Date: 02-06-24  Time: 12:13 pm

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FZS600 Fazer / FZS 600 dropping to left side when riding
« on: 20 March 2024, 09:52:39 pm »

Looking for help determining why my bike Yamaha FZS 600 is leaning to left side. When I take hands of handlebars it wants to drop to left side. I can see that entire front suspension tears to right when I take hands off and that's why bike wants to drop to left. When I'm taking corner to the right and take hands of handlebars bike is self leveling itself to upright and then goes to left. when I pull or push bike from behind ( I'm not even siting on my bike) front steers to right.[/size][size=78%] I tired replacing Stearing head bearings but it didn't help. Rear wheel is aligned with chain and point on a frame so I don't think it's a rear wheel problem. Does anybody know what to do?[/size]

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