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Messages - Poodyboy

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 6
Worth thing in the world (rhetorically speaking), trying to ride beyond your limit (or that of the conditions).  Your sub-concious takes care of most of your riding, leaving you free to counciously do your observations, look for risks etc.  You start riding beyond your own point and that goes to crap, your sub-councious isn't happy to do it's thing, and you start trying to conciously deal with it, become overwhelmed, and make mistakes.

No substitute for putting the miles in. I've found as the years have passed that it feels like I'm going slower, but I've sped the hell up (to the point where I'm now conciously slowing myself down).

General / Ear plugs / bluetooth / comms
« on: 04 March 2013, 09:48:20 pm »
I've tried the lot I tell ya!

If its just earplugs you want to try, you'd want to get a mixed bag and see what worked well for you. A few years ago, i used to run a full autocom system with decent disposable earplugs.  The autocom system was great in terms of sound quality, but too much bloody kerfuffle (great word there... lets use it people) and wouldn't fit into the Shoei when I first got one. Then I switched to a Midland BT2 Bluetooth set with the upgraded headset. That was pretty good; sound not quite up to the autocom, but the controls etc were a revelation. After a couple of years it got water in and packed up, and Midland swapped it at cost price.

Finally splashed out on a set of Ultimate Ears with integrated headphones. They also converted a cable to hook the BT2 onto the headphones. Now these are seriously good, give them a lick and shove them in. They give a great seal, and actually still give bass in a helmet at speed (not stupid teenagers bass, well rounded sound bass). Plus you can use them as every day earphones. Well recommended.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / TYRES
« on: 23 February 2013, 08:22:34 pm »

Your Suggestions and How you can help / Hookers
« on: 20 February 2013, 04:28:08 pm »
the place needs more Hookers.  'simple.

Messages for Users / Re: Poodyboy
« on: 18 February 2013, 09:41:04 pm »
I almost don't know what to say.  I'm so unused to this level of praise.  It's not that I don't deserve it; I clearly do.  May I reciprocate, you are clearly a cogent and effervescent Gentleman yourself, and no doubt also gifted in the love-truncheon department.

Messages for Users / Re: Poodyboy
« on: 18 February 2013, 09:36:57 pm »
Furthermore Sir, I would like to tell you that this is by far the most stimulating conversation I have had on this board for some time.  Better than those other lot; they're weird.

Messages for Users / Re: Poodyboy
« on: 18 February 2013, 09:33:49 pm »
Why yes, yes I do.  Again, thank you for noticing.  I can categorically state that it's not often that it's properly appreciated.

Messages for Users / Re: Poodyboy
« on: 18 February 2013, 09:31:54 pm »
Also Sir, you have an impressively large schlong.  You're clearly packing serious equipment there.

Messages for Users / Re: Poodyboy
« on: 18 February 2013, 09:30:15 pm »
Why thank you; that really is kind of you to say.  It's not often that I'm properly appreciated.

Messages for Users / Poodyboy
« on: 18 February 2013, 09:28:25 pm »
Please Sir, allow me this brief moment to express how Damn Fine a fellow you are.  You really are.  Damn fine.

General / Scary filums
« on: 13 February 2013, 10:24:52 pm »
Three to make sure are on your list:

28 Days Later
The Descent

All class, watched with the lights off, designed to make you jump without cheap gore to do it with.

General / KFC
« on: 10 February 2013, 09:41:24 am »
I never pass up the chance for a bit of hot cock.

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: London Foccers!!!
« on: 08 February 2013, 09:25:32 pm »,6228.0.html

all explained (badly) at the bottom.  Hasn't been seen on here in an age (and certainly not since it moved off YUKU).  Probably due to it's bloody stupid.

There is a better one, that's all to do with a script command that used to be runable on Yuku (until it caused WW3, and they took it off me)) that one was pure  :evil

General / Re: I've lost count. Is it 14?
« on: 08 February 2013, 09:22:17 pm »
None now, but after enough beers... who knows?

General / Re: poor pood
« on: 08 February 2013, 06:39:06 pm »
What about leopardskin?  I could do stretchy leopardskin.  Perhaps matching suicide heels?

General / Re: Do you normally drink alone?
« on: 08 February 2013, 05:13:46 pm »
The idea is to get your name against the "last poster" for every single post on the front page.  The problem is that as soon as people realise what you're up to, they start knocking your name off the posts, so you have to keep reposting to the knocked off ones as well as doing the new ones, then it becomes  competition of speed and juggling.  Bit like the old game Missile Command.

Generally only tends to break out following drink; much drink.  and perhaps nibbles.

General / Re: poor pood
« on: 08 February 2013, 05:05:52 pm »
Heroes wear lycra.  You don't want to see me in Lycra.

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: London Foccers!!!
« on: 08 February 2013, 05:04:30 pm »
I live in Kent (past Canterbury) however I have a motorcycle, and am therefore relatively mobile.

That's not to say I'm going anywhere, I'm just showing off.

General / Re: So close and yet...
« on: 08 February 2013, 04:49:00 pm »
It's not that the music and style keeps getting younger Timbo, it's that we keep getting older.

I trust you're not yearning for the days of DLT and Saville?

General / Re: damn
« on: 08 February 2013, 04:47:07 pm »
empty office - shortly followed by that moment when you notice the CCTV

General / Re: high viz
« on: 08 February 2013, 04:45:51 pm »
really bastard loud exhaust, and ride to be well seen.  Never had a problem.  That said, lots of scotchlite on my kit.

General / Re: I've lost count. Is it 14?
« on: 08 February 2013, 04:43:36 pm »
Timbo, spartan as your post is, it still manages to contain someone dropping their trousers, the word Cock, and kissing.  FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MAN, COME OUT OF THE CLOSET.

(and you can drag those bloody cardigans out with you; they need burning they do)

General / Re: Older motorcyclists 'more likely to be injured'
« on: 08 February 2013, 04:40:58 pm »
'OF COURSE old people are more likely to be hurt riding motorbikes.  Have you SEEN them in cars.

Plus, all that old people shaking stuff would play buggery with your counter steering.

General / Re: Do you think
« on: 08 February 2013, 10:02:32 am »
If I guess the answer right, do I win something?

General / Re: Oh unlucky!
« on: 07 February 2013, 10:39:19 pm »

you're tired, tired of playing these games.  aint it a crying shame, you're so tired.

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