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Messages - Streetbudgie

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 13
General / Insurance renewal - WTF!!!!!
« on: 26 January 2024, 12:45:54 pm »

Old bastard of 60, 9+ years NCB, alarms, data tagged and trackers garaged etc.

Last year £330 for FZ1S and Ninja SX - this year £950

What the hell has gone on?

General / Frame number for Khan the Khunt
« on: 06 March 2022, 02:41:04 pm »
I have been trying to take a photo of the frame number of my FZ1-S 2007 to send to Yam UK so I don't contribute to Khan's slush fund.
Yam UK state this must be a frame stamp and not the lable, so the only place I can find a frame stamp is above the lable on the steering tube but partially hidden by the brake hoses, impossible to get a photo of the whole thing.
I can't take the bike apart so is there anywhere else the frame is stamped?
At this point in time I would throw that little shitbag in the Thames if I met him in the street  :grumble :grumble :grumble

General / Grass strimmers - is there one that works?
« on: 11 July 2021, 11:13:30 am »
I'm appealing to font of all knowledge that is foc u!

Has anyone found a grass strimmer that actually works and you don't have to stop every 5 feet to feed out more line or rewind it?

They all seem to be foccing useless to me  :o

General / Re: Today's "What Gets My Goat" - NO POLITICS!
« on: 08 June 2021, 12:49:29 pm »
Man you have had a shit time street budgie. No pun intended. Well done you for making a stand. Dirty lazy bastards.

Could you and your neighbours who have access to that allyway
get together and put a locked gate up.
I tried that but out of all the houses that abut the alleyway (it goes down th eside of my house and along th eback of all the others) there was only 2 other households that have an actual garage and discussing it with them it seems that gates were asked about before and the people with no garage who don't use the alleyway objected as they thought they would be denied access in the future.
In our deeds it states that each household is responsible for maintaining the alley along the length of their property but I'm the only one who does it.

General / Re: Today's "What Gets My Goat" - NO POLITICS!
« on: 04 June 2021, 01:21:06 pm »
What gets my goat today. Dirty dog owners who think its ok to put their dog shit in my dustbin when it's out for collection. It was put in there after it was emptied meaning its going to be stinking in there for 2 weeks.
Yep same here. We're next to a country park, so there's a endless procession of dog+owners all day long. I wouldn't mind, but there's a purpose built poo bin at the entrance to the park, less than 50 metres away.

I'm going to third this as I also live in residential road that has a country park at one end.

Bloody dog owners allowing their pooches to crap everywhere on route to the park then make a half arsed attempt to pick it up and promtly throw it down the private property alleyway at the side of my house.

I was so pissed off with this after collecting 21 bags of dog shit one weekend from the alleyway, I installed CCTV and posted videos of the offenders who in more than one video turned out to be a neighbour's teenage kids (a few doors along so I had no clue who they were) and said neighbour promptly called the Police to complain that I had put videos of the teenage kids dropping dog shit bags in the alleyway and guess what - the Police actually knocked on my door to investigate the complaint!!!

As you can imagine I asked them what they were going to do about the offence of dropping the dog shit bags, to which they replied "they were not here to deal with that" so I politely told them the law on Domestic CCTV in the UK is non existent and they couldn't ask me or force me to remove it or take the posts down from Youtube and eventually told them to bugger off if they weren't going to enforce an actual criminal law of dropping dog shit.

Plod obviously fed that back to the parents of the dog shit droppers as the mad woman then went after me on Youtube postng all sorts of abuse and accusations of being a paedo on my Youtube channel (get it right, the kids were 15 and 17 so hardly looked like kids) - guess what? When I reported her on line abuse to Plod they weren't interested, fucking typical!

Even after several years the whole family are still obsessed and everytime the dad walks down the alleyway he sticks two fingers up at the cameras or sticks his tongue out.

I told them via Youtube to come and speak to me in person if they had a problem with me shaming their family members for droping dog shit as I had no idea which house they lived in at the time, Plod wouldn't tell me.

As always with bullys they wouldn't face me so carried on their ridiculus sheenanigans ever since.

They've stopped dropping their dog shit bags in the alleyway though.

General / Re: Electric vehicles vs Internal Combustion...
« on: 07 May 2021, 12:55:11 pm »
I would love to know how a Smart Meter can tell the sex of people living in my home or their age  :rollin

What if my lodger is non binary and identifies as a shrubbery?

My Smart Meter is in danger of offending my lodger's foilage status  :rollin

Seriously I've never read such rubbish, of course Smart Meters tell the supplier how much you're using and when, that's a good thing as it enables them to predict demand, nothing else, I'm certain that the good people at EDF couldn't give a toss about how many drunken women wake up in my bed on a Sunday morning  :rollin

General / Re: Electric vehicles vs Internal Combustion...
« on: 23 April 2021, 08:30:06 pm »
I have just come across a new tactic to get people to have an evil smart meter.   

Why are smart meters evil?

I had a complex meter arrangement which I wanted rid of so I had to change to a smart meter and as I have a dual fuel suppler I got both gas and elecetric smart meters.

Seems to make sense to me, now I don't have any problems supplying meter readings which were always a pain with the complex (day and night) meter I had previously.

General / Re: Three word story
« on: 23 February 2021, 04:37:02 pm »
a red ball

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 23 February 2021, 04:20:36 pm »
I ride all year (no choice as I can't afford the car parking at work) so apart from a few days with packed snow on the local roads, I have ridden through all the salt and crap.
Every Monday I've had to force it off the centre stand and crack the front brake off before I can go anywhere, so today I had a day off and decided to wash it, then found I had a loose bolt and spent about 2 hours trying to work out how to get it back in, so I posted on here and got an answer in 10 minutes and had it fixed in another 15 minutes.
Ordinarily I'd be off to the pub for a celebratory pint but that's not gonna happen so I'll settle for a curry tonight!

General / Re: Another bolt fell out...
« on: 23 February 2021, 04:11:01 pm »
It shouldn't be a loose nut. It should be a well nut? You know the ones that are seating in rubber and pushed through before the bolt goes in?
They are on mine anyway?

Another great answer from the Foccer's font of all knowledge, this forum has always been great and simple things like this, which seem difficult, are made simple again.

Dudeofrude you were right, it was a well nut but the rubber had pushed through and the nut was too low to get the bolt onto it, however after removing the inner fairing panel and undoing the bottom tank cowling bolt I was able to wriggle a finger in and push the bottom of the well nut rubber up and get it started on the bolt, then just put everything back and tighten up as I went.
Cheers dude  :woot

General / Re: Another bolt fell out...
« on: 23 February 2021, 03:23:40 pm »
Ah, that would make sense, I'll go and check...

General / Another bolt fell out...
« on: 23 February 2021, 02:48:51 pm »
I lost another bolt today, this is the second one that's come out and I'm beginning to suspect that the last time I had work done not everything was tightened up as it should be.

I have now gone round and checked everything I can see is tight.

Question is I can't see how I can get the nut on the end of this bolt even with the fairing side fillers out, it's nut number 35 and bolt number 34 in the picture, any ideas?

Oops, just noticed somebody already said she worked for the CIA

General / Which Optimate?
« on: 11 February 2021, 11:08:31 am »
Guys, I need to get another Optimate (current one is being used to keep my car alive) and there's a surprising number of different models now.

Presuming none of my vehicles have lithium batteries (3 bikes and 2 cars) newest being a 2016 but I checked and that has a lead acid type battery, which Optimate should I go for?

When I bought my current one there was only a choice of 6v or 12v so it was an easy decision to make.

I would need to use the new one on my FZ1S and a 2012 Audi so it has to do both - any recommendations?

General / Re: CB or Amateur Radio
« on: 14 May 2020, 09:28:49 pm »
I've been doing a bit more research this evening and HAM radio seems the way to go, there are a couple of tests and certificates to get but I should have all that knowledge anyway, if not I'm sure it's doable
I wonder if I could apply for my Dad's old call sign, that would be nice.

General / Re: CB or Amateur Radio
« on: 14 May 2020, 09:25:43 pm »
Have a play around on some of the SDR sites like
Will let you listen in, see how much activity there is on the bands and whether its of interest.

Cheers buddy I'll check it out

General / Re: CB or Amateur Radio
« on: 14 May 2020, 01:11:24 pm »

pleeze don't become another Tony Blackburn---AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Amateur radio and pirate radio are two very different things..
Pirate Radio is all DAB these days, no more breaking into the roof space of tower blocks.

General / CB or Amateur Radio
« on: 14 May 2020, 12:55:14 pm »
Although I'm an NHS key worker and I'm at work every day I am finding that I have free time at weekends and in the evenings which would normally be filled by going to the pub, so I was thinking about hobbies.
I can't play golf and I used to go fishing and got fed up with it so I started wondering about Radio Amateur  stuff which my Dad used to do.
I had CB back in the early 1980's and loved it, I got right into it and would teak my rigs and ended up with quite a set up with some boots (ahem) which enabled me to go over the top of most transmitters!
Does anyone on here know if CB radio is still a thing?
If not I was wondering how hard/expensive it would be to get into Amateur Radio which I believe is short wave - do people chat over this or is just DX stuff to see how far you can get?
Just looking for something to fill the hours until the pub is open again!

General / New bike conundrum
« on: 09 May 2020, 06:43:07 pm »
My 2007 FZ1S is getting on now, 50K miles and it's had a few problems in the last 12 months which I have sorted, but I'm wondering if now is the time (well not right now obviously) to PX it while it still has a decent value.
Trouble is what do I like?
I like the Fazer but they don't make it any more  :grumble
I tried the MT10 and hated the riding position and I wasn't keen on the engine although I'd probably get used to it.
I've looked at the Kwak Z1000SX and I'll give it a try but I doubt it will be as agile as the FZ1S
The only other bike is a BMW1000R but that's a lot of money  :eek
I can't ride a sports bike these days, too much pain across the shoulders, so it has to be a street bike.

What bikes have you moved on from Fazers to?
Any recommendations to go and try?

Fowlers seem to have them brand new - £60 including postage, ouch.

bollocks, can't get the picture to post

How do you post a picture?

Hi Guys,
I've just discovered that the black plastic inner fairing on the right hand side of the fairing is cracked across the bit that has the mounting screw in.
It was probably overtightened by the garage that serviced it but it's too late to go back now.
Does anyone have one for sale or know where I can get one?
I tried Fleabay but they all seem to be in the US and the postage is horrendous.
I'll try to post a picture.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Fairing screw / fixing kits
« on: 22 April 2020, 08:31:19 pm »
Ta buddy, I'll check it out

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Fairing screw / fixing kits
« on: 21 April 2020, 09:47:23 pm »
Hi Guys, I've seen some fairing screw kits on Ebay for various bikes and I need some replacement screws for my 2007 FZ1-S so I wondered if anyone has come across these complete kits any where?
I can't seem to find one on Ebay for the right year of FZ1-S

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