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Messages - Janet

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General / Re: How's your year been?
« on: 17 January 2013, 04:21:30 pm »
We've now put a review of our year together, it's at 2012 - A year of Travelling

General / Re: How's your year been?
« on: 19 December 2012, 04:02:36 pm »
It was my 50th birthday this year, so it was important to me and my husband that it should be memorable for the right reasons.
The weather hasn't helped. I can't complain, as we haven't suffered from any flooding, but it has been the worst year for biking for quite a while. (I bike for leisure, so I don't generally choose to go out in the rain, though I certainly got caught out a few times this year!)
But we have had some great holidays to celebrate my birthday.
In late February we went to India. I got to cycle round Delhi, see a tiger in the wild and ride an elephant, amongst other things. And I didn't have "Delhi belly" at all. The photos are at
In July we spent a week staying in the grounds of a castle. The photos are at
And then in September we went to China. I walked on the Great Wall and saw the Terracotta Warriors and some giant pandas, amongst other things. The photos are at
Other than that, things have been fairly stable. I'm still working as a freelance copy editor from home, which is as good a way to earn money as any, I think. At least my sole client is seemingly unaffected by the recession and I can always find as much work as I want to do. It's my choice, on a day to day basis, how much work I feel like doing. It takes a bit of self-discipline, but it works well for me. I've still got my lovely 2010 FZ1. I think that it's the ideal bike for me right now, and I have no plans to change it any time soon.
I finally gave in and joined Facebook in May, as it's the best way to stay in touch with young relatives, apart from anything else. I also got my first iPad last month, as we'd had a minor windfall and the husband wanted to buy me a present. I love it and will be able to take it with me when we go bike touring.
As for 2013, we already have two holidays booked. We're staying in the grounds of Dover Castle for a week in March (my birthday) and then we're taking the bikes to Normandy in September. I booked the ferry crossings and the gite a couple of weeks ago while Brittany Ferries had an early booking offer with 20% off.

General / Re: funny vid
« on: 23 November 2012, 01:28:33 pm »
 :rollin :rollin :rollin
Thanks for posting that  :thumbup

General / Re: spelling
« on: 23 November 2012, 09:37:23 am »
:nana   :pokefun   :smash
(sorry, I couldn't resist - I'm a copy editor by trade)

General / Re: Photography competition - November
« on: 21 November 2012, 03:50:18 pm »
OK, here are a couple of mine.
The first was taken in Switzerland, at Jungfraujoch:

The second was taken in the Peak District, in the winter of 2010-11:


General / Re: Oh dear What have I done now ?
« on: 02 October 2012, 05:35:40 am »

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Any one got an R1
« on: 11 September 2012, 03:48:00 pm »
I haven't got one now, but I've had three R1s.
I had one of the very first batch to come into the UK back in 1998:

Then I had a 2003-spec one in 2004 when they were boing sold off cheaply:

And then I had one of the lovely 50th anniversary ones:

I enjoyed all of them, but I personally wouldn't go back to one. As I've got older I've not enjoyed the "intense" riding experience of race replicas as much as I used to, plus the roads round my way have consistently got busier and busier, making riding a race replica (and to a lesser extent any fast bike) increasingly frustrating. But I do have a second generation FZ1 which I love, and which I'd certainly say is very different in character from any of the R1s I've owned, as it hasn't got the "locked-in" riding position of a race replica and is a rather more chilled riding experience while still being plenty fast enough! Personally I don't want to own two bikes at the same time any more, though I have in the past, so it's a matter for me of having the best single bike for my wants and needs. Even though I work part-time, from home, I just don't find the time to make it worth running two bikes concurrently.
In my view, if you haven't owned an open-class race replica before I'd say that you should seriously consider having one at some point in your biking life (though, as others have said, you would be best to shop around rather than definitely going for the one that's got you thinking about it in the first place). If you go for an older R1, as some people on here have suggested, you're unlikely to lose all that much money if you sell it after a while because it isn't doing it for you. Do you have a bike shop near you that is likely to let you have a demo ride? If so that would seem to be a good first step. I'm lucky in that my local dealer has always let me have demo rides whenever I want, and it is a great help.

General / Re: travelodge ! just the facts mam !
« on: 07 September 2012, 02:53:59 pm »
wow they turffed you out of your room while you were out ! ffs
Did they give you a good reason ?
Well, when we first checked in we didn't have much time to get ourselves sorted out and over to the concert venue and there was a long queue at check in. When we got to our room it hadn't been made up from the previous guests (plus one bedside cabinet was hanging off the wall). So we went back down to reception and waited in line again. I think their computer was down, which wasn't helping. So they allocated us to a new room. We got into the room, dropped off our bag, took out our soapbag and put it in the bathroom and headed off to the Who concert.
It would seem that while we were out they made up the room we'd originally been allocated to and moved our soapbag into it (completely missing the blue and yellow holdall that had most of our stuff in it). Then they gave the room we'd been moved to to new guests, deactivating our key cards in the process. So when we got back from the Who concert, fairly late, we innocently went to the room we'd left to go to the concert to hear the TV and find that our key card didn't work.
We did get our money back and I even insisted on getting the car parking charge back, but as you'd expect we've not stayed there since. 

General / Re: travelodge ! just the facts mam !
« on: 07 September 2012, 07:23:18 am »
They used to be alright once, but have gone seriously downhill in recent years. The one in central Bristol once changed our room on us while we were out at a concert. We came back to our room late to hear the TV coming from the room and found that our key card no longer worked. We went to reception and were calmly told that we'd been moved. However, they'd left our main bag in the first room and the new guests denied that there was somebody else's bag in the room. I was really upset as, in addition to some valuable things like an iPod, I had a personalised (it was decorated rather than just signed) book by Robert Rankin in the bag. Eventually we got it back the next morning, after a detailed description of the bag and contents made the Travelodge staff realise that they'd seen the bag in the room, despite the other guests' denial. When we got it back it clearly hadn't been rifled and everything was still in it.
The one on the North Circular just along from the Ace Cafe  (I think it's called Wembley) is really awful too. It used to be a Holiday Inn Express and used to be pretty good, but after it changed to a Travelodge it got steadily worse.
If you want some light entertainment check out either of these two on Trip Advisor. They're so bad it's almost funny ... unless you have to stay at one.

General / Re: Who gets out early on Sundays
« on: 05 August 2012, 09:29:38 am »
7 is a real fanatic !              ;)
Errr ... I've been out at six sometimes in the past, though I'm not as good at getting up early as I used to be. Round our way the roads are already starting to get quite busy by eight or so, so unless you get up really early you only get half a ride before the traffic seriously limits your fun.
The attached photo was taken at the end of a breakfast run last Saturday ... at 7:58, so I think we must have been on the road by seven, if not earlier.

General / Re: SHOW US YER PET!
« on: 27 June 2012, 03:21:02 pm »
I feel (even more) miserable now - my lovely hamster Dubya died last night.  :'(  I've had a lot of hamsters down the years, but Dubya was definitely my favourite.

General / Re: Down but not out!
« on: 21 June 2012, 08:21:39 am »
I cant agree on the legal expenses comments...I have used them 3 times VERY successfully....I paid about £25 extra on the policy, but have reaped that back an undisclosed amount more... :)

I've only used it once in 1990 - the very first year that I paid for it! Mine was through DAS. The solicitor assigned didn't know a lot about bikes, but did know plenty about law. She got me full settlement in a case where I knew that it wasn't my fault but the other side was too arrogant to accept that they could possibly have been in the wrong and fought it tooth and nail. Needless to say I've always paid for it since then.

General / Re: For the hairyplane lovers
« on: 30 May 2012, 03:21:01 pm »
Nice pictures, thanks for sharing. It looks like we'll miss the Air Tattoo at Fairford this year, as we'll be holidaying down in Cornwall, but we'll try to get to the Cosford Airshow and take a few pictures.
I know I'm just showing off now, but a few years ago I got to have a look round inside the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Lancaster, see I've also been fortunate in being invited to look around the workshop where Rolls Royce maintain their Spitfires, see

This could be an urban myth ... or not. I heard once that if you fill up as quickly as you can a fuel pump tends to over-register the amount dispensed, and if you fill up slowly you have a chance of getting a bit more actual fuel out for the same measured (and charged for) amount. The chances are that if your tank is very nearly empty you'll use the pump at a higher flow rate than if you're only putting a small amount in. But, like I say, I don't know whether that's true or just a myth.

General / Re: From the Department of the Bleedin' Obvious
« on: 24 May 2012, 03:08:26 pm »
2 Hrs by public transport to work, half an hour on the bike, simples! (not to mention £20 a day on a season ticket Vs £6 in petrol)
Well it was, till my employer took all the motorbike parking bays away......
I'm self employed and work from home now, but in my last regular job I used to have to get into central Bristol. There was a bike parking bay outside my office, but a few years ago, when petrol prices shot up, it started getting over-full. In theory this wasn't a problem for me, as I tended to come in early, but I also liked to go home early to balance this  :) . Unfortunately, on more than one occasion, somebody had shoved in a bike (normally, but not always, a scooter) so close on the right of me that I couldn't get the bike off the side stand. And it became only a matter of time before somebody got too close and scraped or knocked over my bike. I did try talking to the council, but they weren't interested in giving bikes more space (no surprise there since the rest of the street was given over to lucrative pay and display). In the end I stopped bringing the bike in. My employers had a secure car park for managers' cars, and it had a few odd corners that would have been perfect for a motorbike and not much use for anything else. But there was a policy decision that motorized two wheelers couldn't use the car park at all ... :'(

General / Re: Photography competition - May
« on: 05 May 2012, 09:48:39 am »
Having recently been to India for my 50th birthday trip I'm spoilt for choice. The obvious thing to do would be to enter a picture of the Taj Mahal, but everybody has seen that before, so I thought I'd go for something different.
Here's a view of Agra Fort, which is quite close to the Taj Mahal:

and here's a view of part of Fatehpur Sikri, an abandoned city, just down the road from Agra, that was built in the 16th century:

All the pictures from the Indian trip can be seen at if anyone is interested. I should point out, however, that I didn't take all the pictures on the Indian trip - my other half took a lot of them. The two I have submitted for the photo contest were definitely taken by me though.

Gen 1 owner......... currently running BT023s as they came on the bike and they seem to be much better than the 020 and 021 I've had previously.

I just traded in an R1 which had Metzeler Sportec M3s on it. A rear lasted me 4k and I thought they were fantastic tyres. I really rate them and if they're still available I might try them on the Fazer when I need new tyres.

My other half has the Sportec M3s on his 2010 Speed Triple. He loves them, but they're wearing quite quickly. When they need changing I think he'll be torn between sticking with them or going for Pilot Powers like me.

i am also a bridgestone fan, but will also praise the dunlop roadsmarts, which really work well on my 09 speed triple, which is maybe closer to ur bike than a gen1.Speed triples do eat tyres though as its so grunty, but an FZ-1N with its top end rev bias should be gentler on tyres ( cos you can treat them gently).The dunlop roadsmart are also very good in the wet. On my gen1 I got 5000 from a rear, which is very good for me. 023 bridgestones  more like 4500 to 5000.
When I next change tyres I want to try the new roadsmart2 for both my bikes.
Sorry I dont vote michelin...I never got on with them, and they are alwas at least £20 dearer per set to anything  I usually buy ( roadsmart/ 023), so am not  a fan.

Thanks for that (and to everybody else who has responded). I was always a Bridgestone buyer of choice until recently. I also loathed anything Michelin with a passion. I had the dreadful Michelin Hi Sports on my Hornet 900 and hated them. When they wore out I got BT010s, which were miles better and lasted a bit longer (what's not to like!). I've ridden several demo bikes with Pilot Roads, and always felt like the front end was trying to go wider than I'd aimed it. When I got my '06 R1 I chose the limited edition yellow one, and then my heart sank when I realised that it had Pilot Powers as opposed to the Dunlops or Bridgestones (I don't recall which) the standard bike came with. But then I was absolutely amazed by how good they were in the dry or the wet, and how quickly they warmed up. Yet they still lasted fairly well. Then I got a Hornet 600, which my dealer had to order from Honda UK as they didn't have any in stock. That bike came with either Pilot Powers or BT012SSs. Of course mine came with the Pilot Powers. I wasn't convinced that I'd like them, even though they worked well on my R1. But again, on a significantly different bike, they were really great (at least for my riding style). So I'm pretty much sold on the Pilot Powers. I've always found that I'm either way about Dunlops. My only reservation about the Pilot Powers is how long they'll last on my FZ1-N.
However, I got my dealer to price up a few options on a ride-in, ride-out basis and the cheapest quote was for Dunlop Qualifiers, with the pair of Pilot Powers being just £4 dearer. The BT023s were a full £50 dearer than the Pilot Powers. I want to get them dealer fitted, as the bike is ABS and I want to be sure that it's done properly (and with comeback if they do bend anything), but actually all their quotes were only about £7 dearer per pair than our local branch of Protyre, so I'm reasonably happy. So the upshot is that I'll go with the Pilot Powers and report back on how I get on with them and how they last compared with the OE Dunlops.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Sorry - another tyre question (FZ1-N gen 2)
« on: 29 April 2012, 12:20:19 pm »
I'm going to need to change the tyres on my FZ1-N fairly soon. There's not much in it between front and rear, so I'll need a new pair. I've very nearly worn out the original Dunlop D221s. I think I'll get about 4500 miles before they need changing. While the originals are OK, they don't feel like the best tyres in the world. My first thought is Pilot Powers (NOT the 2CT ones though) as I've really rated them on my last two bikes, even though I've never liked any other Michelins that I've tried. I had them on an '06 R1 (rear worn out in about 5000)  and an '08 Hornet 600 (special fitment for the Hornet, rear worn out in about  4300). My concern is obviously how long they'll last on an FZ1-N in my hands. While the R1 was more powerful (and had the same sizes in standard fitments), the FZ1-N is quite a bit heavier. Does anybody have any experience of how they last on an FZ1-N and any views on how many miles I'm likely to get, given how far I've got on the OE tyres? I don't do a huge annual mileage, and Pilot Powers are fairly cheap, so I'm not looking for them to be really long lived, but I don't want to have to change them much before 4000 miles.
The other option, which I'm sure would last somewhat longer, is BT023s, but they're also about 20% dearer and probably wouldn't be quite so much to my liking.
I'd be grateful for any advice.

General / Re: Photography competition - April
« on: 17 April 2012, 05:12:30 pm »
Here's a night shot of the Atlanta skyline

General / Re: Bt homehub security.
« on: 02 April 2012, 02:42:28 pm »
Shirely one of the features of the home hub is that it becomes a hotspot, so anyone with a BT login can use it?

Only if you want it to be. If you want access to other people's home hubs you have to make access to yours available. It's known as BT FON. It's easy to check whether this has been set up on your hub by going into the hub (the URL is http://bthomehub.home/ on Home Hub 3, I'm not sure what it is on earlier versions). On mine it then says "BT FON: Not active on your BT Home Hub" on the first page that you're presented with. I also checked the wireless security on mine and it was set up as WPA and WPA2 from new as far as I can see (that's what it is and I haven't changed it). I've had my HH3 for just over a year. Of course computer game consoles (like the Playstation Vita I was surprised with for my recent birthday) also connect to the Web, but to do that the wireless key has to be entered into the device, so the home hub owner should know that that connection has been made.

General / Re: petrol stations and lids
« on: 31 March 2012, 07:04:56 am »
My problem is that I wear (expensive) glasses. It's not so bad taking a helmet off, but I find that I need to put the glasses down briefly when I put my helmet back on. Garage forecourts are often quite windy, and the last thing I can afford to have is my glasses blowing away and getting scratched on the ground. Because of this I tend not to remove my helmet, but I can honestly say that I've never had any problems (or even comments or unfriendly looks from filling station staff), even when there has been a sign on the door requiring helmets to be removed. I live in Weston-super-Mare, where they must get a fair bit of out of town trade in the summer, but it really hasn't been a problem in practice. When I'm touring further afield I'm with my husband anyway, so he usually goes to pay. As he doesn't have the same problem as me, i.e. doesn't wear glasses, and is a big bloke who people could possibly find threatening, he does remove his lid.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Insurance quotes FZ1
« on: 15 March 2012, 07:35:23 am »
I used Motorcycle Direct and my policy is with Aviva. My premium was less than £80 (fully comp, protected NCD, £250 excess). I've got nine years' no claims, I'm in a middling postcode (BS22) and I was 49 when I took the policy out (I'm actually 50 today!). My policy doesn't include commuting as I'm self employed and work from home. It then cost about another £30 to add legal cover, but personally I'd never have a bike policy without it.

Fazer8 / FZ8 / Re: FZ8 Doesn't qute cut the mustard.
« on: 23 February 2012, 09:32:29 am »
Well, after a week of anticipation and exitement at the thought of getting a new FZ8, unfortunately it didn't happen. I had put a returnable deposit on the last blue FZ8-N to hold it until I had test ridden it. I covered motorways, twisties and town work but when I got off, and thought about the ride, I've got to say it was really quite an anti climax. Dont get me wrong, I wrang its neck in certain places where I could, and it was quite quick too, handled ok and was fairly comfortable but it just lacked something.
I didn't get that big silly grin that I normally get after a good blat. The difference between the FZ8 and my little FZS600 is, in my opinion not worth the extra money each month. And for those reasons I will not be parting with any cash.
However, I am booked up for a test ride on the FZ1-N next weekend and am looking forward to that, I hope I get the grin factor this time around.  :rolleyes

That sounds very similar to my route onto an FZ1-N from a Hornet 600, see,21.msg2172.html#msg2172
Interestingly, I've also spotted that the FZ8 appears to be one insurance group HIGHER than the FZ1, see (groups 15 and 16).
In my case the FZ1-NA (ABS) was also being offered to me slightly cheaper than the FZ8-N (non-ABS), so it was a bit of a no-brainer to go for the brain-out bike!

General / Re: Email spam problem
« on: 12 January 2012, 07:49:42 am »
I'm not suggesting that I know the answer, but a few questions might help other, more tech savvy foccers to help.
How do you send your e-mail? Is it via something like Outlook Express or Windows Live Mail, or do you use something like webmail, i.e. are your main in-box and out-box resident on your PC or on your e-mail company's server? When you say that occasionally sent messages are showing up in your sent mails folder, where is this folder - on your PC or on the e-mail company's server? Where does your address book "live" - on your PC, on the e-mail company's server, or both?
If your address book lives in more than one place I'd suggest setting up some new "fake" addresses, a different one in each of the separate address books (PC, laptop, phone, e-mail company's server, etc). Then, if one of these new addresses gets spammed you should get a returned mail saying address not found. Then, from which address it is, you'll know which address book the spammers used. This won't completely solve the problem, but will let you know where the problem lies - one of your devices or the e-mail company's server. If, after some time, none of these addresses gets used, you'll know that your whole address list was "stolen" at some point in the past ... though I'm not sure what you can do then.

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