Date: 02-06-24  Time: 22:02 pm

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Messages - mechanical music

Pages: [1]
thanks for your replies, ive just about ordered the last 3 from a dealer and 1 from amazon who now have only 1 left after finding about ngk no longer selling to the public, everywhere i looked was out of stock, apparently there still available in germany :rolleyes

what is the part number/code for the red ngk spark plug caps, thanks for any help

i have herd of it alot but cant remember the amount needed to make the stands match as lowering a bike makes the stands to low

need to know how much to remove from center and side stands after fitting lowering kit ie (rear shock dogbone links) the replacment dogbones are 142mm from center of bolt holes long, thanks for any help

FZS600 Fazer / Re: 1998 fzs 600 coolant o rings
« on: 09 February 2024, 11:08:43 am »
ive fitted viton o rings as they were recomended from an engineer years ago for something, hopefully they will do the job and got them for free too, cheers

FZS600 Fazer / Re: 1998 fzs 600 coolant o rings
« on: 05 February 2024, 12:30:37 pm »
i agree, ive got the elbows removed now but cant find anything showing the correct size o rings so just going to take to a shop that sell viton o rings to try and match some new ones up if they have the size

FZS600 Fazer / Re: 1998 fzs 600 coolant o rings
« on: 03 February 2024, 05:35:02 pm »
yes thats the ones i mean, i was dreadding that to be the answer, ive managed to remove the allen bolt and can pull the elbow back just enough to maybe squeeze some instant gasket in i just bought from halfrauds, thanks for your help

FZS600 Fazer / 1998 fzs 600 coolant o rings
« on: 03 February 2024, 01:43:39 pm »
can the coolant o rings from the back of the cylinder head be replaced without removing the carbs as mines just pissed out the new antifreeze

General / Re: long radiator hose route and rubber engine guard
« on: 16 January 2024, 04:31:57 pm »
yes, ive litterally just found the pipe from the carbs and fitted it, just trying to remember where the rubber engine guard goes as the manual i found on google is useless, thanks for your help

General / long radiator hose route and rubber engine guard
« on: 15 January 2024, 02:06:45 pm »
where does the long thin radiator hose go to and could do with any pics showing the big rubber engine and shock guard, i took them off in a hurry after 3 spark plugs snapped off leaving just the threads on my new mk1 fzs6 project :eek  thanks

FZS600 Fazer / cylinder 3 much lower compression
« on: 23 June 2023, 07:56:53 pm »
why does the 3rd cylinder show low compression (70 psi) and the others are good (200-210 psi) on 2 different mk1 600 fzs engines all are cold readings as engines are not in bikes

FZS600 Fazer / fzs 600 mk1 engine compression test
« on: 23 June 2023, 11:42:17 am »
hi all, anyone know what the engine cylinder compression test should be in psi for a good engine, ive done the test cold on s/hand engines i have bought before fitting in the bike, but so far the reading on 2 engines both show the 3rd cylinder is about 50psi less than the other 3 ?, thanks for any help

good to know, thanks for your replie

any difference in power with a k and n fitted

FZS600 Fazer / Re: The dreaded output shaft..... can it be rethreaded?
« on: 14 September 2022, 09:39:40 am »
is it possible to drill the center of the end of the output shaft then tap and threadlock a bolt to hold a wide washer/ spacer

has this been done before ?

FZS600 Fazer / Re: The dreaded output shaft..... can it be rethreaded?
« on: 25 August 2022, 01:29:25 pm »
drill the center of the end of the output shaft then tap and threadlock a bolt to hold a wide washer/ spacer

General / Re: changing username
« on: 24 August 2022, 04:16:31 pm »
hi, ok can you please change it to mechanical music if possible, thanks for your help

General / Re: Help and suggestions: fix cracks in abs plastic
« on: 24 August 2022, 09:13:36 am »
ive had very good success just with a soldering iron and a piece of matching abs, and then bought abs plastic welding rods

General / changing username
« on: 24 August 2022, 09:06:28 am »
hi all, only joined last night, does anyone know how to change my username, thanks

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