed collector, I've heard she's gone all Italian and exotic..... :lol

I was in France..... :rolleyes

General / Re: Goodbye........
« on: 07 May 2013, 10:20:08 pm »
It's about time you sold that shed..... :lol

General / Re: Olympic torch relay
« on: 14 July 2012, 10:22:20 pm »
I really enjoyed the experience when it came through Huntingdon at 8am on a Sunday morning even if. Was hanging out my arse at the time....... :lol

Potentially Hartford Marina for Hunstanton by the looks of it.....:lol

Might be up for that especially if you are meeting at Hartford Marina......must check my hectic diary

Anyone going to be at Brampton Hut Services on the A14/A1 junction?

I will be there on my XJR as long as it isn't pissing down ( I'm no matyr)  :lol

You have the busiest social life of anyone I know. You generally need at least 3 weeks notice to meet for a cup of tea  :lol :pokefun

Fair point.  :D

I'm planning to pitch up about 9am for a cuppa and a stroll on the seafront.  :sun
Very late notice, so not really a meet invite, just wondered if anyone else was out and about

Ahem, where was my text message.......

Messages for Users / Re: Pepy
« on: 12 May 2012, 04:49:56 pm »
Brilliant news, it really does get easier and easier.......I'm nearly 23 years clear of my 20 a day habit!

I'm not going to be able to do either BMF's this year, I'm working both days next weekend and on holiday in Lazarote for the tail ender.....

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