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Messages - Billy Sprocket

Pages: [1]
Fazer 400 and other models / Re: 400/600 exhaust
« on: 24 July 2023, 10:59:17 am »
Thank you :D my local parts shop has proven over and over that they're not much good, i don't go there unless i absolutely have to

Fazer 400 and other models / Re: 400/600 exhaust
« on: 22 July 2023, 05:20:36 pm »
Now i think about it, I'm pretty sure it's just the crash bars that didn't fit. Had a lot of trouble getting sprockets for it which seemed odd, and the Haynes manual for the 600 isn't much good, but mostly i just don't buy parts because it's 50/50 whether it not they'll fit and i can't afford the risk.
Thanks for the help by the way, my shiny new stainless exhaust arrived today and after a few hours of hurting myself and swearing loudly it's all done and looks great :D

Fazer 400 and other models / Re: 400/600 exhaust
« on: 19 July 2023, 06:20:11 pm »
Thanks I'd really appreciate it, I've already wasted too much money on parts that don't fit. Should've bought a 600 :P

Fazer 400 and other models / 400/600 exhaust
« on: 18 July 2023, 08:58:33 pm »
Does anyone know the outside diameter of a 98-03 FZS600 exhaust where it fits into the head? I need a new set of headers for my 400 and I'm trying to work out if the 600 ones will fit before buying them. I've seen all the usual 'same bike' and 'same head' stuff and I don't believe it for a second, there are so many subtle differences on that bike and most 600 parts don't seem to fit which is infuriating, and even the Yamaha parts department couldn't tell me.
Please help me before i take a sledgehammer to it :)

Fazer 400 and other models / Re: 400 manual
« on: 19 October 2021, 01:43:07 pm »
thanks :) i've got a lot going on at the moment including another bike to rebuild but hopefully i'll be able to get the tank off at some point and put some photos here.
I need to clean the carbs out, the bike was sat in a garage for around 18 months before i bought it and it revs happily enough but the tickover is lumpy and temperamental, if i stop i have to keep playing with the throttle to stop it from cutting out.

Fazer 400 and other models / Re: 400 manual
« on: 18 October 2021, 10:45:17 am »
Ok thanks for the info, I've had a go at it following the 600 manual but once the tank came off everything was completely different so I might just have to give up and take it to a garage

Fazer 400 and other models / Re: 400 manual
« on: 15 October 2021, 05:04:04 pm »
Yes I've looked in there and it's all either wiring diagrams, parts catalogues, paint codes, other models or written in Japanese. I need a Haynes manual or something similar but they just don't seem to exist anywhere for some reason.

Fazer 400 and other models / 400 manual
« on: 15 October 2021, 12:44:00 pm »
Hi everyone, thanks for letting me join :)
I recently bought a 400 Fazer Japanese import and I can't find a manual for it at all anywhere, I've got the 600 manual but nothing under the tank seems to match up and i need to get the carbs off to clean them could anyone help point me towards a manual for it please?

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