Date: 03-06-24  Time: 09:16 am

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Messages - Sunny Intervals

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
General / Re: Ding dong the witch is dead
« on: 08 April 2013, 02:03:20 pm »

General / Re: fffing police
« on: 26 January 2013, 12:17:35 pm »
How many times have I read on here about idiot car drivers not paying attention and running up the arse of bikes,  :grumble
I said job well done to your missus for striking a blow back for bikers and 2 wheelers everywhere  :thumbup

General / Re: why fazer owners club unofficial?
« on: 25 January 2013, 09:41:10 pm »
I remember we used to have a thread started by Bong, where those that wanted to get their post counts up used to post, what was it called again  ??

General / Re: How time flys
« on: 25 January 2013, 06:01:28 pm »
I just got back onto facebook and Andy lead the way to everybody finding me again, twas like walking back into a favorite pub again,

General / Re: why fazer owners club unofficial?
« on: 25 January 2013, 05:49:04 pm »
time for a sidecar Dougie?

I'm sure Gill would prefer her own Trike  ;)

General / Re: why fazer owners club unofficial?
« on: 25 January 2013, 02:41:07 pm »
Foc me looks like there been a mass break out from the Foc-U old faces home :rollin

strong smell of piss lots of inane rambling and dribbling,

Got to be time to bring back Moans and Groans to give to old foccers somewhere to go rant at each other  ;)

General / Re: why fazer owners club unofficial?
« on: 25 January 2013, 02:43:10 am »
Isn't it time you were in bed, or are you just up visiting the little boys room again Dougie,  :fish

General / Re: why fazer owners club unofficial?
« on: 25 January 2013, 02:27:22 am »
I've walked up to total strangers outside pubs and cafes, and asked them if they a foccers, I've asked people if they are on Foc-u, and used to have a Nomadic Oxon tee Shirt with the old rear view image of a Fazzerette turning and giving the bird. (bring that back Admins) that used to be on the site.

Don't see a problem With the name, seems that the Viewers and listeners association have joined the forum.

And finally, after ye Gods know how many years of being on the site I'm riding a Fazer, even if it is an indeffinate loaner ;) l

General / Re: Shelves and Shelving
« on: 29 December 2012, 08:27:39 pm »
how longs a piece of string ?
What material are you using for the shelves ?
Scaffold planks ?
 brackets can be further apart
MDF/chipboard shelve brackets need to be closer, closeness depends on board thickness
If putting heavy books on them.
I would be more worried about what you're fixing the bracket rails into and how you fix them

General / Re: Happy New Year when it comes
« on: 29 December 2012, 03:55:46 am »

General / Re: Time flies!!
« on: 19 November 2012, 04:29:31 am »
Wow  :eek
just popped over to Yuku 21/10/04 Razgruff joined  :eek

I just haven't had much to say, that's why I don't call in much now  :rolleyes

Anybody got a Fzs600 fairing going spare ?????

General / Re: A salutary warning for the hot weather...
« on: 20 August 2012, 06:11:01 pm »
It's a personal choice thing like others have said.
I'd much rather ride sedately lidless in shorts and flip flops. :smokin
Than wrap myself around a tree or a car on a bend feeling invincible in all the gear, and end up wondering why the skid pan strapped to my back and the leathers and helmet didn't stop my spline rupturing, brain being turned to the consistency of scrambled egg, and my ribs puncturing my lungs :deal

General / Re: Concrete help please
« on: 01 July 2012, 10:40:57 pm »
Dead concrete is dead concrete
I'd get it overlaid somewhere between 20 to 40 mm Tarmac, It will work out cheaper that trying to patch and repair it.
Or trying to lay new concrete drive when you consider costs of spoil removal and labour required to lay new sub base and such.

and if you ground is moving under the slab, when the slab been cracked and overlaid it's flexible and will accommodate the movement

General / Re: Closet sleuths and PI's
« on: 19 June 2012, 03:17:04 am »
Have a look on E-Bay Murp, lots of little Cams with motion detection and such at reasonable prices like this one.

General / Re: Legal question.. Leathermans??
« on: 25 May 2012, 01:34:40 am »

Depends on the copper and the location.

I have been told to remove craft knife from dash board of van when I was stopped for traffic offence and to carry it in the back of the van in future.
When I asked about if I was just going to and from work on public transport or walking was told it should be in a tool box.

Also been stopped emptied my pockets and pulled out a craft knife and copper never batted an eyelid  :\

General / Re: EU Anti tamper law plans
« on: 24 April 2012, 01:13:34 pm »
If you want to find out more about this the M.A.G Site is the place to visit.

This is the latest I can find on their site about it]

You can see the The Federation of European Motorcyclists' Associations (F.E.M.A)

Responses to the legislation here

Watch these to sites for news of protests and such

General / Re: Umbrella companies...
« on: 23 April 2012, 08:31:18 pm »
I'm a construction day labourer usually earning about £7 an hour.
For a few days work or a week or 2, if I'm really lucky  :\
Jobs will usually get advertised with two pay rates, one a quid of more higher than the other. The higher rate will be the Umbrella company rate.

Yes they do get me to fill in expenses forms for legitimate travel and subsistence, what's the problem with that?

If I'm working as self employed I will join the CIS and sort my tax and NI out myself, but I'm not.
I'm working for an employment agency who charges a fee for my work, and then dumps me on an umbrella company to get out of various legal responsibilities to employees.
And I have heard from some who have got their accountants to look into it, leaves me exposed to legal claims from creditors to the umbrella company if it goes tit's up.
I've got nothing to worry about on that score,(I haven't got Nuffink) but the guys that looked into it were trades who owned their own houses and stuff

General / Re: Umbrella companies...
« on: 23 April 2012, 01:40:18 pm »
I've worked for a few too,

They are a con used by agencies to get out of employment laws.

Different agencies will have different umbrellas they use. that's how I've worked for a few. can't sign up with one of them and then use it on the  next temp agency job, have to sign up to that agencies umbrella.

They basically turn a normal temp who would work on PAYE and all the standard stuff, Holidays sick pay and such, into a self employed person.

They usually give you some  bullS**T  expense claim forms to fill out weekly for meals travel and such.

General / Re: Bt homehub security.
« on: 03 April 2012, 11:07:50 pm »
but to do that the wireless key has to be entered into the device, so the home hub owner should know that that connection has been made.

You would think so wouldn't you  :lol
But it is quite easy to forget that you connected your fone 10 months ago, but only just started using  something on it that downloads data  :o

General / Re: Block paving specialists
« on: 03 April 2012, 11:03:09 pm »
altho the aco drains wont be "plumbed in" for that cash.

So you will be getting a trough closed at both ends which will collect leaf and any other run off muck, they do that even when plumbed in  :rollin :rollin
I would make sure they are closed at the end that borders you neighbours property, and fall onto yours.
Depending on the channel depth you are using that could be a lot of water about to create a soft spot somewhere.
You already mention your neighbours drive is dropping a bit where he drives on,

General / Re: Bt homehub security.
« on: 01 April 2012, 11:57:54 pm »
Oop's forgot to ask  :\

Any new mobiles or other devices in the house, that could be connecting and downloading data and updates.

Not a lot of mbs, but if they had very small usage to start with, it could make a difference

General / Re: Bt homehub security.
« on: 01 April 2012, 11:50:12 pm »
This is a handy little tool to see who's connected to your network,

General / Re: Emigrating to NZ
« on: 30 March 2012, 12:43:16 am »
Glasgow city council  jobs Twitter feed sent out a link to a NZ job agency this week, so I registered on the site  :rollin
They were advertising for Asphalt layers, not on Essential shortage Occupations list or what ever they call it on the NZ immigration site. :\

Currently working on seeing if I can get trained and certed as a Plasterer on ILA money, Coz Plasterers can get in apparently on temp work ticket, due to shortages on the Earthquake rebuilds.

Don't hold out much hope. but I'll take a punt at anything  :evil

General / Re: Fuel Strike?
« on: 30 March 2012, 12:26:14 am »
For those thinking the panic buy thing is a government conspiracy to up tax income,
Here's another theory on it  :)

Did Tories spur petrol panic to avoid recession?

by Sunny Hundal   

Some people on Twitter believe almost every government action is a conspiracy to hide something else. I don’t always buy that, but the latest theory doing the rounds has some merit.

At midnight tonight, the First Quarter of the year ends. The UK is already in danger of falling into recession and the OECD is predicting it.

UK GDP fell by 0.3% in the fourth quarter of last year. Technically, two quarters of contraction in a row means a recession.

We already know the UK economy is stagnant and sick. We know that Osborne’s “most pro-growth budget ever” didn’t work. So a technical recession will make little material difference. But the political implications will be huge.

So could the government prevent a recession in such a way? I suppose that will require finding out how much extra money people have spent in panic-buying, and determining whether it will be significant enough to make a significant difference.

Full article here

General / Re: Fuel Strike?
« on: 29 March 2012, 01:41:20 pm »
He's drawing attention to strike action to divide the public and get support for when he takes on the unions, see also: general and teaching strikes last year.


yep and my understanding of why they are striking is because of the delivery companies pushing down the drivers wages and conditions.

With the Tories plan for regional pay negs for public service workers , because it makes in more difficult for private industry to hire, which I don't get because I damned sure as I'm an unemployed worker I ain't going to stay unemployed when offered a job by private industry just because public workers get paid more for doing the same job  :\

It's looking more and more like they have a plan to totally demonise the Unions and introduce more legislation, so when they finally get rid of that obstacle ( that is the minimum wage ) to getting unemployment figures down there will be no real opposition.

You know things are bad when the Police plan to take a vote on whether they should be able to strike or not

This lot are totally clueless crashing about trying to be Thatcher.  :\

Fuel strike won't affect me, haven't been able to afford to run a vehicle for the last 3 years  :D :'( :rolleyes

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