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Messages - Slaninar

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My first video of abusing my FZS600:    :)

http:// www. youtube. com/watch?v=QJHD2eGU_MU

[Moderator note: We're trying to get a fix for the Forum software that will get YouTube video previews to appear properly. Until then, I've edited this so you can see it. Remove the spaces from the URL to watch the video; GrahamM - Moderator]

General / How to get away with murder: Be an American Diplomat's wife...
« on: 22 October 2022, 11:27:45 am »
Different sides of driving in different countries are among the clearest examples of how stupid human race is.

I think left side makes more sense (most people get on-off bikes and horses from that side), but right is not too bad either, as long as one standard is set globally.

Introduction / Re: Not so clever foccer
« on: 02 April 2022, 08:16:41 pm »
Hello and welcome.  :)

Introduction / Re: Hello from the Highlands
« on: 02 April 2022, 08:14:42 pm »
Welcome.  :)

OK, that sums up our quota for the Highlands members.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Starter not working
« on: 11 February 2022, 05:54:20 am »

Fazers are like good wine - they mature with age, and get better!  :)

Introduction / Re: Boom - Sprog from Hampshire
« on: 11 February 2022, 05:52:43 am »
Welcome.  :)

For any other Tarzan-English speakers:



plural noun: sprogs

1. a child.
2. a military recruit or trainee.


General / Re: Anyone never dropped a bike?
« on: 26 January 2022, 08:42:57 am »
It happens to everyone.

I've dropped and fallen off any bike, or bicycle I've had.  :)

General / Re: New Admin(s) required - enquire within
« on: 19 January 2022, 09:23:16 am »
Just out of curiosity how much disc space and bandwidth does this site use, will it remain hosted where it is, and how much time roughly would need spending to help bob? I have some experience with Web hosting and I've set up a BB site before SMF can't be that different, the permissions system is a bit of a minefield but presumably they are already in place, not making any promises but I quite like this place and would hate to see it go

We currently have 40-50GB of storage in use - not a lot really - including all the media, databases and other stuff that makes up the forum. Not sure how much bandwidth we use but......

Where we are just about works OK - at least I am not seeing may issues - if we were to re-host it, we should look at a change of forum software too as SMF is gettign long in teh tooth. That said though, I have not seen anything better out there at the moment that isnt full of bloody adverts.

This aligns with my experience - modern, at least free options, don't seem functionally better in any way. At least from the user and administrator perspective.

The amount of storage used puts the forum out of reach of many really budget hosting packages, but it's not big enough to expect any problems.
I wouldn't be too concerned about the bandwidth nowadays (though Cloudflare can help with that).

If anyone has other projects, this package would allow the forum to practically free-load (taking only one extra DirectAdmin account out of 100, and 50 GB out of "unlimited" storage):

My experience with Brixly (their entry-level DirectAdmin reseller hosting - so far, quite good, but I'll be more certain in a few months time).

For using just one account, their mid-tier shared hosting will probably do the job (haven't tested that).

They support older PHP versions if that's important (not every provider does).

General / Re: Motorcycle spoke keys and tension meters
« on: 14 January 2022, 09:28:24 pm »
I've never done motorcyle wheels with spokes, but I've had to re-true bicycle wheels a couple of times and I just used a "spoke key" which is a metal disc with different sized slots to turn the adjuster.

As for checking the tension, I just put the key resting on the spokes, spun the wheel and listened for the "ting" as it tapped each one. If I heard "ting, ting, ting, tunk, ting", I'd know that one needed a bit more tightening.

Obviously, this isn't exactly precise, so, if you prefer, use a torque meter or similar :thumbup

For bicycle spokes, I have a high quality, very precise, tension meter (my list of wheel building tools).

The process you described is very precise in determining any difference in spoke tension (though, calculating the exact tension from the tone is not as easy for me, and can be determined by feel for bicycle wheels at least with some experience). It's probably more precise than using nipple turning torque to measure it.
However, I'm very bad at recognizing different tones. Worse than most people. So for me, a tension meter might be a good idea - probably more precise in practice, than using the plucking method. Motorcycle spokes are often a lot shorter and a "bicycle" spoke tension meter can't fit them properly, even if I made one with a stronger spring, more fitting for thicker motorcycle spoke measurement.

The biggest challenge when it comes to motorbike wheels is when I only get a hub and a rim - so I have to calculate the optimal spoke length, but I can't be certain that it's enough to get the spokes level with the nipple end, or similar - because my calculation might have been off by a mm, or even two! For those occasions, having some idea of the total spoke tension is important. The plucking method is next to useless for that (OK, plucking a spoke and measuring the frequency, knowing the spoke's length and width, can let one calculate ballpark tension, but it's a long and tedious process in practise - for me at least).
For now, in such instances, I have to rely on my feel for the resistance when turning the nipples. But I suppose a torque wrench used for that would be more precise (or less imprecise :) ).

bookmarked the Proworks set - thank you  :)

General / Re: Motorcycle spoke keys and tension meters
« on: 14 January 2022, 11:24:50 am »
I've rebuilt a fair few while doing restorations, I've never used a tension meter.  It's not like torquing down a head. or doing up a bolt, there's just too many variables, each will be slightly more or less than the next, within reason.   

I tighten each spoke down to have showing a couple threads showing, once all done then check how they feel, often you have to tighten until there's one or no thread showing on some or all.

What's more important is keeping the hub/rim central, then start to true the wheel, both up/down and left/right or runout, that is all a balancing act.  Providing the all the spokes are straight, same length, including the threads, the rim/hub is true, how tight each spoke is really doesn't matter as they won't be far from each other.  Remember no more than half a turn on any spoke when tightening/adjusting, and take your time.  It really is a by feel/experience job, it's why it cost so much to get them rebuilt. 

Once it all true, they will need checking after 500 miles or so and then periodically, lack of the latter is what wrecks them long term.   


I've built what could be called "a lot" of bicycle wheels. And read all I could find regarding the mechanics and engineering of it (the theoretical side).
All that (theory + experience) lead me to this conclusion:

If spokes on the same side of the hub have tension within +-10% difference between each other
and if the total spoke tension is high enough for the spokes to not go slack (and have the nipples start unwinding),
a wheel can last for decades. No spokes breaking, no coming out of true ("touch-ups").

The problem I face with building motorcycle wheels is:
a) not having a wide enough wrench to minimize any nipple damage, especially when unlacing old wheels with stuck nipples.
b) not being able to more accurately confirm if I've gotten the spoke tensions to be equal enough (I see no way of being able to measure the absolute values to confirm that the total tension is not too low, or too high - so guess-work is left there).

For now, motorcycle wheels I've built or serviced, have worked fine, using a method similar to what you've described.
Likewise, measuring tension by measuring nipple tightening torque is very far from being precise.

So, using a guitar pluck to judge the tension evenness by the tone is more precise, but I'm not very "musical" so it takes a lot of time and effort. Wanted to see if the torque wrench would get me close enough when the threads and nipple seats are properly lubricated (to make the reading as uniform as possible - and to make the tightening easier on the nipples).

They say a fool and his money are soon parted.  :)  I've been looking at this:

General / Motorcycle spoke keys and tension meters
« on: 12 January 2022, 08:43:55 am »
Suppose it doesn't hurt to ask - in case there are any motorbike wheel builders among the members:

Could you recommend a set of spoke keys, and tension meters (I suppose this is done by measuring the tightening torque, with all the cons of such a method) for building motorcycle wheels?

Preferably available in Germany, but the UK works fine too - USA is a bit cost-prohibitive due to shipping costs bein over the roof in most cases, for whatever reason (guess they don't like Serbia very much :)  ).

Introduction / Re: Introduction
« on: 11 January 2022, 05:51:16 am »

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Starter not working
« on: 08 January 2022, 08:00:29 am »
Someone correct me if it's a stupid idea, but I also think it might be the kickstand switch. Instead, or along with the kill switch. It's worth checking at least.

That thing cuts off the electricity when the kickstand is down - there's a small switch that the kickstand presses when it's retracted (if memory serves me correctly).
The switch shouldn't work when the bike is in neutral, only when it's in gear.

Ural motorcycles are pretty much direct copies of either WW2 BMW or Zundapp, some early versions could be both.  Later versions where really an improved version of both, i.e, they picked the best from each marc.  Soviet/Russians are very good at making solid reliable kit that can be fixed in the field, it may not go fast or look great but it will work.   

I've worked on a couple of the above mentioned WW2 era, how old is yours and what type of box has it got?

I see the reason for the confusion. Laughing at myself now.  :) 

I wrote: "I got a question" instead of "I was asked."

It's not my bike, I haven't even seen it. Not even from my country - otherwise, I would have directed the owner to our local forum, which is general by default, not a model/make specific, generally. But for English, this is the best motorcycling forum I know, period.

General / Re: New Admin(s) required - enquire within
« on: 07 January 2022, 11:05:51 am »
I'd refrain from any admin duties, if at all possible.
But monitoring uptime (and intervening if needed), managing (automated) off-site backups, sorting out hosting (unless the needed storage is really huge, 'casue that would be costly), migration if needed - give me a shout.
This place should be preserved.

What are your thoughts on posting questions related to motorcycles that aren't Fazers/MTs, or even not Yamahas?

I got a question about a Ural motorcycle kick-start not engaging problem. I know next to nothing about Ural motorcycles. I suppose it's a spring, and/or a pawl damage problem, but can't be certain. And I suppose that not engaging when it's very cold is the first sign of trouble. But that's mostly guesswork on my part - far from the knowledgeable expert.
The first thing that came to mind was to direct the person asking to this forum. There are some very knowledgeable people here, that seem knowledgeable with (motorcycle) mechanics in general, probably not "just" the Fazers/Yamahas.

But the question is whether people are happy and willing to have non-fazer stuff here. Yes, I'm sure there is a Ural forum somewhere, but I'd rather take an "it's probably..." from the people on FOC, than "it must be..." from a forum I have no idea about.
Having more members is not necessarily good - quantity doesn't always provide more quality. But it's also not bad in and of itself.

Anyway, I suppose the best thing is to ask.

Can and should we have a non-Yamaha/non-Fazer section?
Do you think it's a good idea?
Can I direct the poor sobs who don't speak my native to this wretched place?  :)

I don't come here very often, but am very happy to see this place still up and running. Just like my Fazer.  :)
Love the level of "civility" (is that a correct English term?) in 99.9% of the discussions.

I also saw the post about the admins required. Time is very tight for me, so I can't offer any help that requires time on a regular basis.
But I can recommend quality hosting (having said that, forum seems to run fine where it's currently at, so if the pricing isn't eye-gouging, no need to touch that), help with automating backups to off-site cloud storage (and recommend storage, unless that's all already sorted out), general security, even some basic optimization - for as much as I'm able to.

For a start, Chrome browser is my N01 point for any troubleshooting. If it doesn't all work perfectly from Chrome (as a most-widely used browser, with all its pros and cons), then it's worth fixing, before even giving it a look from another browser (Firefox comes to mind as a popular alternative, with a different "engine").

F12 in Chrome, then going to the network tab, can show if there are some errors. They needn't be show stopping errors, but it's worth trying to fix them if it's not too much of a hassle.

Likewise, to be really thorough, I'd do the same with a decent VPN connection (I like & recommend Windscribe, or Proton VPN).

Also, using Cloudflare (the free tier) is more good than harm in my experience - for extra convenience, speed, security, and lower hosting server load (not that I expect FOC to put a huge load on any remotely decent server, but better, especially if it's free, is worth using).

One thing I caught - nothing remotely serious, but I suppose it's fairly easily solved by editing the link:
index.php?topic=27188.0:73 Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image ''. This content should also be served over HTTPS.

For what it's worh, for me the forum works perfectly fine. So far so good. But if you need any help, I'm happy to help with anything I know and can do. As a friend described me: "Ask him for anything, just not for any money."  :)

P.S. Adding Google AdSense ads, in places that aren't too distracting, can still make a forum be financially self-sufficient, i.e. so no one has to pay out of their pocket to keep it running. Without going greedy with any pop-up intrusive ads.

P.P.S. For reducing admin load, Cloudflare can provide decent spam/bot protection for the registration page (which should also prevent most spam post attempts). I'm not sure if the forum software allows the use of Google's reCaptcha spam protection (which is quite good, regardless of what one thinks of Google), but Cloudflare can help with that. Though I expect (hope) that the current registration page is good enough for that (the Kill Bill question should confuse most bots, hopefully :)  ).

Introduction / Re: Hello everyone
« on: 15 July 2021, 05:39:47 am »
Welcome, Nick.  :)

Your Suggestions and How you can help / Re: Site header image
« on: 12 July 2021, 11:36:24 am »
I think it's a user error.
See, the Edge browser is meant for downloading Chrome, or Firefox, not for browsing the Net.  :)

On a more serious note - no problems. Even with cache cleared.

General / Re: The Covid thread incl a poll
« on: 20 February 2021, 10:03:56 pm »
No other species on earth lives after it is no longer productive - but we do. And we all like to live as long as possible. Is that good, healthy and natural?
Most whale species do, as do elephants.

Don't know about the whales, but I see elephants with glasses and in wheel-chairs all the time...

General / Re: The Covid thread incl a poll
« on: 20 February 2021, 09:29:18 am »
  Be careful where you go with that, you're right what you say about some medical interventions weakening future generations genes. For example i can't see my hand in front of my face without my specs and had we had kids I dare say at least one of them would have been short sighted too. In our hunter gatherer days I dare say I would have starved to death so my genes wouldn't have affected the next generation. Humanity's  main weakness is compassion and where would we be without that, although it does seem somewhat lacking nowadays, we as a race don't like to see others suffering.  Eugenics in principle works to some extent but who would want to see it put into practice?  There are also many examples in the animal kingdom of living  past their productive life, many primates do and so do elephants.

I agree it's not simple.

Just pointing out the potential problems. I suppose all the previous civilizations thought they were the pinnacle of human progress, and the way human society should go. Yet, only when those civilizations are dead, we get to discuss what got to them, through history.

For our civilization: it's clear we are destroying the planet, and to me it seems people are getting a bit dumber - shorter attention spans, especially for the younger generations. Doesn't look too promising.
Not claiming I have any idea how to correct that - there are too many things to consider (practical, ethical, economical...).

Recreational drugs are a big factor in the way people behave these days, it's a massive market and the supply is most definitely there for the demand.
And due to the recent snowflake generation getting their way there is a vastly different attitude towards discipline with younger people nowadays which has basically given them free reign to run riot, and why we have so much trouble on our streets.
When i was a kid we all had penknives for example, but i don't recall anyone ever using one as a weapon. There was a kid stabbed to death near me 2 days ago, with a CCTV video showing exactly what happened, and the attackers can only be described as savages.
But when people are caught doing wrong you then get the snowflake defence liars doing their best to make them look good in court and they get their result far too often, meaning the criminal tends to get preferential treatment over the victims.
The horrible reality about all of this is that there isn't really a fix either. Drugs are already illegal, and if you look at places like USA where the threat of really long jail time, unlike our paltry sentencing, still doesn't seem to affect the crime statistics then it all seems rather scary when you think how bad the future is going to be.   

Fair points. The snowflake ones really struck a chord. A practical example:

Cyclist was passing close to a parked car. Driver opened the door, pushing the cyclist towards the middle of the lane - and making them fall off.
The cyclist then got run over by a bus that was coming up from behind - the bus driver had no time to react (and hadn't created enough room in case something like that happens).

My reaction:
"Stay out of the door zone, people, it can be dangerous. We can't really rely on all the drivers being careful."

Most people's reaction to that:
"You victim blaming biker hater!"

Introduction / Re: Hello
« on: 20 February 2021, 07:20:07 am »
Welcome. :)

A great future forum contributor in this young one I sense...

Introduction / Re: new guy
« on: 20 February 2021, 07:19:39 am »
You've come to the right place.
Welcome. :)

General / Re: The Covid thread incl a poll
« on: 20 February 2021, 06:49:50 am »
  Be careful where you go with that, you're right what you say about some medical interventions weakening future generations genes. For example i can't see my hand in front of my face without my specs and had we had kids I dare say at least one of them would have been short sighted too. In our hunter gatherer days I dare say I would have starved to death so my genes wouldn't have affected the next generation. Humanity's  main weakness is compassion and where would we be without that, although it does seem somewhat lacking nowadays, we as a race don't like to see others suffering.  Eugenics in principle works to some extent but who would want to see it put into practice?  There are also many examples in the animal kingdom of living  past their productive life, many primates do and so do elephants.

I agree it's not simple.

Just pointing out the potential problems. I suppose all the previous civilizations thought they were the pinnacle of human progress, and the way human society should go. Yet, only when those civilizations are dead, we get to discuss what got to them, through history.

For our civilization: it's clear we are destroying the planet, and to me it seems people are getting a bit dumber - shorter attention spans, especially for the younger generations. Doesn't look too promising.
Not claiming I have any idea how to correct that - there are too many things to consider (practical, ethical, economical...).

General / Re: The Covid thread incl a poll
« on: 19 February 2021, 09:43:57 pm »
It basically said that every person who has had the flu ever since then up to now has had a mutated version of that same virus.
It reminds me of this from war of the worlds (do Morgan freeman in your head )
From the moment the invaders arrived, breathed our air, ate and drank, they were doomed. They were undone, destroyed, after all of man's weapons and devices had failed, by the tiniest creatures that God in his wisdom put upon this earth. By the toll of a billion deaths, man had earned his immunity, his right to survive among this planet's infinite organisms. And that right is ours against all challenges. For neither do men live nor die in vain.

Great book.

It could be argued that medicine, including vaccines, does make the human race less resilient - generally speaking.

That's a pretty poor argument. We would be in a very bad place at the very least without medicine.

Depends on how you look at it.

Of course, I could be wrong - not a doctor, but my thinking is:

Say I can't have children, and use medicine with all those artificial... whatever it's called, to "make" 3, or 4 kids.
In that case, isn't the medicine actually helping distribute and prolong the life of genes with such a defect?

Same goes for many other defects.

I'm not arguing against the medicine, or science and tech. in general - just think that it's not 100% good, it has its cons and costs.

No other species on earth lives after it is no longer productive - but we do. And we all like to live as long as possible. Is that good, healthy and natural?

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