Date: 02-06-24  Time: 21:57 pm

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Messages - helen

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 6
Woohoo, finally I’m going to Spring Meet 😀

General / Re: many owners
« on: 31 July 2015, 07:23:08 pm »
Nope, when I bought my last bike it had done 3000 miles and had 3 owners over 8 years. All depends on the circumstances, but it wouldn't put me off. Get it checked by a mechanic/knowledgeable friend if you're worried.

General / Re: Today's "What Gets My Goat"
« on: 29 July 2015, 03:29:54 pm »
Wow, you're all so.....angry!

General / Re: Do you use battery charger and which one?
« on: 20 July 2015, 10:14:02 pm »
I have an Italian bike with a data tool alarm......of course I use a battery charger!  If I don't use the bike over winter, even with the alarm in winter mode, I end up charging the battery at least once. Can't remember what sort of charger, they all do the same thing don't they?

General / Re: Worlds largest female bike meet
« on: 25 June 2015, 09:32:29 am »
Brackley is 16 august. Air ambulance will also be organising a ride in to raise funds, think it usually starts from Hinckley Triumph

General / Re: Worlds largest female bike meet
« on: 24 June 2015, 06:52:54 am »
The title suggests some kind of Guinness book of records attempt.......but not in a good way!!!

I'm already booked for brackley motorcycle festival, but thanks for the info.

Will check the forecast later, no fun if it's raining  :\

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Bourton on the Water - Sunday 29 March
« on: 15 March 2015, 10:59:56 am »
As the title says  :)
Clocks go forward,  foccers turn up at BoTW, anytime from mid morning. Tea and cake or fish and chips  :b

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Hunstanton Sunday 15June?
« on: 13 June 2014, 08:37:04 pm »
Anyone fancy Hunstanton this Sunday? I'm thinking about ice cream on the seafront.

Will post on fb too

Not sure if I can do ride out, but if you're meeting at SB I'll come over for a cuppa before you go xx

I will be there, on the Italian  :D

Cool, I saw the write up about Steph, hope she gets a great send off.
If it's not raining I may take the Italian for a spin :-)

General / Re: Best Helmet for Glasses Wearer ?
« on: 13 January 2014, 09:19:10 pm »
With a bit of wiggling about I've always managed to get mine to fit - whatever the helmet  :smash
Sharks are good, although HJC was better. Sunglasses are the biggest issue - some styles just aren't comfortable with helmets.

Looking forward to toasting you in style that weekend.  :woot   Save a place at the bar for me  :)

General / Re: Driller (John)
« on: 05 January 2014, 12:12:12 pm »
I last saw Driller at the Brackley motorcycle festival in August. Always such a pleasure to be with. Bikes were such a passion of his and next to nothing would stop him riding them. I remember seeing him at a BotW meet a few weeks after he'd had heart surgery. The surgery scars were impressive, but his will to ride a bike was overwhelming! He will be missed.
RIP Driller

General / Re: Hi agen
« on: 31 December 2013, 05:00:18 pm »
Hi Rob
I thought you were already back again!!  Changed your name to confuse us?  :lol

General / Re: AAArrrrgggghhhhh
« on: 04 December 2013, 06:43:00 pm »
What Christmas songs? I never hear any on Radio 4

Deposit paid, 7th voted for!  :)

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: Brightona
« on: 05 October 2013, 05:06:59 pm »
I'll be there, but not on the bike  :rolleyes
Never been before, looking forward to it  :)
If the weather's good, the rumour is that a rarely sighted pepy27 might also turn up  :rollin :rollin

Sounds fun - I haven't managed to get to a proper foc-u shindig for years!!!

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: Moto gp silverstone
« on: 19 August 2013, 07:52:39 pm »
Looks like there should be a few of us there that weekend  :woot
Su, I'll call you when I know the corner I'm on.
Luckily (by the downward slide of this thread) I don't do camping  :rollin

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: Rescue Rideout August 18th
« on: 18 August 2013, 08:50:37 pm »
Great to see everyone.  :sun :thumbup

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: Moto gp silverstone
« on: 16 August 2013, 08:15:09 pm »
I'm marshalling there on the Friday and Saturday, but will have a ticket to watch the racing on Sunday.  :thumbup

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: Meets in or around Norfolk.
« on: 16 August 2013, 07:52:19 pm »
Unfortunately I can't get over there this weekend, but it was very lovely a few weeks ago on the seafront:

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: Rescue Rideout August 18th
« on: 15 August 2013, 08:27:00 pm »
I think I'll be at Jack's Hill around 9am, plenty of time for a cuppa and all that jazz!!
In the true spirit of the fazer owners club, I'll be on a bright orange Ducati Monster  :rollin :rollin

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