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Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: help,help,help,help
« on: 09 February 2022, 05:28:36 pm »
Cheers mukka ! took it around the block to check it out and everything seems fine apart from the fact I've put no mirrors on it yet,didn't think it would be that much of an issue,wrong!!! I never realised how much you use them ! especially the right one,also the steering was unbelievable ! I can't remember the last time I rode a bike with wide,highish bars,if ever! the amount of input compared to std bars I just can't believe,the slightest move is like 4 times the amount I would have used with my old renthals ! I'm going to have to get plenty of road use to feel comfortable,that's for sure.It just goes to show, I never gave it a thought how it would ride and almost come unstuck coming off my drive because I was riding it like I always have done and just oversteered it  :eek  I'll get there, :o

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: help,help,help,help
« on: 02 February 2022, 03:42:42 pm »
Cheers for those replies,it's such a relief when you suss something out that you thought had turned into a nightmare,I've got to be honest I was worried where this was going and the joy that it was only a small spring I'd dislodged,well,couldn't be happier. :woot

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: help,help,help,help
« on: 31 January 2022, 09:34:57 pm »
Just in case any body's got this problem in the future I finally sorted it,when I was trying in vain to get the lower throttle cable in with the throttle bodies in situ I accidently dislodged a small spring that is part of the mechanism that opens the lower flies,as I'd never had anything to do with this part of the bike I didn't realise what I'd done until I'd took the bodies off 3 times hoping to see something each time,it was only on the 3rd time that I'd asked a mate to see if he could maybe see what I was missing,he turned the ignition on which opens the main flies and held them open so he could see the lower ones and seen that 2 were opening before the others,I said I thought that's what should happen and he felt sure they should all open together and they of course should. While I was trying to find out what was wrong I bought a second hand set of bodies off e/bay for 45 quid with a problem on the servo or something but I asked the bloke if the rest of them was ok and he assured me they was I was so sure I'd damaged the bodies somehow. They came as I found out about the screw and sure enough there it was ! I was chuffed to bollocks to have sorted this,I thought I'd have to book it into a Yamaha garage where it would have cost me hundreds I was convinced I'd cocked something electrical up with the way the bike ran,gone on a bit ain't I ?,anyway,happy days  :thumbup

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: throttle cables
« on: 15 January 2022, 09:27:16 pm »
Thanks for that,I've sent you a PM.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: throttle cables
« on: 15 January 2022, 03:18:22 pm »
Sorry I didn't reply with the reason,I've had to have some treatment in the past which has wasted the muscles in my neck/shoulders,so much that I've nothing really to work with regarding strengthening what's left .Anyway the result is I've no strength in my neck when my head is even slightly forward and if you can imagine this with a helmet on I only have to go a few miles and the pain is to much for me and I have to stop .I've got around this problem by fitting a pair of high bars so that when I'm on the bike I'm upright and the problem is not there,I know this works because if I accelerate and let the wind push my body upright I have no pain at all .I've put the cables on the right way, they are Venhill aftermarket cables and I don't know much about them but they seem ok,I didn't have any choice but to go aftermarket as they've got to be 10" longer.I don't know if I've cocked something up to do with the throttle bodies,I didn't want to disturb them at any price but found it impossible to put the bottom cable on without doing so.  Like I said before as soon as I start the bike up it runs on 2 at low throttle and comes onto 4 as you open it up it's really rough.I took everything off to see if I could see anything and noticed that if I hold the main bodies open and look down when I just turn the throttle a bit only the left 2 smaller butterflies open not the 4 but I don't know if this is normal.I'm really struggling here with my knowledge and bothered that I'm going to be looking at a lot of money to sort this out.I know I should have left things std but I didn't think for a minute I'd have these problems just changing the bars. :\ :o

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: throttle cables
« on: 13 January 2022, 08:30:41 pm »

Does anyone know of a person who I could contact regarding some technical advice on gen 2 FZ1 .I don't mind paying for this advice as there are some things I really need to know.I've hit a major problem which I have to get sorted,surely someone on here knows an expert on these engines.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / throttle cables
« on: 12 January 2022, 04:26:57 pm »
hello,again, I've just fitted new throttle cables on my gen 2 fz1n ,I've never known such a hard fiddly job, in the end I had to pull the throttle bodies up out of their hoses to get the bottom cable in. when I start the bike up it misses on a low throttle and comes in on four after about 4000revs,it's running terrible,there is also a double click on the twistgrip which wasn't there before,on opening and closing as if the butterflies are out of synch.There is free play on the cables,I haven't a clue now whether it's electrical or what. Could I have disturbed any sensor or something ? there is a throttle position sensor on the bodies but I didn't knock it or anything.Any ideas ?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: help,help,help,help
« on: 25 November 2021, 09:45:57 pm »
My mate got a pic of some throttle bodies for sale on e/bay and noticed a couple of electrical components which must lead to the E.C.U. like gnasher said and I think I may have disturbed them in some way as they're right by where you put the cables on so we're going to have a looksee. :thumbup

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: help,help,help,help
« on: 25 November 2021, 05:03:13 pm »
Really helpful my local yamaha dealers,one whom I've spent quite a few quid over the years, "we don't let our technicians talk to customers ","dunno mate you'll have to bring it in " "can you wear a mask ?" Next time I go in I'll pretend to be interested in buying a new bike,lead them a merry dance then foc off just to piss them off. ..........I'm in the shit. :'(

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: help,help,help,help
« on: 25 November 2021, 12:08:09 am »
Thanks for those replies,I checked for any kinked or loose hoses first,a friend of mine said that it sounds as though I might have disturbed something down by the throttle bodies that deals with the fuelling but I wouldn't have a clue about that,I'm really just a pads and oil/filters bloke ,when it comes to anything technical I'm lost.I really wish I hadn't done this job it's just that my local yamaha dealer charges so much I didn't even get a quote.Hindsight's a great thing ay? I've just sent for a disc workshop manual off e/bay so I'll have a look at the throttle bodies on there and see if I have disturbed something.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / help,help,help,help
« on: 24 November 2021, 04:23:40 pm »
Haven't posted for a bit,had a few problems,but anyway I'm in a right mess,I had to replace the throttle cables on my gen 2 fz1n and a bigger nightmare I can't recall anyway,after 3 days I got them in after loosening the throttle bodies to give me a bit more access.Put it all back together and it runs terrible,it starts ok on choke but as soon as you  twist the throttle it goes onto 2 cylinders and just bangs and will not run right,I've warmed it up so its off any kind of choke but it makes no diff at all.I took the tank back off thinking I must have left a wire or pipe off somewhere but nothing.I haven't got a clue where to look next and wondered if any of you guys might have some idea what I may have done.

Diesels and Lawnmowers (Bike racing n things) / rea reigns superb
« on: 27 July 2021, 03:40:29 pm »
I probably get on peoples' nerves how great I think Jonathan Rea is but after this last weekends performance at Assen who can argue that he's up there with the best to come out of the U.K. ever ? yes ever!? each season that goes by he has to up his game against formidable riders,nothing has been gifted him,he has fought tooth and nail with the very best and won .You may argue that he's not raced against Moto GP riders apart from a short period on a Honda but I'm convinced if he'd been given a proper schedule of off season training and a solid contract he would have eventually beaten these as well you might win one or even two world titles being exceptional but six going on seven !!! unbelievable.

General / Re: Word Association
« on: 27 July 2021, 03:10:21 pm »

General / Re: Word Association
« on: 17 July 2021, 08:35:50 pm »
Led Zeppelin

General / Re: Word Association
« on: 18 May 2021, 08:56:37 pm »

General / Re: Three word story
« on: 09 May 2021, 06:47:21 pm »
play with myself ;)

General / Re: Word Association
« on: 09 May 2021, 06:46:03 pm »

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 09 May 2021, 06:43:56 pm »
mmm, it seems the general opinion is change them fairly regularly but if you're a sort of fair weather rider and don't clock up the miles as such I for one am reluctant to junk 2 perfectly good tyres because they're getting on a bit,you wouldn't mind if they wasn't so FUCKING expensive!! :finger

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 08 May 2021, 06:29:57 pm »
After all of your posts I had a look at the tyre [I kept it because I thought it might come in handy for an emergency] and it's 18 years old according to the digits on the wall so whether or not it's a dunlop I wouldn't feel happy using it, it's such a long time to sit there doing nothing but I did use it for the best part of 2years in ignorance and did also take a few liberties in the dry without any problems so I don't know.

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 07 May 2021, 10:38:11 pm »
After getting caught in the rain and hail on the way back from a bike meet on wednesday in which the bike felt really dodgy, [I hate the rain at the best of times] I decided that the time had come for a new rear,especially after getting an advisory on the mot.I got a couple of quotes and just happened to mention to one tyre bloke that I'd prefer dunlop because the front was a 207 RR,imagine my suprise when he said that's probably 20 years old ! I got this tyre from a local dealer about 2 years ago who said I could have it for £90 because he was no longer doing bikes,I never questioned it ,I was actually chuffed to get a cheapish tyre ! anyway this tyre bloke reckoned apart from the tyre being old he didn't think it would perform anything like it would have back in the day because it would have deteriorated on the shelf/floor for all that time .I ended up getting a pair of dunlop sportsmart 3's but at 270 quid it was an expense I wasn't expecting, it just shows how buying cheap isn't always the best in the long run.Hope these tyres are as good as they say,I'll let you know. :thumbup

General / Re: Three word story
« on: 28 April 2021, 05:41:43 pm »
todger with attitude

General / Re: Word Association
« on: 28 April 2021, 05:36:45 pm »

General / Re: Farewell Fazer
« on: 28 April 2021, 05:33:44 pm »
I 've read some reviews on the Z1000sx and they all reckon you can't buy a better sports tourer,the only things nearly everyone moaned about were a hard seat and the exhaust! if that's your only problems you ain't got any !! :lol  great bikes. :thumbup

General / Re: Today's "What Gets My Goat" - NO POLITICS!
« on: 28 April 2021, 05:27:10 pm »
I had to except £9500 in the end. ;)

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 28 April 2021, 05:16:37 pm »
After changing my gearbox sprocket to try and clean up the bottom end pick up to a 16 which was a complete waste of time,it just made it more vicious coming out of tight turns or roundabouts! don't know what I was thinking, anyway I put a booster plug on some time ago now and as I posted at the time  the difference was amazing really smoothing out the bottom end.I've decided I don't need the lower gearing now as I don't think it needs it so put the original cog back on yesterday and with the smoother throttle and slightly higher gearing it's like another bike at low speeds! it just shows you manufacturers work these things out gearing wise.They just needed to sort out the fuelling to start with !!

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