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Messages - apage16

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Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Aftermarket Handlebars on the Gen II
« on: 24 June 2019, 08:35:46 am »
Hello Foccers!

It's been a while!

So after years of putting it off due to varying degrees of information about how complicated/successful it might be, I finally changed the bars on my FZ1-N for something a bit higher and a bit wider.

As part of my desperate attempts to help the world at large, I made a video of the whole drawn out, knuckle scraping, head scratching, bike dismantling process!

It's a bit of a long one, but then the job was far more of a monster than expected! Maybe get yourself a coffee before you start!  :lol

I also changed the brake lines before I started for some braided lines that are about 5cm longer than stock.

The video for that endeavour is here:

Looking forward to hearing about what I did wrong/right and what you folks think of it.

Ultimately I'm really happy and the bike is now FAR more comfortable for my wrists, shoulders and spine! It's easier than ever to smash it into the tight twisties with a bit of countersteer.

Also the cockpit area now looks far neater, with all the cables and wires now nestling nicely together.



General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 26 October 2017, 05:17:23 pm »
Fitted some real carbon fibre rad covers to the FZ1N.

Now it looks just a little bit more badass!

I like your videos. You've gained a subscriber 👍

Cheers Dude!!

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 26 October 2017, 05:12:56 pm »
Then I fitted a Storm Oval end can...

And took the old girl for a ride to the seaside!!


General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 26 October 2017, 03:31:39 pm »
Fitted some real carbon fibre rad covers to the FZ1N.

Now it looks just a little bit more badass!

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 14 October 2017, 10:10:21 am »
Took it out for my first proper ride since buying the FZ1-N.

132 miles before the reserve flashed and a LOT of extremely enjoyable spirited country road riding. I think I'll be keeping this one!  :sun

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 09 October 2017, 08:49:40 am »
Back to the thread in hand,  as well as the Slip-on i now have a healtech gear indicator, Boosterplug and a real Carbon fibre fenda-extenda on the way. So very looking forward to fitting all this gubbins after i pick her up on Thursday!

 :thumbup :D

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 09 October 2017, 08:46:11 am »
Finally got 100 miles out of a tank of fuel 🤗🤗 100.8 to be precise. Was risking it a bit waiting that long but wanted to make it into triple digits once haha

You got a 2.5 Gallon tank on that bike, or can't you get it out of second, 100.8 to the tank full FFS.  :eek
Reading up in FOC-U a lot FZ1 riders are getting between 48 and 52 MPG

I love the Mighty Thous but could not put up with 100 miles per tank full, its not the cost as much as the bloody inconvenience of spending so much riding time looking for and sitting on garage forecourts.

You must be filling up every 3 motorway service stations on long runs.

If you don't want to ride at much more than 130 mph I would suggest a FZS 600 then at least double + your miles to the gallon. and possibly get 230 from a tank full. :fish

Haha nah it just doesn't do many miles to the gallon, never has done but has been worse since I've had it tuned. Doesn't bother me to be honest as I bought it for fun not for MPG. I don't do many long runs and its only £15 for a full tank so still works out cheaper than the car. Thinking about it I only used to get 150 miles to a tank on my yzf600r when I was hooning it and about 200 when behaving

Excuse my potentially wayward maths,  but shouldn't a full tank cost at least £18? Unless either a) fuel has gone under a pound a litre since i was last home,  b) you're filling up in a timewarp to the 90's or c) you've still got another 4 litres in the tank and therefore another 30/40 miles available!

If i can't get 130 miles out of mine, it could be the shortest FZ1 ownership on record!

I've never managed to get more than £15 worth of fuel in mine and that's after the last bar has been flashing for a good 10 miles. It's supposedly got a 17 litre tank so either my petrol gauge is wildly wrong or ive got a sponge stuck in there haha I did question it a few months back but now I just accept it as is.
As i said its tuned quite a bit and goes like shit off a shovel so im not overly fussed. It's a toy as the end of the day not my sole form of transport.

I'm sure I'll actually be the same! This is a step away from practicality for me. I want to be excited by riding again and bang-for-buck the FZ1 was a stand out winner.

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 08 October 2017, 03:36:32 pm »
Finally got 100 miles out of a tank of fuel 🤗🤗 100.8 to be precise. Was risking it a bit waiting that long but wanted to make it into triple digits once haha

You got a 2.5 Gallon tank on that bike, or can't you get it out of second, 100.8 to the tank full FFS.  :eek
Reading up in FOC-U a lot FZ1 riders are getting between 48 and 52 MPG

I love the Mighty Thous but could not put up with 100 miles per tank full, its not the cost as much as the bloody inconvenience of spending so much riding time looking for and sitting on garage forecourts.

You must be filling up every 3 motorway service stations on long runs.

If you don't want to ride at much more than 130 mph I would suggest a FZS 600 then at least double + your miles to the gallon. and possibly get 230 from a tank full. :fish

Haha nah it just doesn't do many miles to the gallon, never has done but has been worse since I've had it tuned. Doesn't bother me to be honest as I bought it for fun not for MPG. I don't do many long runs and its only £15 for a full tank so still works out cheaper than the car. Thinking about it I only used to get 150 miles to a tank on my yzf600r when I was hooning it and about 200 when behaving

Excuse my potentially wayward maths,  but shouldn't a full tank cost at least £18? Unless either a) fuel has gone under a pound a litre since i was last home,  b) you're filling up in a timewarp to the 90's or c) you've still got another 4 litres in the tank and therefore another 30/40 miles available!

If i can't get 130 miles out of mine, it could be the shortest FZ1 ownership on record!

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Jack up kit versus dropping the forks.
« on: 07 October 2017, 10:46:17 pm »
I was thinking of jacking up to increase ground clearance so i could put lower pegs on to give me more leg room without increasing the chances of scraping pegs. I was worried about upsetting the handling or increasing chances of head wobble. If all it does is improve handling then i might reconsider.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: dont try to vinyl wrap
« on: 07 October 2017, 10:09:10 pm »
Here's the original post. Seems like years ago... oh wait, it was!,10338.25.html

FZS600 Fazer / Re: dont try to vinyl wrap
« on: 07 October 2017, 09:56:41 pm »
Haha! "Speak of the devil..."

I was just reading as you posted Fazersharp!

Guess you just need the right frame of mind and the patience of a saint!

. This one was on the Versys. To be fair the fazer tank was a royal PITA! I ended up only doing the top half!

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 04 October 2017, 03:15:06 pm »
Ordered mine a nice black Storm (by Mivv) Oval endcan in black. Despite the fact that I haven't even picked the bike up yet! Nothing like being prepared eh!?

Introduction / Re: Sooo, I'm back!
« on: 28 September 2017, 01:30:15 pm »

That matches my own thoughts after a year on a V-Strom 1000. All was ok until I rode my sons GSX1400 and I realised how much I missed an in-line four.

My only issue with the FZS600 was too little torque down low. The versys certainly gave me more of that, especially after bunging a Boosterplug on it.  Now despite the reputation of being 'weak' down low, the FZ1 is already smashing out more torque at 3500rpm than the V had at full spin! I think I'm going to be very happy with it. Plus my videos will hopefully be a little clearer without the unbalanced washing machine effect throwing my cameras around all the time!

Introduction / Re: Sooo, I'm back!
« on: 28 September 2017, 01:26:17 pm »
Hi Andy, I was considering a 650 Versys as my next bike when I'd saved enough. Did you not like yours.

Hey Vinny,

Loved the bike. It really is very versatile! 2 very enjoyable tours under the belt and about 30,000km in total. Great torquey motor, comfortable, 300km out of a tank easy and lots of luggage options. It was the right choice after my FZS600. Loads more torque down low but with a redline at about 12000rpm still lively enough to stretch it's legs right out and enjoy its surprisingly nimble handling.

  Now I'm just a bit tired of the buzz and the buffety screen that despite many different brands just always seemed to be noisier than no screen at all.  Ultimately i also no longer commute on the bike so it doesnt need to be so practical. As an every day bike the versys is fantastic. But now i want something that's a bit more hooligan, a bit more pure biking and that gets my pulse racing a bit more.

For the money, the FZ1N was head and shoulders the best choice for my step up to litre bikes. Whether or not im right will become clear in good time! 

Introduction / Sooo, I'm back!
« on: 27 September 2017, 03:55:58 pm »
Hey folks!

But of a re-introduction here. After a spell trying out the darkside on a Kwak Versys 650, I'm finally coming back to the family!

Put the dosh down on a very clean FZ1-N this week which I'll be picking up after a well deserved holiday. Excited doesn't even begin to cover it. In fact I'll probably hate every minute of this holiday knowing that the bike will be ready for collection from tomorrow! #FirstWorldProblems

Needless to say, I've been busily reading up on Ivanisation, sub throttle flies modding, PC5 etc... Though to start I'll just be enjoying that lovely smooth online four after my time on the buzzy twin.

Looking forward to chewing the fat again,  although rideouts will be tough as I'm living over in Hamburg now.

On a sidenote, how do i go about changing my username or at least my display name? The Andymancam YouTube channel is really growing so I'd like to keep 'on brand'! ;P

Anyway,  huzzah and hello!


General / Re: Versys
« on: 28 February 2015, 09:17:42 pm »
I've got a Versys right now. The back brake is pretty weak and the ABS seems to handicap it even further. Though that said I've not locked the back up once.

But I find that you just have to push harder! And personally I'd rather a brake that needs a little more effort than one that locks up with a feathers touch.

It's certainly not on or off like a switch though. If that's happening then something is VERY wrong!

General / Re: FZS €uro Tour
« on: 06 January 2015, 12:21:00 pm »
...And while running away from the rain in episode 20, I manage to find even MORE in episode 21.

Shame I didn't take any REAL waterproofs...

General / Re: FZS €uro Tour
« on: 06 January 2015, 12:19:57 pm »
Had to happen sometime.

In this episode, the bad weather catches up with me as I head north...

General / Re: FZS €uro Tour
« on: 19 December 2014, 06:47:41 pm »
Swiftly followed by 19....

Number 20 is currently browning off nicely in the oven...

General / Re: FZS €uro Tour
« on: 19 December 2014, 06:46:42 pm »
More episodes.

Here's 18.

General / Re: FZS €uro Tour
« on: 10 December 2014, 11:49:54 am »
Sorry all who are watching this thread for updates (which must be none, because you've all already subscribed to my youtube channel right? RIGHT?!)

But here is the next instalment.

The journey to, and arrival in the beautiful Medieval Hilltop town of Morella.

As ever, likes, shares, further postings, comments, jibes, piss-takings and maybe even the odd compliment are all very readily received!


General / Re: Free travel in Europe
« on: 10 December 2014, 11:46:31 am »
It may surprise you to know that in at least one EU member state, this is already the case.

I recently found myself sans employment here in Germany and found that you simply MUST register with the local equivalent of the job centre as 'Job seeking' as sson as you are unemployed. They REALLY like to know peoples business here. If you don't then you have to start paying your own medical insurance at full price. I found that out the hard way.

So anyway, I did the registration thing. Only to be told "you haven't had 12 months employment here in Germany, so we must request accounts for your own government and see if they will cover the costs of your unemployment."

Follows a long and entirely unpaid wait for the German bureaucrats to talk with the British ones to find my status. Long story short, the UK has to pay any benefits I claim.

I just found a crappy job to fill the gap. Things happen at the speed of mould growth in the desert here. 

General / Re: What did you do with whatever else you've got?
« on: 28 November 2014, 10:01:38 am »
Noggy, have you seen the new MT09, with the front fairing ,like the FZ1s  ??????  its a proper January issue of bike mag

The Tracer slim?...yeh it's nice, well it's another clone....but i bet it rides nice.

An MT09 will be my lot though if it happens, it is perfect for my is the little 07.......but you know theres lots going on with bikes right now......for example maybe a few MT09 owners will now be tempted with a tracer instead....maybe sold on the engine but do touring...maybe the ones with money  will trade in their MT09's
For a Tracer and that migt give me a chance of a yamaha approved year old MT09 on finance. 8)

Well heres hoping anyway.

Or just trade in the FZ1, sell a kidney and get a Tracer yourself Nog!?

That's my plan, anyway...

General / Re: FZS €uro Tour
« on: 28 November 2014, 09:59:03 am »

Stop hassling me! Here's the next episode!

I went crazy with a new camera angle in this one, and then turned into a PiP whore!

Prepare to be visually overstimulated!!

General / Re: FZS €uro Tour
« on: 28 November 2014, 09:57:34 am »
The camera on a pole trick actually makes an appearance in the next episode as it happens!

Hope it continues to curb your boredom! Meanwhile, have you seen any of The Gentleman Bikers videos? He rides a Fazer 400 Naked. Very similar sense of humour to me. I really enjoy his videos.

Not surprised you thought of the camera-on-a-stick trick - there are a few vids out there where people have done it to good effect, so I'll look forward to your results  :)
If I ever get around to doing a trip that's worth filming, I think it's something I'll try. I've been struggling to find a good way to mount my cheap little camera higher up, but then realised that well, actually, I'd still be catching a lot of footage of hedges etc, even with it helmet mounted.

You've done really well with all the editing stuff, not sure I could ever get to that level. A lot of work has obviously gone into it, to good effect. That's the other thing that keeps me watching, as we can all just bolt a camera on, lop out a few bits and pieces and lob it on YT (well, unless you go by the moniker of red98 that is  :rollin    :pokefun ).

Not sure I want to watch someone riding a Fazer 400 whilst naked though  :eek   :lol

Cheers Nick, really appreciate it. I've always enjoyed stuff like this, so it's a bit of a lifelong labour of love! I definitely studied the wrong thing at university...

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