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Messages - Aegis Bearing Mel

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General / Foccin’ YamahApathy
« on: 20 May 2022, 02:32:40 pm »

Kia ora Foccers young and auld, I hope you and yours are going foccin’ splendidly in these “interesting” times we all find ourselves in.

Alas it seems that it’s not only Suzuki that are looking to withdraw from the status quo of the motorcycle world this year, we here at Foc-U are contemplating the same.

It’s no secret that Bob and I have been struggling to find the time that our beloved forum needs recently.
I say Bob and I, but in reality it’s Bob that has been running things for at least two years, if not more, as aside from footing the bill for 8 years, I just haven’t been in the personal space to give time to Foc-U at all.
Thankfully Bob has been willing to cover not only the costs for this year, but also the day to day running of the forum, so we ALL need to acknowledge this and owe him thanks ( and a pint or five when you see him next) for doing so.

Around December I posted on the forum that we were looking for admins and was desperately disappointed at the lack of responses from Foccers willing to take on the mantle of Admin/Mods.
I’m unsure if it’s Pandemic, social media or apathy reasons, but I’ve seen more interest in bunking with Heath, Ginge and I at the Spring Meet than I saw in that post.

As much as it pains me to admit, the offers to buy out the Forum from folks looking to cash in on the historical success and member base is starting to make more and more sense to both myself and Bob.

This post is really a last ditch effort to see if any of you magnificent Foccers are willing to take on the challenge of bringing Foc-U into the 2020s with an integrated forum and social media base through time, enthusiasm, expertise and perhaps a little coin, or whether I should face up to the fact that the Halcyon days of the board have long since past and look at getting out whilst the getting is good.


This is the last call for any interested parties to step forward and take on the role of Admins from Bob & I to move Foc-U into the ‘20s before we, reluctantly, look at selling the domain rights and historical archives of posts to the interested commercial parties.

I hope some of you, like me, don’t want to see the auld girl tarted up with adverts and banners and are willing to take us on our journey for the next decade as I (kinda) have since moving from Yuku to this iteration, but if not please don’t complain down the line when you need to log in with your card details handy…

Take care, stay safe and I hope you all keep it shiny side up.
Love ’n hugs,

Front page / Foccin’ YamahApathy
« on: 20 May 2022, 02:31:42 pm »

Kia ora Foccers young and auld, I hope you and yours are going foccin’ splendidly in these “interesting” times we all find ourselves in.

Alas it seems that it’s not only Suzuki that are looking to withdraw from the status quo of the motorcycle world this year, we here at Foc-U are contemplating the same.

It’s no secret that Bob and I have been struggling to find the time that our beloved forum needs recently.
I say Bob and I, but in reality it’s Bob that has been running things for at least two years, if not more, as aside from footing the bill for 8 years, I just haven’t been in the personal space to give time to Foc-U at all.
Thankfully Bob has been willing to cover not only the costs for this year, but also the day to day running of the forum, so we ALL need to acknowledge this and owe him thanks ( and a pint or five when you see him next) for doing so.

Around December I posted on the forum that we were looking for admins and was desperately disappointed at the lack of responses from Foccers willing to take on the mantle of Admin/Mods.
I’m unsure if it’s Pandemic, social media or apathy reasons, but I’ve seen more interest in bunking with Heath, Ginge and I at the Spring Meet than I saw in that post.

As much as it pains me to admit, the offers to buy out the Forum from folks looking to cash in on the historical success and member base is starting to make more and more sense to both myself and Bob.

This post is really a last ditch effort to see if any of you magnificent Foccers are willing to take on the challenge of bringing Foc-U into the 2020s with an integrated forum and social media base through time, enthusiasm, expertise and perhaps a little coin, or whether I should face up to the fact that the Halcyon days of the board have long since past and look at getting out whilst the getting is good.


This is the last call for any interested parties to step forward and take on the role of Admins from Bob & I to move Foc-U into the ‘20s before we, reluctantly, look at selling the domain rights and historical archives of posts to the interested commercial parties.

I hope some of you, like me, don’t want to see the auld girl tarted up with adverts and banners and are willing to take us on our journey for the next decade as I (kinda) have since moving from Yuku to this iteration, but if not please don’t complain down the line when you need to log in with your card details handy…

Take care, stay safe and I hope you all keep it shiny side up.
Love ’n hugs,

General / New Admin(s) required - enquire within
« on: 13 November 2021, 03:24:51 pm »
Kia ora Foccers, I hope that we are well and dandy despite what this year has thrown at us.

Just making a final call for anyone with hosting/migrating/SMF/forum experience to step up and help take the site forward as I look to move on from being Admin here.

As is painfully obvious the site could do with a guid auld wash 'n brush up, iirc it was around 2011 that Geek and I worked on getting things together and moved over from Yuku, so long overdue a refresh.

Since I moved from Glasgow to Auckland I've not been spending time on either my bike or here, so really need someone to help Bob as he's pretty much been running the show on his own.

I'd hate to see the auld girl be archived, but realistically that's the way I think it may end up if we can't get someone with the know how to step forward, I just don't have the time nor inclination to do justice to this place anymore.

Please let Bob, the mods or I know if you'd be able/willing to help out sooner than later, otherwise I'm going to have to make some pretty tough calls before the new year.


General / Conspicuous by my absence so looking for new Admin type(s)
« on: 24 September 2021, 09:28:57 am »
Kia ora Foccers, I hope you and your (t)rusty steeds are fine and dandy, it's been a wee while, eh?

Given I've not been online for quite some time I'd not be surprised if many of you newer foccers are wondering "Who the foc is Aegis?".
 :o :\

Since I absconded from the 'Weeg to this here Kiwiland, between one thing or another I've not been riding 'Bee nor logging in here very often and have come to the realisation that I need to stop pretending to myself that I'm going to give the site more time.

Bob and his team of Mods have done a great job keeping the auld girl going whilst I did little else other than cover the costs.

I owe Foc-U a lot; the friends, advice and memories I've gained from here over my 16 years (seriously? wow!) of membership are irreplaceable, but I feel it's time I stepped down fully and passed the site onto someone that can give her the effort she deserves.

Ideally it would be someone with the IT knowhow to help decide if SMF is still the best software, if cloud based hosting would be better, should countersteering be used during FTP back ups...

So, with that in mind, if any of you fine folks have a hankerin' to help out as Admin and take over ownership of the site then please let myself and Bob know.
I'd ask that your intentions are honourable as I'd hate to log back in and see Foc-u covered in ads, the auld girl deserves better.

For those keen to take over but concerned around the fees (circa £130PA) perhaps going back to the old model of Community Chest contributions covering hosting and registration would help?

It's been a foccin' blast folks!
Take care, stay safe and keep her shiny side up.


Front page / Spring Meet 2019
« on: 22 April 2019, 01:20:43 am »
Just a heads up for those new to the forum that the Spectacular Shindig that is the Spring Meet is coming up shortly.
If you haven't been, GO!!

Perfect excuse to put names to faces, have a shitload of laughs, a modicum of ale (something I never quite mastered mesen...) and, if you're of that persuasion, you can even go ride your bike around some of the tastiest roads Englandshire has to offer.

Information can be found here for those that don't venture out of General that often.


It sadly seems to the be only meet that is still on the calendar, please don't let it slide away like so many of the others due to lack of uptake.

I'd be there, but the drive home is a wee bit footery...

General / Re: Its been a while!
« on: 21 November 2018, 04:52:03 am »
Foc 'elp us!

General / Sad news from Foc-uS this weekend
« on: 17 November 2018, 09:01:14 pm »
Unfortunately I've just found out that, sadly, Billy600 passed away yesterday.
Not sure of the details, however it would appear that it was as unexpected for his wife and son as it was to me reading it this morning.

Billy was an awesome guy; front and centre at most of the Scottish meets, ride outs and shit talking sessions and the first one there if anyone needed a had with anything.
Granted it would be accompanied with his trademark grin and effortless sarcasm, but that made it all the better to see him.
He hasn't been active on the board for a wee while, preferring to get away with his family in their caravan than try and wrap himself onto his bike, but many of us have shared a beer, cider or pickled egg sandwich with the big fella over the years so felt I should share the sad news.

Not sure what the funeral arrangements will be, however I'll post them up as and when I know for those that wish to pay their respects.

Sleep well big fella, you'll be sorely missed.

General / Re: Site problems?
« on: 14 November 2017, 08:07:41 am »
There's a surprise, eh?

"Nothing wrong with the server side, perhaps you need to have a look at what you're running in the site.".

My money is on it'll all be fine for another couple of months then get slow again, just in time for their New Year sale, not that I'm a cynical auld foccer or anything...

General / Re: Site problems?
« on: 11 November 2017, 10:26:40 pm »
Waiting to hear back from the hosts, happens every now and again, surprisingly when they've been emailing about the "new and improved hosting package"...

Sorry folks, just need to ride it out and see what and when the come back with.



General / Re: How do you delete a profile ?
« on: 24 September 2017, 07:01:16 am »

Hey Ignorant old foccer here,

Tell me more about it, date/dates? starting point, finishing point, time period.
Or at the very least point me to a place I can get the info.

Could always click on the hyperlink in my original post...
 :pokefun :pokefun

Your Suggestions and How you can help / Re: Picture problems
« on: 30 March 2017, 04:28:53 pm »
Have you changed your phone/device recently?
Just wondering if it's due to you having a better camera on your device meaning the images are over the maximum size that can be uploaded?

Your Suggestions and How you can help / Re: login probs
« on: 14 March 2017, 08:19:43 am »
Cheers guys, I'll have a look and see what I can find.
If memory serves the last time this happened the host were being twunts and shuffling things between servers.

Cheers for highlighting.

Hey folks, sadly Moffy is struggling to get people to book in for the Spring Meet, which means it's dangerously close to disappearing from the calendar.
It's a SUPERB weekend, a brilliant chance to put names to faces from here, talk bikes, ballocks or bile, whichever flicks your switch.Drink booze, listen to live music, ride with mates, see the scenery, make friends for life.

Seriously, it's one of the few things I miss about the UK being down here in Kiwiland.

I don't want to sound all misty eyed auld twat, but we had a superb calendar of meets a few years back; Dare (Aberdare), The Frolic (Forest of Dean), Spring Meet (Settle), The Gathering (Glencoe) to name only the ones I made it along to.
Meeting folks in person makes the online interactions way better, some of my closest friends have been made through shenanigans and recognising my kind of idiot in person.

Please, have a look, have a think and GO.You only really regret what you don't do, so get to it whilst the chance is still there!


Hey folks, sadly Moffy is struggling to get people to book in for the Spring Meet, which means it's dangerously close to disappearing from the calendar.
It's a SUPERB weekend, a brilliant chance to put names to faces from here, talk bikes, ballocks or bile, whichever flicks your switch.
Drink booze, listen to live music, ride with mates, see the scenery, make friends for life.

Seriously, it's one of the few things I miss about the UK being down here in Kiwiland.

I don't want to sound all misty eyed auld twat, but we had a superb calendar of meets a few years back; Dare (Aberdare), The Frolic (Forest of Dean), Spring Meet (Settle), The Gathering (Glencoe) to name only the ones I made it along to.
Meeting folks in person makes the online interactions way better, some of my closest friends have been made through shenanigans and recognising my kind of idiot in person.

Please, have a look, have a think and GO.
You only really regret what you don't do, so get to it whilst the chance is still there!


Your Suggestions and How you can help / Re: Like button
« on: 04 February 2017, 11:05:24 pm »
Had looked at this a while back, but it was a bit of a ball ache at the time due to the forum software.
That was about four years ago, so I'll have another wee rummage around and see if there's anything worthwhile kicking around.

Front page / Re: Foccin' Tapatalk
« on: 06 December 2016, 09:29:09 am »
Absolute ball ache of the highest order.

I'll have another go this coming weekend, but work is insane atm and don't want to play around too much when you're all logged in. Friday or Saturday should let me play when you're all asleep.

Front page / Re: Foccin' Tapatalk
« on: 02 December 2016, 09:47:09 pm »
Given the results I've been underwhelmed by how many of you actually still use it.
The fact that SMF have stopped providing support for it speaks volumes, but I'll have a go at rolling back to a previous version this weekend for those of you that still play around it.

General / Re: Moderators
« on: 27 October 2016, 10:41:33 pm »
Tapatalk not working at all with this forum.  No topics show up at all.

The clue would be the "I uninstalled tapatalk..." part of my post.

Running a poll atm to see how many of you actually use it to access the site.
SMF removed it from approved add ons as it was so inherently buggy and the support from them was minimal.

I'm trying to decide if it's worth the hassle of reinstalling it or if, as smartphones have improved, we'd be better sticking with the mobile version of site.

Front page / Foccin' Tapatalk
« on: 27 October 2016, 08:59:08 am »
Hey Foccers, once again Tapatalk have proven themselves to be a festering pile of diseased camel sputum.

They updated the mod that we use on here and it caused massive issues with the main forum.
So, may I ask you to complete the wee survey on here please to see if it's worthwhile fixing it or better to just bin it?


General / Re: Moderators
« on: 27 October 2016, 08:47:49 am »
Sorry it took a wee while folks, I'd a muzzy recollection of this happening once before.
I had a wee rummage around and remembered that it was the last time I updated Tapatalk that this happened.
Lo and behold, I've uninstalled the latest "update" for tapatalk and it seems to be working grand again.

Could a couple of you splendid buggers have a go at posting for me please and let me know if it has fixed it or if it's just a weird anomaly for me?


General / Re: Moderators
« on: 27 October 2016, 08:45:32 am »
Fuckin' Tapatalk!!

General / Re: Moderators
« on: 25 October 2016, 08:51:11 am »
I'll have a go at fixing it tomorrow afternoon when you buggers are all asleep.

Happened there to me too.

General / Re: Moderators
« on: 25 October 2016, 08:30:37 am »
When did it start buddy?
I updated the forum software and Tapatalk mod yesterday morning, so around 17:00 Sunday night for you guys?
If it was around then I can just revert to the previous versions and see if that fixes it.

If it was earlier than that I'll go have a rummage and see if anything else was changed host wise.

General / Re: Go Pro footage
« on: 14 July 2016, 12:28:20 am »
Let's play nice now kiddies and refrain from the name calling, eh?

Big Brother IS watching!

Nah, let's not be dicks to each other, as a man that records his commute in case of arseholes I can totally see the point.

May I suggest you agree to disagree on the level of recording/reporting and leave it at that?


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