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Topics - fireblake

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Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / MCN Mtorcycle show Excel 2013
« on: 16 January 2013, 07:48:35 pm »
Hiya, anyone going to this show?
I'm going on the Saturday. One thing that is a waste of time in my opinion is pre buying online. It's £16 instead of £20 but cost £1.50 booking fee plus postage. So not far off £20 and another dodgy company has all your credit card details. I'll buy on the door?

For Sale & Wanted / Wanted...Oberon bar ends
« on: 15 January 2013, 05:17:11 am »
Anybody got any Stainless Oberon bar ends for sale?

Cheers,   Mickey

General / Shafties
« on: 14 January 2013, 10:39:30 pm »
I went for a ride with an old mate who has a Suzuki GS1000 with shaft drive. Its a W reg bike circa 1981 and goes like stink. He rebuilt it a few years back and it had a re-bore. Now my point is, what is the problem with shaft drive? I wonder what a Fazer 1000 would be like with a shaft. Everything else the same but a shaft instead of a chain? How much power would be lost?  I mean the Divvy 900 isn't a complete waste of time.....Is it?


General / Puncture repair kit
« on: 12 January 2013, 11:31:18 am »
I'm hoping to go to Europe this year and see a bit and was wondering what every bodies favourite type of puncture repair kit is?
In the past I've used Slime but before I had a puncture, well I never had one so it may have work brilliantly or not, who knows. But never fitted after a flatty?
And I've had professional repairs done and been more than happy with the remaining tyre wear and life.
I'm just wondering what everyone else uses especially the high mileage boys and girls? Bearing in mind space in a back pack or under the saddle.

Cheers,    Mickey

General / Trip to Germany
« on: 27 December 2012, 06:47:37 pm »
At the end of Spring or very early summer I'm hoping to make a trip down to Munich? One of my Neices moved with her husband and kids.
I'm hoping to make a trip to the Stelvio pass as its only a few hundred miles away and would be daft not to go that bit further down through Switzerland . My question is, what other places in this part of Eorope are a "Must do" whilst making this trip?
Suggestions please?


General / Bloody kids
« on: 27 December 2012, 01:10:25 pm »
My youngest boy is 17 and rides a Suzuki AY50. It was low on fuel so I said I'd fill it for him as I had no cash and a little blast would clear the cobwebs. On leaving the house I asked if it was ok for 2 stroke, yeah he tells me so off I go. After the 20 car que for petrol I fill with £6 worth of Shell's finest unleaded. 200 yards from home it stops, not the back wheel lock up I've had on my 250's thankfully, the only good thing about twist and go.
The thing that really peed me off was that I asked before going off if he needed 2stroke, no came the reply. After pushing it home and asking when he last topped up he replied "I can't remember"  After be shouted at he stropped off. The Mrs then had to take him to work and I've got to sort it out. Throughout all this his thumbs never stopped prodding his phone. And he wonders why im so short tempered. Or am I the bad dad he seems to think I am?

Merry Christmas,    Mickey

General / Viva knieval
« on: 27 December 2012, 11:16:01 am »
It's just started on BBC2? A time when innocence prevailed. When a man could sneak into a children's home and hand out presents to the boys, Happy times
A bit corny though


General / Boxing day
« on: 26 December 2012, 06:36:11 am »
Anyone going out to Wickham Square this morning. Always a good selection of bikes, scooters and cars plus a few vintage trucks and all kinds of stuff. Nice to get out and blow the Christmas lethargy out of the system.
Wickham square is just north of Fareham, Hampshire and just off the A32 if anyone fancies going?

General / Merry Christmas
« on: 20 December 2012, 11:21:16 am »
Hey guys and gals.
Just thought I would say merry Christmas and happy new year to you all?
I can honestly say that this forum and all the lovely people on here have made my year more enjoyable and informed. We've had some real laughs and some sad times too, but there is always good banter to be had so keep it up.
My bike is 100% better with the upgrades that I've done to her thanks to the brilliant folks on here with the help and knowledge that they share willingly with us all.

Thank you all.


General / Cold
« on: 06 December 2012, 10:32:32 pm »
On my ride to work at 0500 this morning and it was minus 5 and seemed like a good time to try my new Keis heated under gloves. I must say they kept my hand bearable, not to hot but after unplugging them the chill was noticeable within a a mile or so. The only gripe is lack of feel. Heyho! No gloves no feeling, with gloves no feel?

General / iPad problems
« on: 03 December 2012, 06:40:03 pm »
Does anyone know how to sort out a few issues I'm having?

If I use my iPad to access this forum I have to double tap to read the threads. One tap to open each category but two to open the thread?
Also if I open a thread with a photo on the first page it flashes back and forth to the category page really fast and doesn't stop till I tap on another thread?

Any ideas???


Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Lens shields
« on: 14 November 2012, 04:38:11 pm »
I'm thinking of fitting some yellow lens shields. Does anybody have any recommendations of a good make of shield? I'm after yellow to make me stand out whilst filtering on the motorway.

Cheers,   Mickey.

General / Gritting
« on: 06 November 2012, 12:21:05 am »
None stop gritting on the M27 tonight,  it's about 3º so not about to freeze.  The bike is gonna get furry,  Damn. I suppose it's for the best just in case Jack Frost rears his ugly head?    :'(

General / Modular helmets
« on: 30 October 2012, 06:28:50 pm »
Hi all,
I'm looking at getting a modular/flip helmet and was wondering what are your thoughts on designs, weights, ease of use with the flip front, ease of getting the visor off?
I'd prefer one with an internal sun visor and with pin lock on the main visor?

Cheers for any opinions?


The Laboratory ! / Picture test
« on: 13 October 2012, 06:05:24 pm »

General / Tesco pet insurance
« on: 20 August 2012, 12:27:52 pm »
A few weeks back my dog was savaged by another dog, this happened the morning my wife and i were going away for the weekend camping. The vets bill was £350 and we also put in a claim for the holiday, the 2 nights camping was £80. The small print said that the holiday claim could only be made if the injury was life threatening with the vets report. The vet said a hole in the neck was usually life threatening so we put the claim in. Tesco came back with the reply that camping in England could not be considered a holiday so that claim would not be honoured but the vets bill minus the excess.
I can feel an argument with a jobsworth coming on????


General / More PC techie questions
« on: 12 July 2012, 03:21:50 pm »
Today my computer has started to highlight certain words, if i hover to mouse over the highlighted word an advert comes up on screen. Any ideas how i can stop it and what i did to get it???

Cheers in advance.    Mickey

General / Star Trek
« on: 01 July 2012, 09:55:46 pm »
I'm just watching Star Trek and Spock has just said "Set Fazers to stun" He was right, it is. stunning.

For Sale & Wanted / Exup pulley
« on: 11 October 2011, 02:44:50 pm »
Does anyone have a spare Exup pulley for sale. Mine is broken and has been since i bought the bike. It doesn't seem to affect the Exup operation but i would prefer a none broken pulley.
 Cheers in anticipation,   Mickey

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