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Messages - darrsi

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FZS600 Fazer / Re: Engine Rattle
« on: 24 May 2024, 06:52:32 am »
I've px'd it for a Z750.

It was a fantastic bike for 3 years and 6000 miles and happily spent a lot of time at 12,000 rpm.

SA02 L** you will be missed.

A video could've been a lot less bother  :rollin

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Engine Rattle
« on: 22 May 2024, 07:21:53 am »
Definitely more of a knock or clatter than a rattle.
Sounds like its coming from the front sprocket cover.
When you touch that area, you can feel the knock.

Does it in drive and when stationary.

I was gonna say check the sprocket, sprocket nut and chain, for wear. May even just be the rear wheel alignment out too?
But when you mention "stationary" do you mean completely still, or with the bike on the centre stand, bike in gear and the rear wheel moving?
Stationary as in bike not moving, bike in neutral.

If it does it in stationary mode then your best bet is to video the sound and let us hear it, for a quicker solution.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Engine Rattle
« on: 22 May 2024, 07:19:15 am »
What is your idle speed set to?
Idle speed set to 1500rpm. Once the engine is hot it tends to idle at around 1800rpm

idle speed once warm shoulf be about 1250
What are the consequences of this to a carb'd engine? Running rich?

These particular bikes do run rich as standard anyway.
How long have you had the bike? (whatever it is, you need to put the year and model under your name to give us more info)
And do you know the history of the bike, in this example when was the air filter last changed? Changing to a K&N air filter can balance the fuel mixture a bit better by helping the engine breathe more.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Engine Rattle
« on: 21 May 2024, 06:09:39 am »
Definitely more of a knock or clatter than a rattle.
Sounds like its coming from the front sprocket cover.
When you touch that area, you can feel the knock.

Does it in drive and when stationary.

I was gonna say check the sprocket, sprocket nut and chain, for wear. May even just be the rear wheel alignment out too?
But when you mention "stationary" do you mean completely still, or with the bike on the centre stand, bike in gear and the rear wheel moving?

General / Re: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
« on: 05 May 2024, 06:34:20 am »
Need to be careful with those massage guns, meant for use only on soft tissue. Id a calf strain from running a couple of weeks ago, so use done on the muscle and around the ankle and heel. Couldnt bear to put my foot down for a couple of days after as Id badly bruised the heel bone.

On a slightly more positive note, I got the bike out toady and rode it to the bike shop for MOT, hopefully pick it up later with a pass. Hands till sore but its only a mile each way.

Yeah, i know what you mean about the massage gun, but i mainly got it for and used it on the palm of my hand to shake some life into moving frozen look of my fingers and not only did it work, but quite quickly to, although i did use it a lot in the evenings every day. But i also tried the end part of the ball shaped adaptor and it nearly rattled my fingers, although the same adaptor is much softer if you use it on the sides instead for any possible sensitive areas.
It's something you find out about after a few minutes of usage though, so it's certainly no big deal, and they're so cheap to buy they're worth every penny. 

General / Re: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
« on: 05 May 2024, 06:25:49 am »
Thanks darrsi :thumbup
I tried the link, got to the check out, but then had to order some other old tat to get to a minimum price order. So ordered from Amazon for less than the minimum, and will be here tomorrow.  :)

It is annoying, but they did that to keep the postage free, because people were ordering smaller whenever they saw something they fancied, myself included, and they realised to prevent several postage costs each time it's better for everyone involved if you order a several items that added up to £15 or anything above that price.
It does make perfect business sense, and i must confess i would see stuff i liked and just order it on the spot any times a week. Every now and then they'll have 'free postage' session for a short time where the minimum £15 spend is removed.
With me being off work injured for the last few months i've bought every tool i might ever need for the bike or home, and more, plus they have a brilliant selection of boots over there that really caught my attention, way more than i've ever seen over here before, but they sell them at stupid prices so really need to calm down from buying any more.  :lol

Another trick that a work colleague taught me was that if you have your eye on something a bit pricier but are not in a hurry for the item, like a pair of boots or clothing for example, then choose your correct size using the size guide (in the box near the standard sizes), then add it to your cart but don't buy it straight away, just leave the item in your cart for a few days, then more often than not you'll find that they'll suddenly drop in price anyway or you'll personally be offered a special discounted price for a short period of time.

General / Re: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
« on: 03 May 2024, 06:00:28 am »
I finally got an appointment first week in April, but this was an assessment only. Remedial action looked to be towards July/August, with the hands slowly getting worse, right hand almost useless. So for the third time in 4 years, I coughed up and went private again. Seen within a week, cortisone injections in both hands on the day, left far better, right some improvement, appears to be improving slowly, but little chance off complete use returning as the index finger joint has dropped and is now misaligned. Now on the waiting list for a knuckle joint replacement. Not ridden now for a couple of months and tracktime seems a long way off, and the MOT ran out mid April
Sorry to learn of your ailment. It does get tough when your body has got a few miles on the clock. When the weather forecast is favourable your head says “get the bike out”, whereas your body says “where do you think you’re going”.
At 77 I’ve been fairly lucky in the past, overcoming any bike crash, footballing and running injuries with no lasting effects. However at this years Dragon Rally I fell down a bank whilst carrying a load of camping gear, causing severe ligament damage to my left hand and upper right arm. The upper arm damage is causing the most problem, so that taking pain killers is the only way I can get out and ride at the moment. Going to Le Mans the other week was a real challenge. The hospital seems to think it will improve “in time”, which is one commodity I don’t have a lot of.
Hopefully your knuckle op will have you booking a track day at the earliest opportunity. Take care :)

Hi Robbo, have you ever tried using a massage machine on your arm or hand?
After my 'incident' in October last year my arm still hurts as if i've just been punched but the nerve damage in my left hand is causing me the most issues even now.
But bearing in mind my hand was a scrunched up mess, where my fingers looked like they were permanently holding onto a golf ball i bought a massage gun and it really helped a lot. Now, in just a few months after buying the massage gun in January i think, my fingers are completely free and movable. The issue i'm still working on is sensitivity, and grip, as all 4 of my fingers have a feeling like they're recovering from being broken, although they weren't broken but did suffer paralysis on the whole left side of my body for a couple of months at least.
So i saw this massage gun online and as it was so stupidly cheap, i thought i had nothing to lose in trying it out and very glad that i did.
Whenever i watch a bit of telly i'll use the massage gun for 15 or 20mins, as many times as i can. I've recently been given meds for Neuropathic pain in my hands, apparently caused by a sync problem with my brain after a brain traumatic injury, but i'm not really certain that they're doing what was expected so not expecting much from them.
The massage gun comes with all different adaptors but the main one to use is round like a squash ball. At the end of the ball, opposite the massage gun will give out more pressure, and the sides of the ball are more for areas that are bony. Do the opposite and you'll soon know about it.
Rechargeable battery and 6 speed settings for your own comfort, i normally use it on setting 5 for my hand.

Well worth a dabble anyway, as i dread to think what condition my hand would be in now if i hadn't tried it out a few months ago.

From this lot, who are very reliable and i use their website regularly, it's also free postage and returns too. Takes 6 days for delivery by courier, but they will keep you updated all the way whereabouts it is.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: front suspension upgrade
« on: 21 April 2024, 08:42:21 am »
Your personal body weight (with all your bike gear on), any luggage or top box, and whether you ever take passengers can obviously alter things, but when i changed mine from 10w to 15w oil for the fist time i found the difference a lot better with much more solid and predictable handling.
My large top box is at least half full most of the time though, and i'm not exactly the smallest build physically.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Rear Brake Service Kit
« on: 01 April 2024, 07:08:49 am »
:thumbup  for the Airman for sure, however I have found it a bit big and bulky, especially when away on a trip and space is at a premium. After reading a test in Ride magazine a few months ago, I’m now carrying a rechargeable Sealey CTi120 air pump. It’s about twice the price of the Airman unfortunately, but fits into a tank bag or tailback a lot easier in my opinion. One of those gadgets that you carry for years hoping you never need it, but glad you did, when you do :) .

Reason i bought the Airman was because i had a leak in one my tyre rims one year over winter and kept rolling outside to a different department at work to quickly use their air pump about once or twice a week, and although nobody actually said anything to me i eventually felt like i was intruding their space which made me loo into getting my own electric pump.
I'd tried a pump before but with little knowledge about them just tried a cheap version, but think it only lasted a couple of goes then overheated, so i did a search online for the best buys out there and the Airman was on the list.
And by pure chance, at the time we were buying certain types of equipment that each came with a free padded bag and after trying one out the Airman fitted perfectly inside one as if it was made for the job, so i asked to have one and it now sits permanently in my top box along with all my wet gear, several types of gloves each used per weather, and a few tools if and when needed, along with a bike manual as well.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Rear Brake Service Kit
« on: 31 March 2024, 12:51:42 pm »

I've only just seen this but just to give my two cents...

You were quoted sixty pounds and then told seventy-five, that's a joke: both the amount and them changing price. Them also doing work on your bike that you didn't ask them too would grind my gears. You never really need to remove the centre stand at all, but agree it does get stiff. Just simply lye down on the ground and spray water or brake cleaner or degreaser into the middle of the mounting bolt on either side whilst working the stand with your hand up and down and it will eventually free and work as normal. Never try to remove it at home, the things a pain in the arse to fit.

Getting a track pump from halfords or alike with a PSI gauge on and topping the tyres up once a week is usually enough. Make sure you do it before a ride when the tyres are cold.

The job doesn't take twenty-four hours, that's just them being lazy. It takes an hour or two at most. Here's what you'll need for next time:

brake piston seal kit

brake fluid DOT 4

brake bleeder

sealey brake caliper tool

Then the standard socket (14 mm) and an allen key to get the bottom holding bolts out. A baby seringe from a pharmacy to reverse bleed the caliper usually speeds up the job to get the air out the system before bleeding conventionally.

You wont need to replace the pistons again in the time that you own the bike if you clean them regualrly, don't be fooled into thinking its normal to buy them every time.

Remember to take the calliper off the bike (that doesn't mean take the brake hose off) and clean the brake every nown and again. It will gunk up inside because of how its located, but that doesn't mean it needs rebuilding. Simply take the pads out, pump the pistons a little and spray the brake cleaner and clean with a toothbrush (get a pack of four for £1 from anywhere so you've got spares), push back in with sealey tool and then put brake pads back in with copper grease on the back, put pins in then pump rear brake pedal and jobs done.

You only need to rebuild the caliper (minus pistons) every year or two.

Save yourself money and always rebuild the rear on your own: simply take the caliper off the bike, remove the pads and then pump the pistons out with a block of wood or something in the middle so they come out evenly. Then use a pair of caliper piston pliers to wriggle them free.

The front brake calipers is where you need a shop since you usually have to do one side then the other and that means tkaing them off, rebuild attaching to bike bleeding and then again on the other side: or compressed air if you've got it.

The centre stand is dead easy to remove and refit? Undo one bolt, then remove the other and using the stand you can take the tension off the spring, and remove the stand. To put back on, put one bolt on first (not tight yet) then use the stand to stretch the spring until you can apply the other bolt. It really is easy to do. Obviously clean it all up then regrease the areas before reapplying the stand.

Price is about right for an hours work, if he got 2 hours out of them then the money paid was a bargain.

I always service all my calipers once or even twice a year myself, normally just before winter and just after, so around the same dates as the clocks change times. Not only does it keep them functioning properly, but will also prevent seizures from happening unexpectedly too.
Something you never mentioned though was to use Red Rubber Grease on the outer exposed part of the pistons once they're cleaned. The grease can prevent dust and shite getting inside the caliper via the outer side of the piston so is another preventative measure.
I find it quite relaxing to do in my own time, plus it will save you money, is a learning curve so after a few times you will find it gets much easier to do, and once done you'll feel quite satisfied about what you just achieved.

As for the keeping the air pumped up i carry an electric pump in my top box that does the job very efficiently and is compact to carry. After a bit of research, and a few previous equipment failures, i bought a German made AIRMAN pump, and it's been extremely good and relliable. (make sure you get one that comes with the battery crocodile clips)

FZ6 / Fazer / Re: Breakdown - bike electrics go dead
« on: 30 March 2024, 05:56:32 am »
My bike's an FZS 600, but your issue sounds very familiar to what happened to it a few years ago.

Just to point out, i originally bought a cheap starter relay online which turned out to be a bad move on my part, as it didn't take long to fail in exactly the same way again.

Was all good once i'd bought a a decent one, but it was more expensive.


"...NGK are no longer supplying plug caps to the after market.
The only straight cap we can offer is the Champion Spark Plug Cap SRO5U-R.
This fits the spark plugs with the solid or removable terminal nut.
Please see the attachment.
Terminal nuts  Part number HT40B..."

Worth a look too. There are some different angled alternatives to look out for, with similar codes, mainly with 05F in them (with added -R for red), but this explains the differences, and i can't see any reason why they shouldn't do the job too.

For the record, in the UK NGK are now known as NTK, not sure how that effects things but may be why they were discontinued.

thanks for your replies, ive just about ordered the last 3 from a dealer and 1 from amazon who now have only 1 left after finding about ngk no longer selling to the public, everywhere i looked was out of stock, apparently there still available in germany :rolleyes


Wemoto have 4 left in black, if anyone is interested.

And buying from abroad is not so bad at all, this lot in Holland have really helped me out in the past being the only place having what i needed and they do comprehend the need for a quick postal delivery too. Worth keeping the address for future reference.

I've had a look about and all the reasonably priced ones (under £3 each) are out of stock everywhere. Then the price jumps to £7+ (starting with Ebay).
Can always ask about their next stock date obviously though.

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 25 March 2024, 09:25:37 am »
I know nothing about medicine but I would of thought that as you had been taking it for almost 2 weeks then you would have had an "episode" earlier in the course. That not see before bloke in your local sounds suspicious, its a shame that CTV footage has been wiped, but there may be a way to retrieve it, I belive the way digital media is wiped is by just making space available and the original is still there - or something like that.   :book

I don't actually know why i fell, all i've done is narrow it down to all the evidence i can find and i've got it down to primarily having my drink spiked by someone unfamiliar to me who i've never seen before and realistically is also the last person i recall seeing, or secondly that medication i was on was put into play when when i read about the rare but possible side effects.
I can't even rule out that a mixture of both combined sped things up a bit either?

I already knew for a fact that that the CCTV has a one month cycle then copies over itself because i'd asked before many years ago. But this time was simpler because i know a woman who works in head office so just text her and she gave me the exact same response.
I would imagine than in normal circumstance 1 month (4 weeks) is more than enough as if needed they'd usually be contacted over the next few days by either a customer or the police.
In my case no police were involved at all, and i very barely remember the first 4 weeks of hospital in the London brain trauma unit, and was only let out of the next hospital after about 6 weeks. I think it was about 4 to 5 weeks before i could even walk on my own to the toilet so i kind of had more important issues on my mind to deal with.

Right now though, i'm the only person trying to find out the truth, with very little evidence to play with.
I can only have had about 4 pints, i checked the NHS website to make sure alcohol is okay to drink with the meds and it says absolutely fine, but i do only go out on a Saturday so "may" have triggered something for the side effects to kick in?
Without evidence the police literally won't want to know, so i'm not even going to entertain their lack of interest response.

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 25 March 2024, 09:22:02 am »
I know nothing about medicine but I would of thought that as you had been taking it for almost 2 weeks then you would have had an "episode" earlier in the course. That not see before bloke in your local sounds suspicious, its a shame that CTV footage has been wiped, but there may be a way to retrieve it, I belive the way digital media is wiped is by just making space available and the original is still there - or something like that.   :book

I don't actually know why i fell, all i've done is narrow it down to all the evidence i can find and i've got it down to primarily having my drink spiked by someone unfamiliar to me who i've never seen before and realistically is also the last person i recall seeing, or secondly that medication i was on was put into play when when i read about the rare but possible side effects.
I can't even rule out that a mixture of both combined sped things up a bit either?

I already knew for a fact that that the CCTV has a one month cycle then copies over itself because i'd asked before many years ago. But this time was simpler because i know a woman who works in head office so just text her and she gave me the exact same response.
I would imagine than in normal circumstance 1 month (4 weeks) is more than enough as if needed they'd usually be contacted over the next few days by either a customer or the police.
In my case no police were involved at all, and i very barely remember the first 4 weeks of hospital in the London brain trauma unit, and was only let out of the next hospital after about 6 weeks. I think it was about 4 to 5 weeks before i could even walk on my own to the toilet so i kind of had more important issues on my mind to deal with.

Right now though, i'm the only person trying to find out the truth, with very little evidence to play with.
I can only have had about 4 pints, i checked the NHS website to make sure alcohol is okay to drink with the meds and it says absolutely fine, but i do only go out on a Saturday so "may" have triggered something for the side effects to kick in?
Without evidence the police literally won't want to know, so i'm not even going to entertain their lack of interest response.

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 23 March 2024, 08:31:15 am »
My cousin who is a nurse said that drink spiking is actually very common these days, even though you don't hear or know much about it. Although saying that you do see the odd info pop up on the news occasionally about it. But then when i've explained to people i know what "may" have happened to me i was quite shocked when 3 or 4 people said they've been spiked before too, but their memory is quite vague about the finer details.

Due to me not been properly seen in hospital until roughly 11 or 12hrs later meant that any drugs that are normally used for this type of thing would've been well out of my system by then, which is why nothing was found.

I asked hospital doctors about a possible stroke or anything similar and they said that was ruled out and nothing found to be untoward.

The other possible explanation is a very 'rare' but very possible strong side effect to a 2 week course of a pill medicine i was taking for a skin rash. I fully understand that virtually all medicines have the leaflet in the pack warning you of stuff that "could" effect you, but if you read them word for word you'd never take any medicine at all out of fear.
But when i read this one it said about a 'serious allergic reaction' and part of it then said Call 999 if "You suddenly become very confused, drowsy or dizzy, or someone faints and cannot be woken up."
Kind of hit the jackpot with that description.
After leaving hospital after 6 weeks i found just one tablet left, and it was dated to be taken on the day i fell.
Never really took any notice about it then but a few weeks ago i was prescribed the same drugs again for the same rash, and after one daily tablet had a banging headache and was bumping into everything when walking around the house. Took another the next morning and same again, banging headache and walking like a pinball.
I reported this verbally and online to my GP to make sure they knew about this.

Another thing i've been suffering with is called BPPV, which is a posh name for vertigo, and according to a consultant i spoke to is a very common issue after a head injury.
Strangely though, after doing my own research i found instruction videos on YouTube on how to get rid of this constant 'unstable' feeling i suffered for ages as soon as i woke up until i went to bed. At a guess i reckon i eventually sorted that out after about 5 days of learning about it, watching videos, and more importantly seeing a picture of what is actually going on and why.
I should've been told about this though, and no doubt many others, if it is a common side effect from a specific injury. But i found out by searching my problems online and mentioning it to the consultant then they just blurted it out as if it was all common knowledge i should've been aware of, but it really isn't.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: FZS 600 dropping to left side when riding
« on: 20 March 2024, 10:54:56 pm »
What about fork oil?

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 20 March 2024, 10:28:09 pm »
Something though, could it of been the cold that saved you. I guess that you already know about all of this though.
Hypothermia has been used for many years to treat people who have had a severe brain injury. This involves cooling the head or the whole body to a temperature below normal body temperature.21 Sept 2017

Think the hypothermia had already kicked in, a few people said I was already blue in colour when I was found.
In the ambulance for 2 hours I've been told they were using something on me to actually warm me up, before moving me to hospital.
I saw another cousin who's also a senior nurse recently, and she said that the cold night probably saved my brain, or done me a favour one way or another.
I have hinted a few times to different GP's that the meds I was on for a skin rash could well have been the cause of the fall, but their response if any was very tame to say the least.
There's no proof of anything due to the long timescale, so they're not going to admit to anything, which in fairness probably the correct thing to do.
GP's and hospitals tend to concentrate on fixing the problem in hand which is fine by me as nothing else was found to suggest why I fell, and in a  senior consultants words at hospital "Your injuries are the result of the fall, but not the cause of them."which is actually much better than it sounds.

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 20 March 2024, 10:04:21 pm »
Wow, what a thing to happen to you. Top marks for working at the physio and sticking at it. The NHS comes in for some stick, sometimes justified, but when you read tales like yours its clear that it still does great work. Heres hoping for full recovery.

I'd be interested to know what your treatments and exercises were for the hand, cos Im struggling with mine currently, struggle to wipe my arse, get dressed, cant undo anything etc.

The physio at my GP surgery, who I never even knew worked there asked me what happened and the bloke really knew his stuff.
Due to my head injury, and probably laying on my hand all night, he seemed to know that I had nerve damage in my hand then immediately showed me on his computer where it would be going wrong, and he was spot on.
My 2 little fingers and my index finger give me the most grief, and if I cut down on my medication they feel like they're fractured.
To get the sync back he told me to massage  my arm and hand with the other hand, and also touch things that are,rough, smooth, hot, cold, etc to try and teach the brain again what my hand is actually doing.

So I had a look online and thought I'd cheat a bit and ordered a massage gun, that comes with an add on that is about the size of a squash ball.

Bear in mind my hand and fingers looked like they were holding something, but I wasn't,  it was properly seized up in a weird looking position.
After 5 weeks of using the massage gun 4 or 5 times a day I think I wore out the motor in it, as it wasn't working as well as it had been.
Apparently it has a 12 month warranty so contacted Temu, got an instant refund, then bought another which is working fine.
Reason I ordered from Temu was because even on a bad day they're only about £7 delivered for free. Just had another look and saw one for £4.25.
They sell the same one on Ebay for £12 and upwards

Totally recommended though. Although my nerve damage still isn't totally fixed, my hand and fingers are where they should be, and move freely, it's the sensitivity loss that's the issue.

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 20 March 2024, 09:41:18 pm »
Thanks lads, much appreciated.
Like I said it's been a tough time, and recovery and healing is going on for much longer than i expected, although I honestly had no real idea what to expect?
I'm totally baffled as to why I fell in the first place, and I have done as much research as I can to find the truth but not really got anywhere.
A fella I'd never seen before entered the pub I was in which was busy due to some big cricket match earlier, and at the bar he pointed to a stool at the table I was at and asked if he could sit there, which was no big deal to me.
But I stupidly asked if he'd watch my drink and chair while I used the toilet.
That was the very last thing I recall.
Don't remember leaving, walking just over a mile home, then suddenly swerving a bit then hit a wall, lost my balance completely and headbutted the nearby car.
And there I stayed all night.
I even zoomed in on the CCTV footage and once I hit the car I was properly out for the count. You can see my knees in the video and they didn't move an inch once I was down.
This was about 200m from my home.
Had CT scans and an MRI, which make horrific reading, plus asked to be checked for illegal drugs in my system but was told nothing showed up. Whether they really did check or not I will never know.
My cousin, who is an ex A&E nurse warned my mum I was unlikely to survive the night, but if I did would probably be handicapped in one way or another.
Thankfully it would seem I'm a very good healer and surprising a lot of people every time they see me and tell me what a state I was in when they last saw me.
My voice and memory, which is normally sharp due to my job, are still not 100%, but I'm nearly there. I  can forget the simplest words sometimes when speaking which can be very frustrating.

My hand needs fixing the most now, and is what could hold me back from riding the bike for a short while, but I'll know when I'm okay. I can't wait actually, I do miss riding the bike.  :\

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 20 March 2024, 08:24:59 am »

I had a non bike related accident last October, that was a bit savage, involving being temporarily paralysed down one side of my body, and a fractured skull with added brain trauma due to a still unexplained fall, and then led to 6 weeks in hospital in a Major Trauma Unit, but also an immediate 6 month riding ban by the DVLA due to a head injury.  :'(
According to everyone who sees me i'm doing incredibly well, but i'll be honest and admit that the last 5 months have not been very easy.
I have already reapplied for my licence, as you're allowed to 8 weeks before the 6 months finishes, but i still have a slight issue with pain in my fingers in my left hand, so there's no way i would ever try and ride unless i feel fit enough, which i'm obviously not right now, but the DVLA does tend to take their time processing things, presumably why you're allowed an 8 week head start, and i probably won't get it back until the full 6 months is over anyway.
After daily physio and exercise for my hand i reckon another month or so and the hand will be more than ready, especially if i compare it to the condition it was in 1+ months ago. I've made great progress just at home using gadgets that i bought personally to help speed up the healing process.

I don't recall personally knowing anyone with the injuries i've suffered, but i must say, you really don't realise how many "simple" things you take for granted in every day life, like tying shoe laces, buttons, zips, holding cutlery, pulling something out of a pocket, shaving, etc. I'm right handed primarily, and it's my left hand that took the brunt of the injuries on that side, and i can't even begin to think how much more difficult things would be if my right hand was injured instead, or as well.
I'm on so many meds that i must rattle when i walk, but full respect to the ambulance teams, NHS medical staff, and my GP's because i've been told a few times that i wasn't expected to survive that night, and even if i did was going to be "in a bad way" from there on, to put it politely.

I suddenly fell when walking home in what looks like a sudden bout of dizziness, i certainly wasn't drunk at all, and after repeatedly viewing every possibility of why i felt dizzy it came down to either having my drink tampered with, which is more rife than i expected if you speak to people in the know, or i was on a mild medication for a skin rash that in "very rare" cases can give you all the symptoms i had due to a side effect that can act like an anaphylactic shock.

Whatever caused me to lose my balance made me bump into a wall then finish the job by headbutting a parked car, knocking me out completely.

Unfortunately it gets neighbour who i've known since i was a kid was on the way to church with his wife, and had just missed a bus, but as the sun was out decided to stay on that side of the road and take a stroll instead.
They both spotted "what looked like a person on the floor" 9 HOURS after i'd fallen, and i hadn't moved all night in what was a minimum Minus 3 temperature.
After being dealt with by two ambulance teams for another 2 hours, before blue lighting me to hospital, it had been a total of 11 hours, as i had hypothermia that they had to deal with first, then try and find out where else i was injured.
Several fractures of the skull, several internal bleeds of the brain, and a paralysed hand, arm and leg down my left side.
I was in my local hospital for one night but transferred immediately to Paddington Hospital in London due to the mess my head was in.

On the NHS website it clearly said i could have alcohol with the mild medication i was on, but i'd only had 4 pints, after counting the cash i had left in my pocket from that evening, and i don't recall leaving where i was at or anything to do with the fall. In fact i don't even remember the next 4 weeks in the Paddington hospital, before being moved back to my local one.
Doctors at hospital said no signs of a stroke, or anything nasty like that, and because it was 11 to 12hrs later before i got to hospital there was no evidence whatsoever of anything untoward in my blood system. So if my drink was tampered with, the stuff they use these days would've left my system in 3 or 4hrs.

Only reason this is all rather detailed is because on the way home i fell outside an old friend of mine's house, which is where i was laid out all night, and he got the lot on his CCTV.
So to this day i am none the wiser what really happened, and will probably never know. What i do know is that it would take a damn site more than 4 pints to put me down. A friend said he saw me just before i would've left the venue and he said i was absolutely fine after he'd had a chat with me.
I asked for the CCTV from the venue i was at and it gets wiped over every 4 weeks, but i never enquired until 7 or 8 weeks later due to me not being the full ticket mentally, which is shit because i was sat right in front of a camera that night.  :\
Due to the meds i'm on i've not touched a cigarette or booze in the 5 months that it happened, and even though Saturdays were my only night out due to always being mega busy at work i've strangely had no desire whatsoever for either of them or even missed them?
And you know when your GP always says "Give up drinking and smoking, it'll be better for your health."
Well i did that and i feel like shit, so maybe they should mention headbutting cars is bad for you too.  :thumbdown

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