Date: 02-06-24  Time: 19:01 pm

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Messages - Razgruff

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My uncle got knocked off his Honda 50 on his way home from work in the early seventies, A Yank on the wrong side of the road from U.S,A.F Upper Heyford. He spend 2 weeks in The old Radcliffe Infirmary and lost his big toe. he was pretty lucky to be alive. It was between Middleton Stony and Lower Heyford  (Just down the road from Croughton) .Ordinary G.I nothing special. G.I was shipped out before Police could do anything. It was pretty much accepted back then, that if a yank hit you that's what happened. seems some things never change. :\

General / Re: Facebook and the Foccer's Forum
« on: 10 October 2016, 04:16:09 pm »
I pop in here once every couple of months. Been a member on this site around 10 years now. There is only so many times you can see the same crap come around. Most of the people I know from this site are on my face Book friends list and all the banter that used to be in general is posted on friends pages. Most of the old members who used to be active here are pretty much the same as me. And don't really bother coming here much anymore. The world moves on. If Facebook bores you that's coz you with to many pictures of peoples dinners, you have boring friends and not Facebook's fault. When I first joined here,l the general page used to be 3 pages the turnover was so large. Now when I look there is still stuff on the front page that has been there from the last time I looked.

General / Re: NEW PM
« on: 13 July 2016, 02:01:11 pm »
As usual VNA has it spot on. Just another Tory in the same mould, but this outcome has been arranged to fit in with the surprise  Brexit outcome. 'Gove stabbing Boris in the back then standing down', 'Leadsom a serious contender ' -  did you really believe all that rubbish! The Tories are making the best of a bad job. If we are out of the EU within 2 years, or even close, I'll buy everybody a pint :-)

Gove meetings with Murdoch, Before Boris announces, Gove seeks MPs support to get Leadsom out of race,So just him and May on the ticket, Murdoch rag trashes Leadsoms chances. Gove history of saying never wants to be prime Minister.

Who chooses our Prime Minister Again ?

And if May does turn out to be Maggie 2.0 >: unity is the last thing she will be achieveing

General / Re: EU!
« on: 28 June 2016, 12:22:40 am »
gotta love the Brexiters banging on about being governed (when they're not. they just have to adhere to a few rules of the club) from Brussells some 300 miles away from England.
Who can't grasp the concept of Scotland being governed from London  some 300 miles away from Scotland. and wanting independence  :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin

General / Re: EU!
« on: 27 June 2016, 03:00:28 am »
Cornwall and Wales voted out both the largest recievers of EU grants. both still want that cash when we stop paying the EU.

So I fully support the independance for Wales and Cornwall campaigns and wonder how soon we can get shot of them.

Then we may stand a chance of getting some of this cash we are supposed to be getting back from the EU to spend on the health service.

Then we have just got to find a way of stopping the subsidies to the farmers. :deal

with the drop in the markets looks like there are going to be plenty of pensioners wanting to earn a bit of cash so we can ship them off to the east of the country veg picking to replace are those eastern Europeans that will will be kicking out soon  :D

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Front discs
« on: 19 April 2016, 06:59:05 pm »
Put Chinese ones on mine last year, and not had any problems  :)

Biggest problem is getting the bolts out, when taking the old ones off.
I had to weld some bolts onto a couple of the old ones to get then out in the end, because the heads were so chewed up.

Budget for some new bolts as well as the discs.
It seems a common problem of wrecking the old standard bolts when trying to get them out. I replaced mine with stainless  :D

General / Re: Shiny vs Filthy
« on: 11 April 2016, 10:42:03 pm »
One trip up the drive to the farm I live on and it wouldn't be so clean. :lol
 Even riding the roads around here it wouldn't be.
Unless I van the bike for 5 miles until I get to roads with out field gates where tractors are forever bring the field to the road.
Muck is just how it is around here, trying to fight it is pointless  :\

General / Re: Shiny vs Filthy
« on: 11 April 2016, 09:06:28 pm »
the bike gets out,  :b
how else do you think it gets covered in crap  :rolleyes
They for riding not polishing  :evil

General / Re: Shiny vs Filthy
« on: 11 April 2016, 03:36:24 pm »
You should have seen it before I washed it  ;)

General / Re: Shiny vs Filthy
« on: 11 April 2016, 02:53:56 pm »
I wash my bike about once or twice a year. sometimes bits get accidentally cleaned when being replaced or checked  :\
I live on a farm and have about a mile of dirt track before I get to Tarmac. so washing it is pretty much a waste of time.
I did pressure wash it off the other day, so there is now a space between the exhaust manifolds and the engine block again. forgot the oil filter was down there :eek , it's been so long since I've seen it  :lol
I take a pride it the filth on my bike purely to wind up the people who spend more on trick bits and polish than they do on what they put in the petrol in the tank  :evil

I don't s'pose it'd really bother you anyway but when i resprayed my engine a few years back i jetwashed it first and it literally blew the engine paint off, so i would say to others to be careful about ever using one.
Plus water tends to get in places that you don't want, i remember my airhorn sounding like nails down a chalkboard for 3 days until it dried out.  :lol

Worry about engine paint  :rollin :rollin :rollin

General / Re: Shiny vs Filthy
« on: 08 April 2016, 12:48:00 am »
I wash my bike about once or twice a year. sometimes bits get accidentally cleaned when being replaced or checked  :\
I live on a farm and have about a mile of dirt track before I get to Tarmac. so washing it is pretty much a waste of time.
I did pressure wash it off the other day, so there is now a space between the exhaust manifolds and the engine block again. forgot the oil filter was down there :eek, it's been so long since I've seen it  :lol
I take a pride it the filth on my bike purely to wind up the people who spend more on trick bits and polish than they do on what they put in the petrol in the tank  :evil

General / Re: Best ever nicknames?
« on: 27 August 2015, 01:05:29 am »
I started as Razi the Spazi at school.
Which I then managed to get shorten to Razi  :smokin around the time of Happy days  :smokin being on Telly.
I'm just plain Raz now.

Had a mate called Bandit coz he lost an arm in a bike accident. but that's a common name for one armed people

General / Re: Find my wife's best mate a fella
« on: 17 July 2015, 10:38:35 pm »
I'm 51 and a twat :smokin
guess that's why I always get the bunny boilers  :2guns

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: LOFO's july 5 ride out
« on: 05 July 2015, 06:57:40 am »
Sorry guys not going to make it,
Just got grabbed by my landlord he's been let down by a bloke and needs somebody to drive a tractor for him getting bails of hay moved.
Have to take work when I can get it,
 plus seeing a grown farmer cry and beg, does pull on your heart strings a bit.
Hopefully be able to make the next ride out

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: LOFO's july 5 ride out
« on: 03 July 2015, 11:07:27 pm »
Yep, ok paul... I will adjust my route  :rolleyes I have to contend with the F1 circus on sunday morning. ? Its already got busy up here as the A43 one way system starts today and Buckingham cops the bypassing traffic.  :rolleyes

I can do Buckingham  :D

What Time ?
been a while since I've been there,
I'll be coming across from Croughton on the A421

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: LOFO's july 5 ride out
« on: 02 July 2015, 08:37:17 pm »
RAZGRUFF...iam in high wycombe,if your close your more than welcome to tag on... 
BRI...shame you cant make it,its been a while and right on your doorstep...

I'm coming down from Southam, so I'm thinking Bicester Thame A40 to Wycombe or M40 depending on time.
So will see you in Wycombe  :thumbup

Give me a target and I'll see if I can hit it  8)

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: LOFO's july 5 ride out
« on: 01 July 2015, 09:44:36 pm »
I ain't got a clue where any of these places are  :book
but I think I might find my way to one of them  ;)

What time at Box Hill ?


General / Re: Speedo not working
« on: 22 June 2015, 01:26:19 am »
If it's jumping up and down when the bikes stood still,
It won't be the speedo rotor which is the part that the tabs break off from.
Sounds more electrical,
I'd start checking for loose connections and frayed or damaged wires

General / Re: bedroom tax/
« on: 20 June 2015, 10:11:13 pm »
Oh it was a Muslim joke  :eek
I read it has a black joke about the callousness of the DWP and their Tory masters.
Maybe I've been reading too much about people having housing benefit removed after the death of anrelative.
Every death saves the tax payer you know :D

General / Re: aches and pains
« on: 20 June 2015, 10:04:55 pm »
51 year old former Hod carrier, groundworker general building site donkey,
Now felling trees cutting hedges and doing fencing work.
Just spend 9 hours with a pole hedge trimmer in my hands plus the bending and picking up involved with clearing up.
I can't list the aches and pains, It's easier just to say my whole body hurts.
I find the bike is quite easy, apart from that arse muscle that seems to twist funny and hurts like hell when I first get on sometimes, but getting off and remounting usually sorts it.

You could try appealing but i don't reckon you'll win, especially as they offer free motorcycle parking anyway.
Councils count on this type of apathy, you have nothing loose by appealing. Clearing the warden was just another jobsworth with a target bonus.

Let's not be blinkered here, it's in writing that you cannot park a bike in a pay and display car bay so they will simply refer to that.
What appeal can you make? I don't think that " I couldn't see the bike bay, because of parked cars" is going to wash very well?
And why was the warden being a "jobsworth"? He was just doing his job, it's not like it was personal.

Unless You cannot park a bike in a pay and display car bay was on signage I think Ginge has a good case to appeal. do you check the internet everytime you go into a town to check every small detail of the local bylaws

I remember the middle of the year bit, :think That's why I looked them up last night
 it's the fine detail that escapes me  :look

Lugershall Bike Night is on the 6 July this year.

Very hard to find the dates for Cassington and Lugershall if you've got a memory like a sieve  :rolleyes

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