Date: 02-06-24  Time: 04:32 am

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Messages - DILLIGAFF

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 22
General / Re: You can't fix stupid
« on: 17 February 2021, 09:05:35 am »
Back in the day, when I used to commute into London every day, I would stop alongside cagers in traffic queues and clean the frost off their wing mirrors !!!
Never, ever had anyone object and most suddenly found something really interesting to look at through the other side window.
Embryonic SMIDSYs.

General / Re: stating the obvious
« on: 01 February 2021, 10:46:53 am »
Life may be short but its the longest thing you will ever do.

General / WOW!!!
« on: 09 August 2020, 10:19:26 am »
Bikers saves little girl

Reminds me of how I used to ride as a courier. Also, not just the UK where everyone wants to be in the outside lane???

[edit - had to correct the malformed link - bkd]

« on: 14 May 2020, 10:24:23 am »
I just took the two FREE car practical tests and passed but with 47 + 45/50 !!!
As ever I would argue some of their answers particularly the one about turning left ahead. I answered "No white lines" on the basis that Johnny racer may be approaching in the centre of the road as he rounds the bend ????
I'm sure some of you can better my scores????

« on: 22 April 2020, 10:34:32 am »
Thanks guys. As I have lots of time on my hands I weakened and RTFM!!!
In small print it says that the pump will run for 60 seconds a day to prevent seizing. 

Hopefully this is what it is doing but in 5 second runs spread over the day.

And I agree with Fazersharp. There are a lot of things I notice while stuck at home.

« on: 20 April 2020, 10:51:06 am »
Stuck in the house (high risk group) and unable to get someone in I have a small question.
Noticed lately that my boiler seems to be randomly firing up. Just hear the pump start up and run for abot 5 seconds.

Hopefully not a big problem as the boiler is fairly new?
Any ideas???

General / Re: Timeshare scammers
« on: 31 December 2019, 11:09:18 am »
Jeez Bob, thats a croc.
I had a similar situation when I lost my Dad. Turned out he had been duped into an Equity release scam, err I mean scheme. Their paperwork clearly stated that he had discussed this with his two sons and both gave their consent.....................CRAP!!!
My brother and I were, like you, seething and instructed solicitors who quickly ran up a large bill, with no result. We lost about £120k.The only cold comfort was that we paid less in IHT as his estate was diminished.

I would urge you to get some reliable advice before ploughing more money into chasing this. In my experience solicitors are inevitably the only real winners in such cases.
Maybe try Martin Lewis (MSE), Citizens advice, SAGA, BBC's Paul Lewis or Watchdog???

Why is the manager of the England WOMEN'S football team a man ?Surely one for the sexual equality team???

General / Re: Safety first... essential read
« on: 11 June 2019, 11:08:35 am »
IMHO it is also due to attitude. Most drivers approach hazards like junctions, traffic lights, roundabouts etc. with the intention of going. Personally I approach with the expectation of stopping?
The classic rear end shunt at roundabouts is an example of this flaw.

General / Re: Insurance is weird
« on: 07 June 2019, 11:14:49 am »
Don't forget to use a cashback site as well !!!
I recently renewed my 2 car insurance with Aviva as they are the first company I have used in 50 years who did not inflate my renewal quote.

A couple of insurance WTFs I remember.......................... I took a call from one insurer accusing me of falsifying my details because I claimed to have 20+ years NCD but my online application stated only 9 years. I had to delicately point out to the moron on the phone that their online form only had the options 0 years to 9 years !!!!
Another time I was quoted £40 a year more to leave my car in a locked garage rather than the previous year which included "Use for travel to and from work"   ?????????
Go figure.

General / Re: It brings a lump to your throat.
« on: 07 June 2019, 11:02:10 am »
I agree, had to wipe a tear or two.
I lost 2 uncles to the war. One blown up by a mine at sea off the coast of Greece and the other killed in an armoured vehicle 2 days before the end of the war.

General / Re: Today's "What Gets My Goat"
« on: 04 June 2019, 10:53:46 am »
(Sorry if this has been posted already but I can't scroll back through 126 pages to check)
So, my latest hackle raiser is people who like to sit in a crowded place and watch bollox on their smartphones, at full volume and don't give a FOC about those in earshot. I remember when people would use earphones ?????

General / Re: Safety first... essential read
« on: 02 June 2019, 10:56:41 am »
I was brought up to believe that any TV screen visible to the driver was illegal. Yet nowadays it is common to see cars driving along with smartphones stuck to the windscreen, often directly in the driver's sightline and often being "prodded" while the vehicle is in motion.
The sad fact to my mind is that legislation is required to educate drivers on this type of distraction.
Ever noticed in company that your friends become "deaf" while using their phones? The human brain, fantastic as it is, cannot cope with more than one high concentration task at once.
When mobiles first became commonplace I drove straight through a red light while chatting to a friend. I have never used a hand held phone in my car ever since.

General / The Good Old Days
« on: 07 May 2019, 11:13:18 am »
Took a drive to Box Hill yesterday. I used to enjoy blatting down there on my Fazer, before they changed the dual carriageway to single AND put in average speed cameras  !!!!
Back in the day I would see maybe 5 or 6 other Fazers there and have a chat. Nowadays its all new look bikes most of which are alien to me.  Did see an old red Fazer at Leith Hill later though. If it was you  :thumbup

General / Re: Invisible man
« on: 07 May 2019, 11:07:47 am »
I have the same trouble with my small MX5, people look at you then pull out anyway??????
Interesting research here....

General / Re: Old man stuff – endoscopy
« on: 01 April 2019, 10:50:34 am »
Few years back I had a camera endoscopy but it was a small unit about the size of a jelly bean which I just swallowed and then wore a camera for 24 hours. Maybe you could ask them if this is an option?Had one up the nose, cough, retch.Then again I had a colonoscopy which was a pain in the arse.
Good luck. ;)

IMHO capital punishment for indisputable guilt, such as the murderers of Lee Rigby, should be reintroduced. I am not interested in rehabilitating or reforming anyone like that. They chose murder, they should be treated equally.
Also IMHO there has been a gradual removal of discipline and deterrent over recent years. In my neighbourhood there are feral kids doing all kinds of mischief with no concern whatsoever for being caught or getting "a good telling off". Clearly they carry this through to adulthood and expect to get their own spoilt way in all matters.

General / Re: what is a cager in training?
« on: 04 March 2019, 09:49:07 am »
Keep yer head down or you may end up with the kind of tags I have been awarded. :eek

Whatever happened to the "Mandatory 5 year sentence" for those found carrying a knife?We need more "snatch" teams to do random stop and searches and bollox to the PC lefties who scream harrassment.
Friend of mine was in London visiting his sister. He popped out to the local shops and was stabbed from behind in the liver, no reason, no warning. He was in intensive care for 3 weeks but fortunately pulled through, though he will never be 100%. Police suggested it may have been a gang "initiation" to prove how big and manly they are to stab someone in the back and run away.
How about compulsory conscription to the services to have it beasted out of them, learn respect and hopefully come out educated with a trade and some use to society.

« on: 03 February 2019, 11:11:29 am »
Nice ride out YamFaz?

« on: 16 January 2019, 10:46:52 am »
I am sure that, like me, you are totally fed up with hearing about the dreaded B word and all the in fighting. Personally I am fast losing faith and interest in Politics ever since the fat cats voted themselves an 11% pay rise while us "Plebs" were limited to less than 1%, if lucky, and they have had another one since.My view is fast becoming "Why bother to vote, they take no notice"

« on: 05 January 2019, 11:16:58 am »
Just wondering where my old Fazer is now. Sold her to a fellow Foccer and still have fond memories.
Blue FZ6  reg. WU03 EKC  ????????

General / Re: What made you feel good today?
« on: 03 January 2019, 11:17:53 am »
Nice start to the year................£50 from ERNIE£46 from Topcashback, which I had forgotten to claimSaved £100 by changing energy suppliers plus another £22 for using Topcashback£14.95 refund from LIDL for a complaint£50 from a survey group
A nice little earner and my car insurance is next for a hammering.  :D

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