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Topics - Streetbudgie

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General / Insurance renewal - WTF!!!!!
« on: 26 January 2024, 12:45:54 pm »

Old bastard of 60, 9+ years NCB, alarms, data tagged and trackers garaged etc.

Last year £330 for FZ1S and Ninja SX - this year £950

What the hell has gone on?

General / Frame number for Khan the Khunt
« on: 06 March 2022, 02:41:04 pm »
I have been trying to take a photo of the frame number of my FZ1-S 2007 to send to Yam UK so I don't contribute to Khan's slush fund.
Yam UK state this must be a frame stamp and not the lable, so the only place I can find a frame stamp is above the lable on the steering tube but partially hidden by the brake hoses, impossible to get a photo of the whole thing.
I can't take the bike apart so is there anywhere else the frame is stamped?
At this point in time I would throw that little shitbag in the Thames if I met him in the street  :grumble :grumble :grumble

General / Grass strimmers - is there one that works?
« on: 11 July 2021, 11:13:30 am »
I'm appealing to font of all knowledge that is foc u!

Has anyone found a grass strimmer that actually works and you don't have to stop every 5 feet to feed out more line or rewind it?

They all seem to be foccing useless to me  :o

General / Another bolt fell out...
« on: 23 February 2021, 02:48:51 pm »
I lost another bolt today, this is the second one that's come out and I'm beginning to suspect that the last time I had work done not everything was tightened up as it should be.

I have now gone round and checked everything I can see is tight.

Question is I can't see how I can get the nut on the end of this bolt even with the fairing side fillers out, it's nut number 35 and bolt number 34 in the picture, any ideas?

General / Which Optimate?
« on: 11 February 2021, 11:08:31 am »
Guys, I need to get another Optimate (current one is being used to keep my car alive) and there's a surprising number of different models now.

Presuming none of my vehicles have lithium batteries (3 bikes and 2 cars) newest being a 2016 but I checked and that has a lead acid type battery, which Optimate should I go for?

When I bought my current one there was only a choice of 6v or 12v so it was an easy decision to make.

I would need to use the new one on my FZ1S and a 2012 Audi so it has to do both - any recommendations?

General / CB or Amateur Radio
« on: 14 May 2020, 12:55:14 pm »
Although I'm an NHS key worker and I'm at work every day I am finding that I have free time at weekends and in the evenings which would normally be filled by going to the pub, so I was thinking about hobbies.
I can't play golf and I used to go fishing and got fed up with it so I started wondering about Radio Amateur  stuff which my Dad used to do.
I had CB back in the early 1980's and loved it, I got right into it and would teak my rigs and ended up with quite a set up with some boots (ahem) which enabled me to go over the top of most transmitters!
Does anyone on here know if CB radio is still a thing?
If not I was wondering how hard/expensive it would be to get into Amateur Radio which I believe is short wave - do people chat over this or is just DX stuff to see how far you can get?
Just looking for something to fill the hours until the pub is open again!

General / New bike conundrum
« on: 09 May 2020, 06:43:07 pm »
My 2007 FZ1S is getting on now, 50K miles and it's had a few problems in the last 12 months which I have sorted, but I'm wondering if now is the time (well not right now obviously) to PX it while it still has a decent value.
Trouble is what do I like?
I like the Fazer but they don't make it any more  :grumble
I tried the MT10 and hated the riding position and I wasn't keen on the engine although I'd probably get used to it.
I've looked at the Kwak Z1000SX and I'll give it a try but I doubt it will be as agile as the FZ1S
The only other bike is a BMW1000R but that's a lot of money  :eek
I can't ride a sports bike these days, too much pain across the shoulders, so it has to be a street bike.

What bikes have you moved on from Fazers to?
Any recommendations to go and try?

Hi Guys,
I've just discovered that the black plastic inner fairing on the right hand side of the fairing is cracked across the bit that has the mounting screw in.
It was probably overtightened by the garage that serviced it but it's too late to go back now.
Does anyone have one for sale or know where I can get one?
I tried Fleabay but they all seem to be in the US and the postage is horrendous.
I'll try to post a picture.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Fairing screw / fixing kits
« on: 21 April 2020, 09:47:23 pm »
Hi Guys, I've seen some fairing screw kits on Ebay for various bikes and I need some replacement screws for my 2007 FZ1-S so I wondered if anyone has come across these complete kits any where?
I can't seem to find one on Ebay for the right year of FZ1-S

General / Anyone bought an MT10 or MT10SP?
« on: 03 July 2019, 10:28:31 pm »
I'm having a test ride Friday, I wondered if anyone else has moved from an FZ1S to an MT10 SP?
Any tips?

General / Just been told £2000 to repair my FZ1S
« on: 25 June 2019, 03:52:15 pm »
After uttering every swear word possible this is what happened:

On the way home last night I noticed a high pitched whirring noise, I was only a mile form home so kept going, got home checked a few things and started her up again and all seemed ok.

Started it this morning seemd ok, got about a mile down the road and the engine light came on, turned round and went home but it dies after about 100 yards, pushed it home and called breakdown.

Breakdown have taken it to a main dealer who has just phoned and said that the generator has come apart and broken up and quoted me £800 for parts (generator / regulator / battery) and it wil be another £1200 labour - so a total bill of around £2000 plus they are not willing to gaurantee the work as they said parts of the magnets from the generator could have got in the engine and will cause more damage.

So I could agree to the work, they do it, then start it up and the engine is damaged further and I still owe them £2000

Obviously I'm not happy and a 2007 35k miles FZ1S is not worth investing another £2k in for a 'might fix it' solution.

They've emailed me some pictures which I'll try to post below.

Does this sound feasible to anyone?

Anyone else had a generator break up and ruin the engine?

How much does a replacement generator and rectifier really cost?

I am gutted beyond belief as I wanted to keep this bike until I retired and that would have been my last big bike.

General / Anti fog spray for visors and spectacles
« on: 30 October 2017, 05:08:01 pm »
Anyone else use Bob Heath spray to stop visor and spectacle fogging?

I had some old cans which have now run out and the new Bob Heath stuff I bought last week is pants, just doesn't work.

Anyone got any alternative products?

General / 2 more drivers who should be avoided
« on: 17 August 2016, 06:54:07 pm »
These morons get Youtubed today because I've got a bastard toothache.

General / DashCams / Helmet Cams - Good or Bad
« on: 12 August 2016, 09:23:18 am »
This thread  is for those who want to discuss the good and bad points of personal cameras on the road and if they are a good, bad, necessary or irrelevant.

Personal cameras on the road seem to have a huge divide in how people perceive them, not many issues cause such a difference in opinion so a discussion should prove interesting.

Pretty much you should be able to say what you like on this thread, I’d like to keep the insults constructive where possible, but leave your ego and sensitivity at the door.

Some of the discussion points are below, I’m sure there are more and the discussion should evolve naturally unless it degrades into a slanging match!

So what do you think of personal cameras and those who choose to use them?

What do you think about posting recordings of other road users (for any reason) on social media for all to see?

What do you think about using the recordings to report other road users to the authorities?

What do you think about using the recordings to show fault in accidents?

One day all vehicles and possibly motorcycle helmets will come with personal cameras installed, there are some on the market now.

It may even be made law for you to wear a personal camera on the road, how about that?

OK that's just for starters, feel free to add more points or just discuss personal cameras but please keep it on topic as much as possible.

General / Van driver eating breakfast while driving
« on: 11 August 2016, 08:14:49 pm »
I couldn't believe this so I had to move over and take a second look to make sure I wasn't seeing things:

General / Go Pro footage
« on: 12 July 2016, 08:19:33 pm »
So I got myself a Go Pro. I'm still playing with the settings but today on the second day of use, I caught a mobile phone user.

I'm surprised it took two days.

General / Replacement mirrors for 2007 FZ1S
« on: 19 June 2016, 09:24:15 pm »
Anyone know of decent replacement mirrors apart from OEM ones?

Mine are both wobbling and corroded so it's easier to replace them rather than try to repair them.

If anyone's got good secondhand ones I'd be interested?

For Sale & Wanted / FZ1 footpeg
« on: 21 January 2016, 06:00:40 pm »
I'm looking for a FZ1 footpeg complete with working spring, left side, anyone got one?

General / FZ1 footpeg spring
« on: 20 January 2016, 06:20:52 pm »
The spring in my left hand footpeg broke tonight so the peg just flops up and down now. I had a look and it seems that the peg is held in the bracket by a non removable fixing?

Any ideas if it's possible to replace the spring?

General / Anyone know anything about auto Vespas?
« on: 06 June 2014, 07:12:38 pm »
The missus suddenly expressed an interest in riding rather than pillioning a couple of weeks ago so I booked her a days training with a CBT at the end of the day thinking she'd have fun but probably wouldn't want to ride alone afterwards.

So she loved it and now wants a scooter, I'm not keen on Asian scoots so agreed on a Vespa LX auto.

Anyone got any experience of them and have any tips on buying second hand, what to look out for, known faults etc?

General / Westminster Parking
« on: 15 May 2014, 10:34:42 pm »
Need to go to Harley street for a consultation later this month and all the parking has changed since the last time I parked in Westminster.

Can anyone explain how I pay by phone in a bike bay?

General / CCTV advice
« on: 01 March 2014, 08:11:53 pm »
Hi all,

I've started running the cables for my CCTV by installing a 10 pair external cable (standard copper pairs) to the garage (intention is for at least 3 external cameras around the garage) and I intend to have another 4 or so exetrnal cameras around the house and couple of internal ones.

I need some advice or a point in the direction of a forum where I can get some tips on what sort of cameras and DVR to get.

Any ideas?

General / Waterproof Boots
« on: 14 October 2013, 07:22:30 pm »
My Sidi Vertigo's have now just about fallen apart and I'm considering going down the waterproof route as it seems to be constantly raining through recent Winters.

Problem is no waterproof boots I can find have much ankle protections like the Vertigo's do.

Any recommendations?

General / Home CCTV
« on: 23 September 2013, 10:24:34 pm »
I want to set up a home CCTV with the equipment located in my garage with at least 4 cameras along the rear, side and front of my property.

Can anyone recommend what I need or where to go to get some good advice?

General / iTunes / iPod advice
« on: 24 June 2013, 09:23:17 pm »
I am just about sick to death of fucking itunes.

Is there any way of getting music on my ipod without using itunes?

Does anyone know why itunes refuses to register a folder I have added that contains a load of vinyl to MP3 files as an album? I have created it with the properties listing the album title on each track, a track number etc.

Instead it lists each track as an album which means I have put together a collection which I can't listen to unless I search for each track.

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