Date: 03-06-24  Time: 18:58 pm

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Messages - chewie

Pages: [1]
Thanks all - enjoying the forums - very informative!!

Introduction / 40 year old something loving the joys of Fazering
« on: 06 June 2013, 09:43:34 pm »
Hi all, 44 year old new biker, passed my test in December last year (No, its not a mid-life crisis, just something I always wanted to do but didn't get round to it!  Can't believe I didn't do it sooner!!!) looked around on ebay for a bike and low and behold found a Fazer FZS600 '99' plate.  Took it for a test ride and haven't looked back!  Fortunately I've got some great biker mates who are helping me and guiding me (Checked over the bike and changed the front pads) as I have very limited technical/engineering knowledge.  Loving the Fazer!  Great ride home from work in the sun!  Stay safe fellow Fazer lovers!!

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Electrical problem
« on: 06 June 2013, 09:36:40 pm »
Hi all, thanks for the advice - It appears to have been the negative terminal connection was a bit loose!  Have tightened that up and on the ride home it seems to have rectified it!  I appreciate your help and advice!  Will say hi in the intro forum and post some photos of my beauty!!

FZS600 Fazer / Electrical problem
« on: 06 June 2013, 05:07:08 pm »
Hi all, I'm a recent FZS600 99 plate purchaser and enjoying it immensely!  However I'm not very experienced or tech savy in the servicing department to say the least!  I have been experiencing a problem with the electrics cutting out!!  It's not happening all the time and is very intermittent.  Sometimes when I pull up the engine cuts out with no electrics or lights on the dash.  I can usually get it started again by switching the engine stop on/off and firing it up.  Other times the engine keeps running but I notice the odometer and the rev counter have died for a few seconds and fluctuate on/off.  This has also happened when I've been travelling at speed.  I suppose the lights might be going off as well but due to mainly riding during the day, don't know for sure!
Any ideas?  laymans terms pls  :o

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