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Messages - VNA - BMW Wank

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General / Re: Earnings
« on: 29 November 2014, 10:07:45 pm »
You are so shit short sighted and dont seem to notice the ,millions of folk who ARE British and doing alright now and have for a while,,spending what they earn by getting off there fucking arses and going and working and earning a living , do you notice how many new cars there are driving around,how many tidy old,new houses you might want to live in yourself :)

Like me?  My salary is well above average, got a nice old detached house, umm a 12 year old VW that I've been driving for last 9 years (it ain't broke, drives nice, so not gonna waste money on a new motor), I got a nice final salary pension lined up too (if it hangs in there).  So yeah I'm doing quite nicely, I'm all right Jack, but that doesn't stop me seeing what's going on and caring about it, and being pissed off at millions getting done over by neo liberal thieving immoral scum bag bastard tory foccers. 


So rather than attacking me, you could have a bash at addressing the points I've been making.   ;)

General / Re: Earnings
« on: 29 November 2014, 07:43:59 pm »
If I have to work my tits off until retirement age then I see no reason why the same shouldn't apply to the fire service.

What is the retirement age these days?  Have the Tory scum bags moved it to 70 yet?

But anyway look at it this way, say the retirement age is 70, and the average joining age 20.  Now a lot of people are gonna struggle past 50.  At work I don't think we let folks over 50 use breathing apparatus.  So you have a fighting fit fireman for 30 years hopefully, and then reduced duties for 20 years.  Well I reckon, if you do the percentages it won't work.

Now talking of retiring at 70.  Well if you sit on your fat arse pushing a pen or tapping away at a keyboard, well working to 70 shouldn't be too hard for most folks.

But if you are a fireman, or roofer, a scaffolder, a mechanic, a joiner, a carpet fitter - do I need to keep going?  Sure a few might be able to keep going but a lot of folks doing those jobs will be shagged well before 70.  So watch out for the Tory scum bag filthy robbing bastards foccing a whole load of folks who have worked hard, whose working life is done but they won't be able to claim a pension.

I mean I despair, this is a rich country, but you are getting screwed by a stockbroker PM and his cabinet of privately educated privileged millionaires, and their buddies who own the big media outlets are pulling the wool over your eyes.

People are obsessed with immigration, the EU, what benefits people are claiming, what their next door neighbour gets paid, who gets what pension, we fight over pennies amongst ourselves while the rich and the elite line their pockets.  Doh!

General / Re: Earnings
« on: 29 November 2014, 12:47:44 pm »
While fire men do an excellent job it is not exactly rocket science. I am not demeaning the job all you need do to put out a fire is remove oxygen, by either water, foam, dry powder or an inert gas.

& fires are just a small part of what firefighters do....the Rescue side of it is more pertinent.......Cutting people out of vehicles, dealing with hazardous chemicals, Flood rescues and rescuing grotesque fat bodies from houses, rescuing livestock from slurry pits etc etc.

As Noggy says Lew.  And rescue means getting the casualty out alive of all sorts of situations.  Hopefully none of us will find ourselves in that situation where our life is solely in the hands of the firemen, but if you do I think you'll want highly skilled, motivated caring men and women come to your rescue, not some cut price, profit first minimum wage just try and put out the fire outfit.  Fire Service personnel are worth every penny they are paid, and yes should be paid more than they currently are.

Working in a power station over the years I've had my fair share of fire fighting, damage control and casualty  rescue training.  Yes it's a lot more than just putting out fires.  And of course when you are putting out fires you are trying to bring a situation that is potentially totally and utterly out of control back under control.  Fires are unpredictable, you never know what's gonna happen. 

General / Re: Earnings
« on: 28 November 2014, 06:30:23 pm »
armed forces are currently training for and have been drafted in to fight fires during our strikes, they initially rode green goddess engines but now they've been sold they will ride the red ones if we go out for long periods
this fact coupled with other riders that I cannot say without getting into trouble is the tories way of  trying to defeat us

I take you are a fireman maddog.  But what you are talking about is essential safety cover and is done with the agreement of the trade unions - that is my understanding.  But yes the Tories will do everything and anything to defeat the working man.

s for the middle east, you're right but remember the MP's call the shots

Absolutely.  I have no issue with those in the armed forces, yes many of them literally put their lives on the line and indeed some of them give their lives.  But you won't find the Thatchers, the Blairs and the Camerons of this world on the front line.   And we do shockingly little to help, that is those who need help whom I understand there are many, after they have left the army.

As for the middle east.... Well how about this, just a few weeks ago Prime Minister Hamad bin Jasim bin Jabir al-Thani of Qatar  was in London to meet David Cameron.  David Cameron, we are told, was politely asking him to stop funding ISIS.  Guess what - Qatar is one of 'our' priority arms markets. 

General / Re: Earnings
« on: 27 November 2014, 10:53:46 pm »
VNA you're right to a degree about the middle East but what do you propose, that we have no Armed Forces?
their 1st job is to go to war, no more no less. HMG use them to break strikes and a manner of all sorts these days but like you take orders or get out

I am not aware of the army being used to break strikes.   I don't think it's been tried since the Glasgow rent strikes almost 100 years ago (am I about to be corrected? :\ ).

Where do you start with our attitude towards the Middle East?  Well over 100 years of imperial abuse and wholesale theft of assets.  In recent years the unjustified and disastrous invasion of Afghanistan which after over ten years of occupation has achieved absolutely foc all.  And this in a country that was sacrificed by the USA with help from the UK to give the USSR it's Vietnam.

Regime change in Iraq.  The intelligence services knew there was no WMD, and frankly the claim that there was WMD left anybody with half a clue wondering what the heck the USA and UK had just spend ten years bombing.
We knew it had all already been destroyed.  Not to mention you might wonder who sold it to them in the first place and at times encouraged them to use it.  (that would be us again!)

So, yes, it was purely regime change.  Bush was getting irritated that their puppet Saddam was at times becoming difficult.  And of course at that time there were no terrorists in Iraq.  Regime change and an economic fantasy that we would buy their cheap oil and they would use the money to get us to rebuild and run Iraq. 

Then fast forward a bit.  Syria.  Putin backed Assad warning us of the dangers of Mujahedeen Extremists, so Russia armed Assad, we armed the Mujahedeen and the civilians paid the price, as of course they do in all wars. 

You know how about, after completely foccing up the whole region for well over 100 years, we perhaps face up to our immoral illegal and racist foreign policies and maybe try and draw up some policies that might nip ISIS in the bud and promote other policies that might just improve the lives of people in the region.

But then of course we are stuck in a economic military complex, we are addicted to selling arms to rouge states that promote war and extreme ideology  across the Middle East. 

General / Re: Earnings
« on: 26 November 2014, 11:11:41 pm »
*because you can vote.
**because once elected, they all do what the foc they want and you have to just bend over and take it.
***one step because the politicians are a front, or buffer for the rich, for whom the politicians have to bend over and take it.

But voting is just one aspect of politics.  And if that is folks only input, well then don't be surprised when a good few of em just do as they please.  But no you don't have to just bend over and take it.

Yes the multi-national private corporations are in danger of becoming more powerful than governments, and of course those ministers that we don't hold to account are busy cosying up to those big corporations so they can get their lucrative consultation work once they are finished with parliament. 

But like I say, the people will get the government they deserve. 

General / Re: Earnings
« on: 26 November 2014, 06:53:43 pm »
if only we lived in a capitalist society.

You better believe it.

Rail Subsidies, Oil company subsidies etc

That's right private companies, some of them that can't even turn a profit get subsidised by us, they then pay their useless board millions and in turn pay out further millions to their rich shareholders.  Your taxes straight to the rich..

Bailing out companies that fuck up (banks)

Yup instead of the banks, their bosses and rich shareholders taking the hit, they are bailed out by you and then you get punished with austerity.  Focced over, then focced over again.

Subsidising low pay with government benefits,

As I already said, we subsidise the multi billion pound companies (who don't pay their taxes) their rich bosses and shareholders by paying the money to their hard working employees that they should be.

Yes perhaps you are correct Raz, what we have is socialism, but socialism for the rich.

General / Re: Earnings
« on: 25 November 2014, 11:10:47 pm »
My only problem with Hamilton's wage is that he's not paying tax.
He'll tell you how proud he is to be British, but then leave you to pay the taxes.

our armed forces protect us/the country from a foreign threat

Well no not really.  The world is actually become a far far more dangerous place in the last ten or so years thanks to the actions of our armed forces.  There was no 'terrorist' activity in Iraq pre 2003.   People in the armed forces follow orders, simple, Tony Blair persuaded parliament, based on a pack of lies, to Invade Iraq. 

Look here's what gets me about pay.  I'll probably do my weekly supermarket shop tomorrow, the employees in the supermarket like a good few other million round the country will be on minimum wage or just above it.  You know what, in my mind somebody who works full time deserves a living wage, but as it is we have millions of people in full time work who claim benefits.  So in effect I pay my taxes so that these people can claim benefits.  Or if you like I, like a lot of you on this forum, subsidise the rich.  Big multi billion pound companies, many of them not paying their corporation tax, then don't bother to pay their hard working staff a decent wage and leave us dumb tax payers to pick up the tab!  I mean how focced up is that?

Did somebody mention living in a capitalist society?  What capitalism does is screw ordinary people, you could call it if you like socialism for the rich.

General / Re: Lewis Hamilton
« on: 25 November 2014, 07:22:27 pm »
I think Lewis Hamilton should try Morris dancing.  He'd be ideal.

General / Re: Lewis Hamilton
« on: 24 November 2014, 08:35:05 pm »
The answer was Quantitive easing, low intrest rates, who introduced those measures. Surprise surprise the THE LAST LABOUR CHANCELLOR, Alistar Daring.

Yes the New Tories.  How many times do I have to say it, Tony Blair was Margaret Thatcher greatest achievement.  So what exactly is your point caller?

Meanwhile can I throw the spotlight on Scotland for a moment.  There is a battle going on for the leadership of the Labour Party right now.

The two main contenders are Neil Findley MSP (started out as a brick layer) and Jim Murphy MP (cabinet minister).

Here's Neil's ticket; (some bullet points from.....)

Turn the minimum wage into a living wage
More funded childcare places
Scrap Trident Nuclear weapons
Build 50,000 council houses
Bring the rail network back into public ownership
An NHS free of and protected from Privatisation.

All sensible policies.

The Labour party in London has described Neil as dangerous.  He cannot apparently be allowed to win they say.

They want Jim Murphy, the guy wi the Irn Bru crate who is scared of eggs.  Jim Murphy is New Labour, a Blairite who voted for the Iraq war, backs privatisation and PPI, a friend of Israel and wants to buy a new nuclear weapons system for the UK. 

Jim is the favourite, and you know what, he's gonna come up from Westminster and destroy what is left of Labour in Scotland.

You know here's another thing, never mind that the rich don't pay tax, that's just part of the game.   All your public services have been privatised, (after foccing up all the utilites)  most of them to foreign based companies.  These companies have only one interest, making as much money as possible and getting it back out of the country.  Lockheed Martin, the arms manufacturer  just last week tendered for NHS administration contracts in England! 

There are less beds in the NHS today than there were ten years ago cos we've gotta pay the private companies for the PFI hospitals we built.  I could go on and on and on.  Bottom line you are getting focced, getting focced big time.  And you know what, you are all swallowing the lies, benefits scroungers, the EU and immigration.   The UK is a foccing joke.

It will not matter who is in power this lot or the other lot the rich will get richer and the poor will stay poor. A decent living wage should be everyones right, as long as you work for it.

You wanna know something.  This is a democracy.  People get the government they deserve.  This is what you deserve.  And if things go the way I think they are gonna go, Scotland will actually ditch the UK. 

Lewis Hamilton.  Well done tae him, but aye he's a wee self centred  knob.  F1 is boring.

General / Re: air v's water cooled
« on: 20 November 2014, 10:48:47 pm »
Except that most smaller bikes including commuters in a low state of tune are water-cooled

So it can't be more expensive.  Less raw material, more compact, fully enclosed.  Much improved reliability.

Water cooling is cool. :D

More BHP brought it in, now as you point out it's routine. 

General / Re: air v's water cooled
« on: 20 November 2014, 06:43:43 pm »
Ah yes, the C90. Cockroach of the two wheeled world. I suspect they would survive a nuclear attack.
Cockroach!?  The world's best selling motorcycle.  Hasn't everybody got one?

The main reasons for the motorcycle manufacturers using water cooled engines was to quieten the mechanical noise down to pass noise regs and because the new 'fashion' to enclose bikes in fairings required a need for better cooling (the engine sees less airflow enclosed by a fairing of course) The GPz900R is a good example of this, although they didn't really get it quite right and it did tend to overheat rather a lot.
 Manufacturers would love to make more aircooled bikes because they are cheaper to produce.

Don't think noise regs threatened air cooled engines till well after everybody had pretty much gone water cooled.  And umm big air cooled bikes are still on sale. 

It's BHP init?  More BHP means more heat, I guess you could make the engines bigger with bigger fins but that's pointless, so it's water cooling init, only way to get rid of all that heat.  More BHP = more sales.

Cheaper, is there really much if anything in it? 

Air cooled always looks better, well unless it's a kettle.

I like the 2's Nick, but I found the 3's even better.

As for moving around.  Well I found on pushing along a bit the rear could occasionally step out a little with the 2's.  Maybe dropping the pressure from my usual 40-42psi would have sorted that. 

Never had the 3's step out at all.  If I try to abuse them they just keep sticking.  Plus I feel they are even more planted in the wet.

Anyway I'm just over half way through a 3.  Then a half worn 2 is going back on that I have.  By the time that's done the front should be shagged and aye I'll probably go for the 4's unless the 5's are oot!

Any doubters as to how good sports touring tyres like PR3's are should read this;

I'm rather looking forward to seeing how the 4s compare to the 3s myself next tyre change  :D

Me too dude.  Tyres to day are amazing.  PR3's are do it all tyres, yup bring on the PR4's.

General / Re: ABS V Non ABS
« on: 17 November 2014, 06:32:33 pm »
Secondly, in panic situations or moment of low concentration it will be responding well before any human could and could save your skin.

You got it.  You are riding along, relaxed taking it easy, thinking of what to have for din dins or frozen to death in the pissing rain in the middle of winter can't feel your fingers etc.  Well in both situations if something out of the blue happens and you need to stop, ABS will win the day every single time without fail. 

Do I have it on my bike - no, does it bother me I ain't got it - no, would I like it, sure I would.

michellin maccadam

They were sort of OK in their day. 

But the PR3's I'm using now.  Wow.  Perhaps going back to Maccadam's there was still a point in sports tyres for road use, but not any more.

I keep telling friends who are still fitting sports tyres, to try some PR3's or similar. 

General / Re: Time to remember
« on: 12 November 2014, 09:23:14 pm »

I've just bought myself a couple of books on experiences of soldiers in the trenches (WW1).

What did you get?

Trying to get through Some Desperate Glory at the mo by Edwin Campion Vaughan - it's a young officers diary.

Check out, FEAR by Gabriel Chevallier - a French soldiers account.  As an account of ww1 it's umm, well, all I can say is it's a stunning book.

Really sorry to hear about your friend Stevie, happens all too often.  Dunno what to say.   

General / Re: Time to remember
« on: 12 November 2014, 07:59:32 pm »
Have to say I'm glad it's all over.
It's becoming more like Red Nose Day every year.
Lets see who can wear the biggest poppy, get it on the earliest.  Print it on football shirts (puke)
And what if somebody doesn't want to wear it, or God forbid wants to wear a white poppy?
As for that poem,

"Take up our quarrel with the foe"

Well no, umm, no thanks.

Yup just ordinary blokes on both sides trying to kill each, trying to cut each other up with high velocity bits o metal,  I guess cos some rich folks thought it was a good idea.

Sorry, but for me, it's thank foc it's by for another year.

General / Re: Thoughts on Headlight Bulbs
« on: 12 November 2014, 07:51:49 pm »
Osram Night Breaker Plus 64210NBP H7 12V 55W Twin Pack of Headlight Bulbs - Discontinued by Manufacturer according to Amazon.

That might be because there are new Osram products on the way, such as the Silverstar 2.

Perhaps they are discontinued, but it's still in stock on Amazon and everywhere else and at about 17 quid for a pair.  A steal.

Just over 12 quid for a pair of H4's!!  Think I'll garb a pair myself.  Cheap as chips.

General / Re: Thoughts on Headlight Bulbs
« on: 11 November 2014, 07:24:50 pm »

My Philips extreme are apparently winners in the H7 sector, but just also rans along with the Halfords branded lamps in the H4 sector.  All my lamps are H4 :'(   However I can tell you they are still way better then standard lamps and they burn for years on end.

Auto express says the best you can get are Osram Night Breaker Plus followed by RING Xenon Ultima

Check the menu on the left for each lamp review -

A pair of those top Osram lamps comes in at just over 17 quid on Amazon, the RING ones about the same price.  So 8.50 each.

But at 20 quid each, Halfords are having a laugh.

General / Re: Thoughts on Headlight Bulbs
« on: 10 November 2014, 09:54:54 pm »
1 Halfords 50% brighter lamp for 20 quid, or two Philips 100% brighter for 21.60?

I know what I'd choose.

General / Re: Thoughts on Headlight Bulbs
« on: 10 November 2014, 07:11:52 pm »
I've been using philips x-treme lamps in bike and car for years.
I've had the car 9 years now and the bike coming on 11.
Stuck philips lamps in both car and bike not long after I bought them.  All H4's.

I think over what roughly the last ten years I've had two fails.  I think that's not bad. 

Bear in mind that when you fit them do not touch the glass part of the lamp.  Perhaps wear surgical or nitrile  gloves to make sure.  If you do touch the glass with your bear fingers they will quite likely fail prematurely.

So option 5 - fit philips?

General / Re: Anyone had one of these?
« on: 09 November 2014, 01:25:05 pm »
Bit fed up with the po-po myself at the moment, They're after me for an "interview" over my crash the other night.

Crash?  Nae luck.  Hope you are OK.

But yeah I remember a few years back the police were doing ride outs out of the town here.  Improve your riding skills, reduce accidents was the idea.  I never went but those who did told me, the rules were 30mph speed limits must be respected - no ifs - no buts - out on the open road no ton up stuff.  You set off, they followed, stop at an agreed cafe or whatever and review riding skills, then back down the road practising what you have leaned and a chat at the end.

So they were pretty cool about folks pressing along country roads as long as they did it safely.

Now I've just had my first ticket and 100 quid fine.  Was I breaking the speed limit, sure, was I riding like a loon, no.  Was I polite and honest - yes, did it do me any good - no.  Straight to ticket, process me as quick as poss and pull the next bike.

It's zero tolerance and KPI's.

Next time I'm minded to pull out the smart phone, start recording and .............

Of course the other thing is I'm pissed I didn't spot em first, and yes they are trying to noise folks up (Dunoon police hitting their KPI's).  Grrrr.

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: Foccers Spring tour of Skye 2015...?
« on: 04 November 2014, 07:02:45 pm »
Not a camper, but I've heard good things about The Glen Brittle Camp Site, certainly location wise much nicer than the camp site at The Slig.
And if you need some pub grub just ride up the glen, turn left and pop into The Old Inn.

Bing maps is handy by the way - click on the OS map option and zoom in.

Your first shot looks like Marsco I think.

DJ bear in mind a polarizer robs you of two stops of light.  Also full effect at 90 degrees to the sun, no effect at 0 degrees, and yeah you need some good sunlight.  Handy for taking reflections out of water, turning the sky a natural deep blue etc.  Fiddle about with it and you'll get the idea.

Most of these snaps were taken with a little Panasonic G1 bought when it was discontinued.  I used the kit lens for a while, then got their fancy 12-35 f2.8   And the other year I grabbed a heavily discounted Panasonic G3 just after they announced the G4 model.

Basically it's an SLR without the pentaprism and mirror.  Has a 4/3rds sized sensor, so a physically decent sized sensor for a wee camera.  Ideal compromise for walking etc I figured. 

Camera porn warning :eek
My old G1 with 14-45, Canon 5D with 24-70f2.8 and GH3 with 12-35f2.8 (equivalent to the Canon 24-70)

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: Foccers Spring tour of Skye 2015...?
« on: 03 November 2014, 07:41:32 pm »
Good book on walking and climbing on Skye -

Plenty of low level walking, and there's lots of hills beside that certain ridge;


Harta Corrie;

I can see the pub from here (The Old Inn) and a certain wee ridge hiding behind it.

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